Page from William's handwriting exercise book dated 1846

Schoolbook page - sloth

This is a page of a schoolbook in the possession of the late Marjorie Mitchell. It reads :-

now thy
in the
Days of thy

Although there are not many words on this page, each line exhibits the ability to write a different type of script and each is worthy of closer inspection.

The first line demonstrates the ability to write in Italicised script where letters consist of flowing solid lines sloping at the same angle from the horizontal. The other lines demonstrate the ability to write very ornate scripts. In general, the letters of all the other scripts consist of adjacent lines for each stroke of the letter with the hollows between the lines filled with intricate patterns In some cases, like the third word "creator" the patterns are continued outside the lines of the letters.

The general artistic effect is enhanced by extra swirls added around the words.

The amount of concentrated effort expended on writing each letter of each word must have been quite considerable. No mistakes have been detected on any of the pages of William's Handwriting Exercise Books and the the ink appears to be indelible.