henry trease portrait

Portrait of Henry Trease

This is a 5.75" x 4" sepia photo on 6.25" x 4" black mount with gold leaf edge. The back of the mount is unmarked and the front is engraved in gold leaf "A & G Taylor" plus the Royal Crest and "PHOTOGRAPHERS TO THE QUEEN".

Two copies of this photograph have been found. The copy shown here was in the possession of descendants of Henry's brother William Trease and is clearly marked in ink on the back "October 1890".

The other copy was in the possession of descendants of Henry's son Will and was in a black morocco leather wallet with a leather clip which Will could carry around with him. The wallet opened out to show a copy of the photograph of his grandmother Esther Whitehouse on the left and a copy of his father Henry Trease on the right, probably the two members of his family who had meant the most to him.

The photo is a head and shoulders portrait of a man. He has an open, unlined (or cleverly retouched) face, mutton chops beard, moustache, and a receding hairline. His jacket is buttoned at the top and under his collar is a cravat with a diagonal lined pattern.

Although this definitely appears to be a photograph of Henry, the date October 1890 appears to contradict this as the person shown does not look like a person aged 46, which was Henry's age on that date. It could be that the photo was enhanced to make henry look like a young man.