Trayes Family of St Teath, Cornwall

This page shows a tentative tree for the family of John Trayes who married Florence Blake in St Teath in 1722. The tree is continued to around 1900, or the first generation abroad for emigrants. St Teath village is about 3 miles south west of Camelford where Thomas Trayes worked, like John's son, as a stone mason, and about 12 miles south west of St Gennys where Peter Trease, thought to be another stonemason, lived. Both John & Thomas were newcomers to the St Teath area as was Peter to the St Gennys area. It is thought that the three stonemasons - John, Thomas, and Peter may be related in some way. Information found in March 2013 indicates that Thomas was probably the son of John and Philippa Treis of Stoke Climslandand and, by implication, that John of St Teath was his brother born in 1697 but links with Peter have not been found.

The information known about each family and the source from which it has been derived can be found by clicking the link "SOURCES" underneath the relevant family on the tree. The tree will be changed as more information comes to light and significant changes made recorded in the Change History page.

You should note that different interpretations of the information could place the person to whom it refers in another family and the information shown may be inaccurate e.g. it may have been transcribed incorrectly or the source document itself may simply be wrong.

Dates and abbreviations are explained on the Codes & Conventions page


											John  = Philippa
											c?    | BARNARD
											?i1727| m1683
|	|					|				     	      |						|		
John	John  = ?Florence = ?Florence 		Grace	         Edward (1) = Catherine = (2) Thomas = (1)?Mary ...............Eliz.	Arthur  = Mary
c1689	c1697 |	BLAKE	   ROGERS		c1694		 ROUTLEY    | PAUL	|     c1687       ?HENWOOD		HILL	c1691	| TREAS
d.inf?	?i1778| m1722	   m1739				 m1707	    | m1712	|     ?i1766	   m1710		|	i1725	| m1720
	      |		   						    | 		|     	   	   i1711 	   (unmarried)		|
	   SOURCES							    |	    SOURCES		 			|	      TREE
	      |						 ___________________|_		|_____________________________	 	|
	      |						|		      |		|	|		|     |		|	
    	      John  = Mary = John			Catherine	      Robert	Ph'ppa	Thos  = Mary   John   Willm	John
    	      c?    | ?	     BLAKE			c1709     	      c?	c1713	c1715 | DRAKE  c1717  c1717	c1722
    	      i1773 | m?     m1774			i1711	  			i1719	w1750 | m1740  i1726  i1719  (base child)
	     SOURCES							      			  SOURCES	
 ___________________|___________________________________________________________		      |
|		|				|	 			|		      |
Florence	John 	= Margaret = Ann	Stephen	= Sarah = Rebecca	Jennifer= William     Thomas
c1745		c1748	| LANG	     DRAKES	c1751	| COCK	  GOODCHILD	c1754	| MERRIVEL    c1741
i1745	  	i1810	| m1770      m1790	i1816	| m1773   m1775  	d1830	| m1777	      i1760		
		    SOURCES	 		    SOURCES			    SOURCES
			|				|   ____________________________|_______________________________
			|				|  |     |	    |    |     |	       |	   |    |
			|				|  Thmsn ?Wllm=Ann  Ors? Maria Steph.=Eliz     James=Eliz Jenn. Gilbt=Elizabeth
			|				|  c1777       BROWN	 c1785 c1788  STEPHENS c1791 ?    c1793 c1796 STRONGMAN
			|				|	       m1815     i1860	      m1817    i1855      i1794 i1860 m1836
 _______________________|____________________________	|__________________________
|     |	     |		   |		|	     |			|	   |		
John  Marg.  John =?Marg.   Willm=Eliz.	Sarah=James  Jenn.=William	Thomasine  ?Stephen = Eliz
c1772 c1774  c1775|?WILKEY  c1776|BATE	c1778|LEE    c1780|COWLING	c1774	   c?	    | EMERY
i1774 i1774 ?d1846|?m1806   i1851|m1799	     |m1796	  |m1802			    | m1794
	        	     SOURCES      SOURCES      SOURCES
		  		|  __________|__________  |______________________________________________________________
				| |	 |	|	|	|      |		|	     |             |     |
		  		| James	 Willm  Sarah 	John	Willm  John = Rebecca   Nich = Mary  Saml = Char.  Marg. James=Harriet
		  		| c1804? c1807? c1812? 	c1814?	c1803  C1805  CHAPMAN   c1808| HAM   c1812|?ROGERS c1816 c1820|MANNEL
		  		|			  	i1831  i1882  m1840     i1881| m1832 i1881|m?      i1836 i1903|m1845
|	      |		    |              |				|		 |		|	|		|		|	|		|	  |		|
Wm   =Grace   Peggy=John    Eliz.=William  Rebecca = Thomas = John	John 	= Mary	 Stephen=Mary	Jane	Joseph=Eliz	Mary =John	James	Jane = James	Grace	  Thomas=Mary	Sarah
c1799|HOCKEN  c1801|BAWDEN  c1804|GOODMAN   c1806  | CHAPMAN  COWLING	c1808	| SMITH	 c1810	|HOSKIN	c1812	c1814 |BROWN	c1814|RUNNALLS	c1817	c1819| PARISH	c1821	  c1823 |LOBB	c1828																										
i1873|m1826	   |m1826   i1877|m?        i1881  | m1831    m1840     	| m1834	 d1888	|m1835	i1813	i1875 |m1839	i1887|m1834	i1818	     | m1842	i1833	  i1894 |m1853	i1829
 ____|  	   |			      	      				|		|						 ____________|				|
|  ________________|________________________________________________		|		|						|					|
| |		    |     |           |     |     |     |           |		|		|     						Frederick				|
| John =Mary =Elin. Edw'd Emma =Jas   Ellen Josph Josph Fred =Eliz. Ellen=Thos	|		|						c1845					|
| c1826|UDELL|LLOYD c1829 c1831|ROWE  c1831 c1836 c1839 c1840|QUIRK c1843|CAINE	|		|											|
|      |m1846|m1848            |m1853 d.inf i1837 i1887      |m1864      |m1864	|		|											|
|__________________________________________________	     ___________________| ______________|_____________________________________________	            ____________________________|________________________________________________________________________
|		|	       |      |	      	   |	    |      |		 |     |	    |	          |	       |	      |	           |       |	        |     	  |	         |       |	       |      	    |	           |     |
Valtn=Amelia  	Ellen=William  Fredk  Emma =Willm  Reb'ca   Willm  Ellen=Benj.   John  James=Katu.  Emma =Martin  Jane =Henry  Willm=Cathr.  Mary =Moses  Mary    Willm=Margt  Marcnh=?  Zipp'h=Rich'd  Marwood Ellen=Robert  John =?Alice Joanna=George  Eliz  Marwood=May
c1827|WILLIAMS	c1830|COWLING  c1834  c1837 PINCH  c1844    c1835  c1837|WILCOX  c1836 b1837|NAISH  b1839|BURTON  b1842|YOUNGS b1845|TREMAIN c1847|KELLOW c1854   c1856|BAILEY c1857	  c1859 |CALLIN  c1861   c1863|BRIDSON c1866?| 	    c1868 |JOHNSON c1870 c1872  |LOONEY
d1900|m1855	i1865|m1851    i1858  d1902 m1860  i1899    i1839	|m?	 i1900 d1903|m1863  d1911|m1863	       |m1865  d1928|m1872	  |m1871	       |m1879			|m1882   d.inf	      |m1883   i1921 |            |m1895   i1890        |m1895
  SOURCES	  SOURCES                                            SOURCES		 SOURCES      SOURCES	     SOURCES      SOURCES 	SOURCES              SOURCES  		     SOURCES               SOURCES        SOURCES      SOURCES              SOURCES
     |  _____________|___________________________________	________|______________     |  __________|______                    |  ___________|__		       |					 _____|						  	|
     | |      |      |		       |	   |     |     |     |     |     |     |    | |     |     |     |                   | |              |		       |__					|						  	|
     | Emily  Willm  Fredk=Annie       Alf. =?     John  Marg  John  Mary  Alb't Chas  Ann  | Henry Arthr Willm Audrey              | Robert=Emmeln. Maud =Harry  =Wm.	  |					Edw'd=Sarah					  	|
     | c1853  c1856  c1858|EASTERBROOK b1861|?     c1865 c1865 b1859 b1862 b1864 b1866 b1872| c1864 c1865                           | b.1880 THORNE  b1886 GREGORY TRAYES |					b1884|COWLEY					  	|
     | i1871	      d1924|m1885	    |m1894 i1865 i1865       d1925                  |       d1935                           |	      m1898         m1924   m1933 |					     |m1909					  	|
     |                                                                                      |                                       |					  |												|
 ____|________________               _______________________________________________________|_______________________          ______|_________________________________    |________________________   							 _______________|        
|      |	      |	       	    |             |     |     |               |             |     |     |           |        |             |            |             |              |     |	   |							|        |      |
Fredk  Fanny=? 	      Amy  =Arthur  Willm=Sarah   Richd Waltr Ida = Robert    James=Laura   Josph Emma  Emily=Sam'l Alfrd=?  Jane =David   Wlfrd=Sarah  James=Jessie  Mary =Richd    John  Edith Frank?							Marcena  Mary   Violet
b1856  b1860| 	      b1862|TWEEDY  b1862|DUNSTAN b1863 b1864 b1866 HENDERSON b1868|AVENELL b1871 b1871 b1872|HOUSE b1875    b1874|COWLING b1876|OATEN  b1878|CLEAVE  b1880|KINGDON  b1881 b1884 b1896							b1896    b1897  b1899
d1936       |m1882    d1948|m1898                 d1864             m1892          |m1897                    |m1902 d1948                  d1954|m1903  d1945|m1912   i1918|m1908    d1924								d1897
		       ____|________		  (all of James and Keturah's children were born in New ZEALAND)	                       SOURCES	  SOURCES       SOURCES
		      |             |														|
		      Valtn=Willm   Robrt=Marj													|
		      b1900|CARNE   b1900|CARRICK												|
		      d1982|m1923   d1946|m1930						 _______________________________________________________|
											|		|			|		|			
											Geo. =Lillian	Willm=Maud   =Amelia	John =Tryph.	Betty=Willm
											b1904|COLLINGS	b1906|GREGORY|RALPH	b1911|STEPHENS	b1915|BLEWETT
								 			     |m1926          |m1933  |m1959 	     |m1933	     |m1933


	Joseph  = Elizabeth
	c1814	| BROWN
	i1875	| m1839
|	|			|		|	|	|		 	|		     |		|			|		
Willm	James	= Anna		Eliz. = Willm	Mary	Emma	Albert	= ?Mary		Mary 	= Philip     Willm	Rosanna = John		Eliza	= Willm
c1839	b1842	| FRENCH	b1844 | DAVEY	c1846	c1848	b1849	| ?Pysher	c1852	| MAY	     b1853	b1855	| COLLINS	b1862	| CURTIS
d1850	d1896	| m1862		      | m1867	i1851	i1851		| m1873			| m1873	     ?d1873		| m1873			| m1881
|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|	|		|	|	|	|
Eliz.	Susan	Mary	Willm	Rosanna	Albert	Emma	John	Thomas	Joseph =Rosa	Alice	Emily	Nellie	Raymond
b1864	b1865	b1867	b1868	b1870	b1872	b1873	b1874	b1876	b1879	COLE	b1881	b1883	b1885	c1887
									d1930	m1900



Insufficient information is available to complete a definitive tree for the first couple of generations shown. The rationale behind the tentative tree is explained below.



NOTE 1. Evidence that John (i.1773 St Teath) was the son of John (m.1722 St Teath)

No baptismal record has been found for John buried the 4th May 1773. However, when he makes his Will in 1773, he describes himself as "John Trayes the younger". This clearly implies that his father is also John Trayes and still alive. The only other records of a John Trayes living in the area in that period are: -

1722	m. 16Jun1722 St Teath. John Treeas and Florance Blake (IGI)(ER)(COD Banns and Phillimores)
1739	m. 29Dec1739 St Teath. John Treas and Florence Rogers married by banns (IGI)(ER)(COD - TREAISE)
1778	i. 02Dec1778 St Teath. John Treas buried (ER and COD - TREASE)

The earliest baptism of a child of John Trayes the younger is that of his daughter Florence in 1745. This exactly fits with him being a son of the John Trayes who married in 1722 and himself marrying around 1744/45 when he was about 22.

NOTE 2. Evidence that John's wife remarried in 1770

No marriage register entry has been found for John Trayes junior. His wife Mary was clearly alive when John made his Will of 1773 in which he refers to his "dearly beloved wife, Mary". On the 29th April 1774, one year after John died, the marriage of Mary Trease of St Teath is recorded. The marriage register entry describes Mary as a spinster rather than a widow and if the entry is correct it would rule out it being the remarriage of John junior's widow. However it is reasoned that the marriage register is erroneous because : -

However robust the above interpretation of events seems to be, it would be transformed if just two events had failed to be recorded in parish registers - the burial of Mary Trayes, wife of John Trayes senior, and a baptism of a Mary Trayes.

NOTE 3. Evidence that John (m.1722 St Teath) and Thomas (m.1712 St Breward) were brothers

St Teath is on the North coast near Tintagel and adjoins Lanteglos by Camelford parish on the inland side (see Map). St Breward parish is on the other inland side of Lanteglos by Camelford and at its closest point about two miles from St Teath, so John and Thomas lived within walking distance of each other. They are first recorded in the area within a few years of each other and at that time no other Trease families are recorded in the same area. For those reasons it appears that they are both related and have relocated from a more distant parish.

Apart from the closeness in place and time of their appearance in the area, there are three other similarities : -

As they marry within 10 years of each other, they seem of similar age and most likely to be brothers or first cousins.

The name Thomas Trayes is extremely rare. All instances of the name Thomas Trayes (including all known spelling variations) recorded in Cornwall during the period 1650 - 1800, other than for the Camelford/St Breward families, are shown below : -

	1.	c. 14Feb1664 Stoke Climsland. Hannah TRIYES d/o Mr Thomas & Mrs Maries (COD)

	2.	c. 21Jul1687 Stoke Climsland. Thomas TREIS s/o John & Phillip (COD)
		m. 15Jan1710 St Neot. Thomas TREES of Stoke Climsland & Mary HARWOOD otp (IGI M053241, COD - HENWOOD)
		i. 22Jan1711 Stoke Climsland. Mary TREISE Wife of Thomas (COD)

	3.	c. 12Dec1760 Callington. Thomas TREISE s/o John & Catharine	[Family 16j_cq]
		i. 22Dec1760 Callington. Thomas TREISE
		NOTE: This Thomas is thought to be the grandson of John & Catherine nee BROWN known to be in St Kew in 1718.

	4.	c. 26Jan1794 Quethiock. 	Thomas TREASE s/o Joseph & Charity 	[Family 17j_cb]
		NOTE: This Thomas is the great grandson of Arthur, brother of Thomas of Stoke Climsland (c.1687).

	5.	c. 06Jul1779 St Gennys.		Thomas TREASE s/o Michael & Mary 	[Family 17m_mj]
		NOTE: This Thomas was almost certainly named after his maternal grandfather.

	Interestingly other Thomases outside of Cornwall are : -

	6.	c. 01Apr1793 St. Andrews, Wiveliscombe, Somerset. Thomas TRAYS s/o William & Grace (WTR) [Family 18t_eb}

	7.	m. 01Apr1763 Langtree, Devon.  Thomas TRAES & Patience PARISH.
		NOTE: Currently no further records found of this couple.

The second entry shown above is the only Thomas Trease recorded in Cornwall in the late 1600s/early 1700s and all records for him cease after his wife dies in 1711. The records of Thomas TREISE of Lanteglos by Camelford shown below neatly fill the gap from 1711. The date of his second marriage, his death, which would be at age 78, if born in 1687, even the name of his first daughter Philippa, possibly after his mother Philippa, all fit - plus there are no other records for Thomas Treise in Cornwall.

	1712	m. 27Dec1712 St Breward. Thomas TREISE and Catherina ROUTLEY (COD)
	1713	c. 19Oct1713 Lanteglos by Camelford. Philippa TREYS daur of Thomas and Catherine (FMP)
		 - more baptisms/deaths etc
	1766	i. 25Jun1766 Lanteglos by Camelford.	Thomas Trays buried (ER)

Furthermore, Thomas has a brother John who is about ten years younger and whose age fits the profile of the John Trease who married Florence Blake.

	1697	c. 02Dec1697 Stoke Climsland. John TRES  s/o John & Philippa (COD)
	1722	m. 16Jun1722 St Teath. John Treeas & Florance Blake (IGI)(ER)(COD Banns and Phillimores)
	1778	i. 02Dec1778 St Teath. John Treas buried (ER and COD - TREASE)
The above evidence that John and Thomas were brothers and the sons of John and Philippa of Stoke Climsland is strong. The availability of Parish records in Cornwall from 1700 is fairly good but still incomplete. However before then the records deteriorate rapidly the further back you go so the fact no other Thomas is known is inconclusive. Also it is possible that Thomas came from outside Cornwall. Accordingly it will be necessary to continually review the situation as further relevant information comes to light.

Currently two other potential links between the St Teath/Camelford Trease families with those of the Stoke Climsland area are unexplained : -

NOTE 4. Evidence that Catharine Routley (m.1712 St Teath) was the widow of Edward

In 1707 Edward Routley and Catherine Paul marry in Lanteglos by Camelford and appear to have had two children : -

	m. 22Apr1707 Lanteglos by Camelford. Edward ROUTLY and Katherine PAUL (COD)

	Daughter Catherine
	c. 10Oct1709 Lanteglos by Camelford. Catherine ROUTLY daur of Edward and Catherine (BTs COD)

No baptism record can be found for the other child, Robert, but the evidence that he was another child by this marriage, given below, seems conclusive. No other children can be found. The dearth of children indicates that their marriage may have come to an early end, possibly as a result of the death of one of the parents. Robert Routley, the only known surviving child, stays in the area and marries so somebody, possibly one of the parents, must be there looking after him.

Early deaths are often as a result of the wife who dying following a difficult childbirth, and are normally followed by a remarriage of the father who needs support in bringing up his children. No such remarriage of Edward Routly can be found. In fact, despite a thorough search of Cornish Paris Register entries, no record of Catherine Paul's husband, Edward Routly, or indeed any other Edward Routly has been found. The marriage and baptism entries shown above are the only entries that refer to him. Below are the Cornish parish register references found so far to possibly related ROUTLEY families : -

1597	m.21Jan1597 Bodmin. Raffe RATLIFFE & Jone CHAPMAN (COD)
1637	c.o8Jul1637 Launceston St Stephen. Christopher RATCLEIF s/o Christopher & Jane (COD)
1648/9	c.22Oct1649 Launceston St Stephen. Robert RATTLEY s/o Alice (COD)
1648/9	i.20Jan1649 Launceston St Stephen. Robert RATTLEY s/o Alice (COD)
1650	m.31Jan1650 Launceston St Stephen. Alice RATTLEY & Richard BURNARD (COD)
1656	i.18Apr1656 Launceston St Stephen. Elizabeth RATLEFE d/o Cristover (COD)
1678	i.29Jun1678 Morval. Elizabeth RATLEIFE als QUICK d/o Thomas (COD)
1688	m.26Dec1688 Gulval. Mary RATLIFF & John BURCH (COD)
1695	i.30May1695 Launceston St Stephen. Joan RATCLIFF otp (COD)
1700	i.14Jun1700 Otterham. ?- - - RATCLIFF (COD)
1706	m.12Dec1706 St Dominick. Mrs Jane RATCLIF & Mr Thomas WILLS (COD)
1706/7	c.26Jan1706 Illogan. Sarah RATCLIFFE d/o Frances (COD)
1711	i.26Nov1711 St Gluvias. Madam Sarah RATLIFFE (COD)
1711	m. ? Calstock. Mrs Mary RATCLIFFE of St Thomas, Exeter & Mr John KEMP Esq. of Penny (COD)
1734	i.31Jul1734 Falmouth. Margaret RATCLIFF (COD)
1738	m.29Jan1738 Ludgvan. Amos ROUTLY of Lelant & Elizabeth Warren
1751	m.14Sep1751 Bridgerule. William ROUTLY & Sarah BELLAMY (COD)
1755	m.26Apr1755 St Austell. Elis. RATCLIFFE & Joseph ROSEVEAR (COD)
1759	i.19Dec1759 Constantine. Richard RATLEEF? (COD)
1773	c.29Apr1773 Maker. Joseph RATCLIFF s/o William & Elizabeth (COD)
1776	m.15Jul1776 Maker. Robert RATCLIFF & Elizabeth ARUNDELL (COD)
	Then Maker - Robert 1779, Edward 1781, Mary 1786 children of Robert & Elizabeth

Of the above, the Alice who names a son Robert and marries Richard Burnard in Launceston St Stephen in 1650 seems the most likely to be related. Also a contemporary Cornish reference has been found to an Edward Routley who, in 1710, completes the Inventory to the Will of Leonard Box of North Tamerton, which is a few miles North of St Stephen by Launceston and on the Devon border (see Map). Persons who do Inventories are normally local and literate such as established Yeoman farmers.

As no other Routleys appear in the Camelford area, it is reasonable to assume that the Catherine Routley who marries Thomas Trayes mis related to Edward Routley. Her marriage five years earlier with only two known children exactly fits the profile of an early death of husband Edward, who may be buried elsewhere as his family are not from the area.

There is no further reference to a marriage or later burial of their daughter Catherine who is thought to have died in early childhood and be the subject of the following entry : -

	i. 01Jan1711 Lanteglos by Camelford. Catherine Rowltey was buried Anno pred. (COD)
	Transcriber notes: Src: other transcript, author unknown..Copy hard to read.

Son Robert

The Robert ROWLEY who marries in 1733 is almost certainly a second child from the marriage. Not only is the marriage date at a suitable age for Robert to marry, he also names his first son Edward. In 1765 Catherine (Welthine) Ritley of Camelford marries James Simmonds in Sherborne, Dorset and one of their offspring names their first daughter Catherine Paul Simmonds presumably in honour of their ancestor Catherine Paul.

m. 27Mar1733 Lanteglos by Camelford. Robert ROWLEY & Chesters RUNDLE (COD)

	c. 10Jan1733 Lanteglos by Camelford. Edward s/o Robert & Chesson ROUTLEY (COD)
	m. 15Sep1755 Egloskerry. Edward ROUTLIF & Lucy RAWLE (COD)
			c. 03Jan1758 Egloskerry. Elizabeth ROUTLEY d/o Edward & Lucy
			i. 05Jan1758 Egloskerry. Elizabeth ROUTLEY (COD)
			c. 11Mar1759 Egloskerry. John ROUTCLIFFE s/o Edward & Lucy 
			m. 13Feb1787 South Petherwin. John ROUTLIFF & Rebecca DERRANT (COD)
			i. 07Feb1796 Egloskerry. Rebecca ROUTLIFFE (COD)
			c. o4jan1762 Egloskerry. Catharine ROUTCLIFFE d/o Edward & Lucy (COD)
			c. 09Dec1764 Egloskerry. Elizabeth ROUTCLIFFE d/o Edwrd & Lucy (COD) 
			i. 07Feb1796 Egloskerry. Rebecca ROUTLIFFE (COD)
	i. 12Feb1807 Egloskerry. Edward ROUTCLIFF (COD)

	c. 11Apr1742 Lanteglos by Camelford. Welthine d/o Robert & Chessen ROUTLY (COD)
	m. 15May1765 Sherborne, Dorset. James SIMMONDS and Catherine RITLEY of Camelford by licence.	
 	Witnesses: John MITCHELL and Gastavus HODDINOTT (COD)
	NOTE: The Celtic name Welthine tends to be interchangeable with Catherine			
			c. 31Dec1766	Sherborne. Ann SIMMONDS d/o James & Catherine (Dorset OPC)
			Note: Presumably dies.
			c. 16Feb1768	Sherborne. Ann SIMONDS d/o James & Katherine (Dorset OPC)
			Note: Presumably also dies.
			c. 16May1770	Sherborne. Ann SIMONDS d/o James & Catherine (Dorset OPC)
			Note: Presumably also dies.			
			c. 03Apr1772	Sherborne. Ann SIMONDS d/o James & Catherine (Dorset OPC)
			c. 07May1774	Sherborne. Mary SIMONDS d/o James & Catern (Dorset OPC)
			c. 09Jun1778	Sherborne. Betty SIMONDS d/o James & Catherine (Dorset OPC)
			No baptism found. Thought to be their son as he names his daughter Catherine Paul.
			Could be 21 if born shortly after May1765. 
			m. 21Aug1786	Sherborne. James SIMMONDS & Ann READ (Dorset OPC)
					Witnesses: Margaret GAYLARD, Ann SIMMONDS, John GARDNER
				c. 13Nov1788	Sherborne. Thomas Reed SIMONDS d/o James & Ann  (Dorset OPC)
				c. 17Dec1790	Sherborne. Catherine Paul SIMONDS d/o James & Ann (Dorset OPC)
				Presumably dies.
				c. 17Oct1792	Sherborne. Catherine SIMONDS d/o James & Ann (Dorset OPC)	
				c. 11Apr1795	Sherborne. George SIMONDS s/o James & Ann (Dorset OPC)
				c. 11Sep1797	Sherborne. James SIMONDS s/o James & Ann (Dorset OPC)
				c. 16Oct1799	Sherborne. Ann SIMONDS d/o Joames & Ann (Dorset OPC)

	c. 27Jan1744 Lanteglos by Camelford. Margaret d/o Robert & Chestenn ROUTLEY (COD)
	m. 24Feb1770 Lanteglos by Camelford. Margaret ROUTLIFF & Charles HEYDON (COD)

	c. 14Jan1747 Lanteglos by Camelford. Chessan s/o Robing & Chessan ROUTLIFE (COD)
	i. 03Jun1762 Lanteglos by Camelford. Chessan ROUTLIFF (COD)



Thomas is thought to be the son of John and Philippa Treis of Stoke Climsland who was baptised in Stoke Climsland on the 21st July 1687 and married Mary HENWOOD in St Neot in 1710. (see explanatory note 3.)

His wife Mary died just one year later in Stoke Climsland. No children are recorded from that marriage and it may be that Mary died as a result of a difficult childbirth but there is no further evidence to support that possibility. After Mary died, he appears to have moved to the parish of Lanteglos by Camelford where, two years after his first wife died, he married for a second time to a widow Catherine Routley. (see explanatory note 4.)

Catherine Routley appears to have been in a similar situation to Thomas. She had married her husband, Edward in 1707, and conceived two children before he died. Her daughter Catherine had died at the age of two but her son, Robert, had survived and she was now left to bring him up without a father. The marriage to Thomas must have been a relief to her and similarly Thomas must have been relieved to marry so shortly after his first wife died.

We don't know exactly how old Robert was but he was certainly under 5 years old and possibly as young as two years. Over the next five years he was joined by four other children but only one of them, Thomas who was born in 1715, survived. The last two children, John and William, were twins born in 1717, just five years after Thomas and Katherine married. After that no more children are recorded in the Parish Register. Catherine died in 1749, 17 years before her husband. This fact plus the lack of any further children after 1717 may indicate that she was older than Thomas.

The family was, however, to expand a bit more, because of an indiscretion of Thomas's. Early in 1722, Thomas took responsibility for a base child of Elizabeth Hill. The undertaking he took with the local parish officials was that for seven years he would pay for the upkeep of the child or be liable to a fine of £80. After the seven years was up, William Hill, a base child of Elizabeth Hill, and almost certainly the same child as the subject of the Bastardy Bond of 1722 became the subject of an apprenticeship indenture with Thomas. The deal agreed was that Thomas would house, feed, and clothe William and train him in the skills of Masonry, in return for which William would serve Thomas for 17 years until he was 24. It was normal for apprentices to live in the household of their master so possibly from 1729 onwards, William may have become an additional member of the Household. Presumably before then he would have been living with his mother. We don't know whether William served the full term or what became of his hapless mother, Elizabeth, but he was just as much a Trayes albeit with the surname Hill .

Although Thomas was a mason and presumably served an apprenticeship himself, his training does not appear to have included reading and writing as he marked his name on official documents with a simple "T". In 1729 when William Hill became his apprentice at age 7, his stepson Robert would have been in his late teens. We don't know what Robert did for a living but it seems inconceivable that, as the oldest son, he would not have helped his stepdad at work. Four years after William started his apprenticeship, Robert got married and started a family in the Lanteglos by Camelford parish. His son, Edward, who went to work in Egloskerry, definitely was a tradesman as, in the correspondence shown below, Camelford parish were quite keen to have him back as they wanted "some of his trade" but, unfortunately, they do not say what his trade was. We know that Thomas junior, who was younger than Robert, by maybe 5 years, did not become a mason, as you would have thought his father may have wanted, but instead became a mariner. Possibly there was not enough work for the two sons and the stepson to help their father. Thomas became a merchant seaman, married when he was 25, and died at sea 10 years later leaving only one son, also called Thomas, who also died young aged 19.

In 1732, the year before stepson Robert got married, Thomas's family moved home to Darke Lane, Camelford and stayed there until 1751, two years after Catherine died and when Thomas would have been 64.

Thomas himself died in 1766 aged 78. We don't know what had happened to his son William Hill by then, but all the rest of Thomas's family had predeceased him - wife, children, daughter-in-law, and grandson. Accordingly, with his death, this branch of the TRAYES family tree comes to an end.

1687	c. 21Jul1687	Stoke Climsland. Thomas the son of John and Phillip TREIS (Family Search image 36 BMD 1630-1700)
1710	m. 05Jan1710 	St Neot. Thomas TREES of Stoke Climsland and Mary HENWOOD otp (COD, IGI M053241 - HARWOOD)
1712	m. 27Dec1712 St Breward. Thomas TREISE and Catherina ROUTLEY (COD)
1721/2	02Mar1721/2 Bastardy Bond
	Thomas undertakes to pay for the upkeep of a bastard child of Elizabeth Hill daughter of Charles Hill of Lanteglos parish 
	for a period of seven years or be liable to a fine of £80.
	The child`s name and sex is not given so presumably had not been baptised at that time. 
	The closest baptism that can be found is in the neighbouring parish of St Teath: -
		c. 09Sep1722 St Teath. John HILL base child of Elizabeth (COD)
	Elizabeth may have used a different parish to reduce gossip.
1728/9	14Jan1728/9  Apprenticeship Indenture.
	Thomas undertakes to train William Hill, a base and poor child, in the Art of a mason.
	The undertaking commits William to serve Thomas until he is 24 years old. 
	For his part, Thomas has to house, feed and clothe William.
	This indenture starts almost exactly at the end of the seven year effective period of the Bastardy Bond and presumably relates to the same child.
	It is unclear why he should now be named William when the baptism was of John.
	Perhaps his christian name was changed to create confusion about his true identity.
	After the date of this indenture no further references have been found to this William Hill.
1751	17May1751. Thomas conveyed property in Lanteglos to Duke of Bedford.
	(1751 Summary Notes - Bedford Calendar 1258 Vol IIa, Cornwall Index of purchases, Camelford & St Thomas.
	Purchased from Thomas Treise by John Duke of Bedford 17th May 1751 - Ref. B., Bundle 4, 658)
	1732 	Mich 6 Geo 2. Indenture of a Fine levied by Thomas Treise and Katherine his wife that of several messuages cum portion in Camelford & other places.
	1732	1 Dec. Above fine for a dwelling house & several parts of a messuages which were thentofore Thomas Honeys in Camelford.
	1735	Thomas Treise pd £12 for above property in Darke Lane in Camelford for 500 years.
	1748	As above.
	1751	Treise conveyed above to John Duke of Bedford property was tenanted by Thomas HONEY & Elizabeth HOCKIN widow.
	1751	Said Thomas Treise ratified & confirmed.
1766	i. 25Jun1766 Lanteglos by Camelford.	Thomas Trays buried (ER)

Mary's family: -
1677	m. 12Jun1677 St Neot. Gilbert HENWOOD & Agnes SKINNER (COD)
	NOTE: Children - Jone 1678, Redigan 1680, Gilbert 1687, Agnes c1690 i1711, AND ..
1683	c. 16Nov1683 St Neot. Mary HENWOOD d/o Gilbert & Agnes (COD)
1705	i. 23Mar1705 St Neot. Gilbert HENWOOD (COD) NOTE: Does not state "Junior" but almost certainly is the son.
1715	i. 01Apr1715 St Neot. Gilbert HENWOOD (COD)NOTE: most probably the father as wife dies a few mos after
1715	i. 15Aug1715 St Neot. Ann HENWOOD (COD) NOTE: almost certainly wife, as Ann daughter of Gilbert buried 1711
Mary : -
1710	m. 15Jan1710 	St Neot. Thomas TREES of Stoke Climsland and Mary HARWOOD (IGI M053241 and COD) NOTE: HENWOOD in COD
1711	i. 22Jan1711 	Stoke Climsland. Mary TREISE Wife of Thomas (COD)

Sp2. Catherine ROUTLEY nee PAUL
See also explanatory note 4.
1707	m. 22Apr1707 Lanteglos by Camelford. Edward ROUTLY and Katherine PAUL (COD)
	Their daughter: -
	c. 10Oct1709 Lanteglos by Camelford. Catherine Routly daur of Edward and Catherine (BTs COD)
	i. 01Jan1711 Lanteglos by Camelford. Catherine Rowltey was buried Anno pred. (COD)
	Transciber notes: Src: other transcript, author unknown..Copy hard to read.
1749	i. 13Mar1749 Lanteglos by Camelford. Kathrine Trays buried (ER)

	Philippa TREYS
	1713	c. 19Oct1713 Lanteglos by Camelford. Philippa TREYS daur of Thomas and Catherine (FMP)
	1719	i. 19May1719 Lanteglos by Camelford. Phillipa Trease daughter of Thomas and Catharine (ER)

	Thomas TREYS
	1715	c. 05Nov1715	Lanteglos by Camelford. Thomas TREYS son of Thomas and Catherine (FMP) - TREAS (BTs - COD)
	1740	m. 22Jun1740	Lanteglos by Camelford.	Thomas TRAYES and Mary DRAKE (COD)
	1717	c. 23Jul1717 Lanteglos by Camelford. John TREYS (twin) son of Thomas and Catherine (FMP)
	1726	i. 02May1726 Lanteglos by Camelford. John Trays son of Thomas Trays (ER)

	William TREYS
	1717	c. 23Jul1717 Lanteglos by Camelford. William TREYS (twin) son of Thomas and Catherine (FMP)
	1719	i. 12Apr1719 Lanteglos by Camelford. William Trease son of Thomas and Catharine (ER)

Relationship with Elizabeth HILL
	Elizabeth HILL
	NOTE: Per bastardy bond, she is the daughter of Charles HILL of Lanteglos parish. Her parents may be : -
		m. 31Dec1685 Lanteglos by Camelford Charles HILL and Dorothy WARREN (COD)
	Her baptism has not been found but this may be a sister: -
		c. 01Jun1700 Lanteglos by Camelford Catherine HILL d/o Charles & Dorothy (BTs - COD)
	No further records for her have been found.	

		?John/William HILL base child by Elizabeth HILL
		1722	02Mar1721/2 Bastardy Bond
		1722	c. 09Sep1722 St Teath. John HILL base child of Elizabeth (COD)
		1728/9	14Jan1728/9  Apprenticeship Indenture.

Edward ROUTLEY son of stepson Robert

in 1755 Edward married in Egloskerry and stayed there (see explanatory note 4).

In 1764, Edward asked Egloskerry churchwardens if he could be settled there, and they wrote to Camelford who replied to Egloskerry :-

I have talked with Captain Phillips about Routly, who said he is not against Routly's staying in your parish. If your parishioners are willing to be out of him we shall be glad if he would come here and settle for we want some of his trade. He was born here and I believe never got any other settlement. I am your humble servant,
John Rows, Camelford
February the 8th 1764
Endorsed for "William Baron Esq. at Egloskerry" (CRO P53/13/7 Egloskerry Settlement)

In 1769 he received a settlement certificate :-

27th November 1769 Settlement Certificate Lanteglos by Camelford to Egloskerry (Edward Routlift)
We the Churchwardens & Overseers of the parish of Lanteglos by Camelford do acknowledge Edward
Routlift son of Robt Routlift of the said parish of Lanteglos to be our parishioner As Witness our hands
this 27th day of Novr 1769

To the Churchwardens				John Rowe (signed)	}
& Overseers of the Poor 			John Tom (signed)	}	Churchwardens
of the parish of Egloskerry			Wm Clode (signed)	}	}	Overseers
					Thomas Garland (signed)		}

N.B. Entire document handwritten
Source: LDS Film 1596549 image 1191; original document CRO Ref: P53/13/1/4



Thomas is the son of Thomas and Catherine TRAYES nee PAUL. His grandparents are thought to be John and Philippa TREIS of Stoke Climsland.

He did not follow his father and become a mason but, instead, became a mariner and died at sea when he was only 35.

In 1745 or 1746, Alexander Pope, a local miner, spread rumours that Thomas's wife Mary was a whore and Thomas obtained a local court judgement against him for defamation of her character. Unfortunately we shall never know the background to this case, and particularly the role that Thomas may have played in bringing it. It seems a strange case to bring, more appropriate to a public figure whose reputation was under threat. Mary's friends would all know her well enough not be influenced by untruths.

Thomas TREYS
1715	c. 05Nov1715	Lanteglos by Camelford. Thomas TREYS son of Thomas and Catherine (FMP)
1740	m. 22Jun1740	Lanteglos by Camelford.	Thomas TRAYES and Mary DRAKE (COD)
1750	w. 12May1750 	Probate Lanteglos by Camelford.
	Admon of Thomas Trayse mariner of Lanteglos by Camelford (COD AP/T/2637)
	Administration bond of Thomas Trayse, Lanteglos by Camelford, Mariner died intestate on board ship. Granted to widow Mary Trayse. 

Sp. Mary DRAKE
Only one suitable baptism has been found so far:
1722	c. 17Jun1722 Blisland. Mary DRAKE dau of Humphrey DRAKE and Blanch nee RUDDLE (COD)
This Mary seems closely related to the Elizabeth who married John Trease in 1790. See tentative DRAKE family tree.
1746	Cornwall Archdeaconry Court ARD 158/87 Mary w/o Thomas TREISE Camelford vs Thomas POPE Camelford, driller (CRO Ref: ARD 158/33 – 52 LDS Film 1472030, Item 3 - Cornwall Archdeacony Court) 
1762	i. 10Jan1762 Lanteglos by Camelford. Mary Trays buried (ER)
	Thomas TREAS
	1741	c. 05Jul1741 Lanteglos by Camelford. Thomas TREAS/TREAYS son of Thomas and Mary (FMP)
	?1760	i. 25May1760 Lanteglos by Camelford. Thomas Trays buried (ER)



John is thought to be the son of John and Philippa TREIS of Stoke Climsland.

John appears to have married twice. No baptisms from either of the marriages have been found yet. His first wife died only 18 months after they married. Possibly her death was the result of a difficult childbirth. If so, the child may have been baptised privately at home hence the omission to subsequently update the St Teath baptismal register. John's second wife may have been 42 when they married and possibly no children resulted from his second marriage. In 1774 John BLAKE, the nephew of John's first wife Florence BLAKE, appears to have married the widow of John TREASE, thought to be John's son. This marriage adds to the evidence that John is his son, although no baptism has been found. The 1841 Tithe Map of St Teath shows that the locations known as the BLAKE and TRAYES tenements were adjacent to one another and it is possible that this was the case in 1774.

?1697	c. 02Dec1697 Stoke Climsland. John the son of John and Phillipa TRES (Family Search image 44 BMD 1630-1700)
1722	m. 16Jun1722 St Teath. John Treeas and Florance Blake (IGI)(ER)(COD Banns and Phillimores)
1739	m. 29Dec1739 St Teath. John TREEAS and Florence ROGERS (COD - Phillimores)
1739	m. 29Dec1739 St Teath. John Treas and Florence Rogers married by banns (IGI)(ER)(COD - TREAISE)
1778	i. 02Dec1778 St Teath. John Treas buried (ER and COD - TREASE)

Sp1 Florence BLAKE
?1699	m. 29Dec1699 st Teath. Thomas Blake otp and Mary COOKK of Lanteglos (COD)
?1701	c. 28Jan1701 St Teath. Florance BLAKE daur of Thomas and Mary BLAKE (COD)
?1750	w. Thomas BLAKE Weaver of St Teath (CRO AP/B/3887) - Admon., and Inv.
?1724	i. 26Jan1724 St Teath. Florance TREAS (COD)

Sp2 Florence ROGERS
Her parents are currently not known. Research is ongoing. Favourite option is : -
1693	m. 28Oct1693 St.Teath. John RODGERS otp and Elizabeth COULLING otp
Various	baptisms Cathren c.1693 i.1694, Elizabeth c.1695 i.1695, John c.1699, Catherine c.1704
1697	b. 26Sep1697 c. 11Oct1697 St. Teath. Florence RODGERS daur of John & Elizabeth (COD)
1743	i. 04Jan1743 St Teath. Elizabeth ROGERS (COD)

	Following option was also investigated : -
		m. 30Jan1685 Blisland. George ROGERS and Florence CHEAPMAN (COD)
		c. 15Apr1705 Blisland. Amy dau of George and Florence ROGERS (COD - BTS give "Anne")
		i. 20Jul1741 Blisland. George ROGERS (COD)
		w. 1741 Will, Admon., Inv., and renunciation of guardianship of George ROGERS of Blisland (CRO AP/R/2316)
		i. 20Jul1741 George ROGERS (COD)
		i. 18Apr1746 Florence ROGERS (COD)
		George's Will of 16thJul1741, marked by George ROGERS, John MENHENNOT jun. and Chris LEAN jun. identified: -
		wife Florence, sons Edward and George, daughter Mary HARRIS, daughter Joan WILLS, daughter Ann MENHENNOT
		granddaughter Mary WILLS and granddaughter Honor MENHENNOT (a minor) named Executrixes, plus other unnamed grandchildren
	Renunciation of 03AUG1741 
		signed by Cousin Peter ROGERS (Will overseer) to Henry SPILLER Witnessed by Nicholas BRADLEY, Humphry OLLAY (?) 
	Admin Bond of 14Aug1741 
		marked by John MENHINIOT, mason of Blisland (guardian in law of Honor during her minority) and Joan WILLS widow of Blisland
		signed by Chris LEAN, yeoman of Blisland
	Inventory for £94. 4s. 0d. signed by Chris LEAN Sen, and marked by Christopher LEAN Jun.
Florence herself
1739	m. 29Dec1739 St Teath. John TREEAS and Florence ROGERS (COD - Phillimores)
1739	m. 29Dec1739 St Teath. John Treas and Florence Rogers married by banns (IGI)(ER)(COD - TREAISE)
?1774	i. 08Dec1774 St Teath. Florence Treas (ER and COD)



When this John dies, he is referred to as John Trayes the younger. This implies that his father was still alive in 1773. Records of his baptism and marriage have yet to be found. It seems highly probable that his father is the John Treeas who married Florence BLAKE in 1722.

The similarities between his family and that of Thomas TREISE make it probable that they are related to one another :- The most obvious connection would be that Thomas's father and John's father John were brothers. Interestingly the first two similarities also apply to the family of Peter Trease and Joan Sharp of St Gennys, a parish further up the north coast of Cornwall, but so far no evidence of that family marrying into the DRAKE family of St Gennys has yet been found.

After he died, his wife Mary remarried to John Blake who appears to be John's maternal cousin, his mother's nephew, as shown in this tree.
1773	w. 24Apr1773 Makes Will
1773	i. 04May1773 St Teath. John Treise (ER and COD)
1773	w. 31Dec1773 Probate Granted

sp. Mary?
1773	24Apr1773. Alive when husband makes his will.
1773	07Nov1773, 21Nov1773, 28Nov1773 St Teath. Banns. John Blake otp and Mary Trease otp. (COD)
?1774	m. 29Apr1774 St Teath. John Blake otp, singleman, and Mary Trease otp spinster by Banns (COD)
	Witnesses: John RUSH and Moses SLOGGETT
	If the parish record is correct then this marriage cannot relate to Mary the widow.
	However, there are instances of the parish record incorrectly describing the marital condition.
	No children have been found from this marriage, and a possible reason may be that the wife Mary Trease was over child bearing age. 
	The 1812 death of John Blake, aged 82, in St Teath may refer to the groom. He would have been 43 in 1773.
	Moses Sloggett is a commonly used witness and may therefore be unrelated.
?1803	i. 13Apr1803 St Teath. Mary Blake (COD)

?Wife's sp2. John Blake
1731	c. 11May1731 St Teath. John Blake son of Thomas and Ann (COD)
1812	i. 03Aug1812 St Teath. John Blake age 82 years (COD)
1813	Administration of John Blake, Yeoman of St Teath (CRO AP/B/5298)

	Florence TREISE
	1745	c. 01Dec1745 St Teath.Florence Treise daughter of John and Mary (IGI)(ER)(COD)
	1745	i. 29Dec1745 St Teath. Florence TREISE (COD)
		NOTE: Not mentioned in father's will of 24Apr1773, so presumably died before will made.

	1748	c. 17Jan1748 St Teath. John Trease son of John and Mary (IGI)(ER)(COD has yr 1747)
	1770	m. 02Dec1770 St Tudy. John TREIS and Margaret LANG (IGI 104905-9)
		m. 17Dec1770 St Tudy. John TREAYS sojourner (Signs) & Margaret LANG otp, spinster (Marks) (COD)
		Wit: James BLIGH, Samuel HOOPER

	Stephen TREASE
	1751	c. 01Dec1751 St Teath. Stephen Trease son of John and Mary (IGI)(ER)(COD)
	1773	m. 26Jul1773 Stephen TRAYES, Sojourner (Signs) & Sarah COCK otp Spinster (Marks)
		Wit: John COCK, James BLIGH 
	Jennifer TREISE
	1754	c. 29Dec1754 St Teath. Janifer Treise daughter of John and Mary (IGI)(ER)(COD)
	1777	m. 07Apr1777 St Teath. Jenefer Treas married William Merrivel of Newland by Banns (IGI)(ER)



Jennefer is the daughter of John and Mary Treise. After her marriage she appears to be the wife named "Jane" in the St Enoder baptismal records and the Jennifer, wife of William Merrifield of Tucking Mill, St Enoder who is buried in St Enoder graveyard in 1830.
Between their marriage in 1777 and their appearance in St Enoder in 1785 no records have been found that definitely relate to them. It is thought that William and Jennifer would have had several children in that period including possibly a son named William.

Jennifer TREISE
1754	c. 29Dec1754 St Teath. Janifer Treise daughter of John and Mary (IGI)(ER)(COD)
1777	Banns 23Mar, 30Mar, 06Apr William Merrified of the parish of Newland and Jennifer Trayes of this parish (COD)
1777	m. 07Apr1777 St Teath. Jenefer Treas married William Merrivel of Newland by Banns (IGI)(ER)
1830	d. 13Jul1830 St Enoder. Jenifer Merrifield age 78 wife of William Merrifield (MI in graveyard ref: 2.3) (COD)
1830	i. 15Jul1830 St Enoder. Jenefer Merrifield age 78 of Tucking Mill (COD)

Sp. William MERRIVEL
?1753	c. 15Oct1753 St Wenn. William Merrifield son of James and Mary (COD)
1831	d. 24Apr1831 St Enoder. William Merrifield age 80 husband of Jenifer (MI in graveyard ref: 2.3) (COD)
1831	i. 26Apr1831 St Enoder. William Merrifield age 80 of Tucking Mill (COD)

NOTE: The following references to a William Merrifield of St Wenn may relate to him : -

William Merrifield (DDX.654 Accession no. 3060) 
Transferred by the Administrator, Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Area Health Authority St Clement Vean, Tregolls Road, Truro, on 28th June, 1982.
I. ROYAL CORNWALL INFIRMARY, TRURO	Lands of the Hospital of St Lawrence de Ponteboy, Bodmin.
1779	10. Copy lease for duration of lessor's title; cons. £10; rent 12s.
		(1) Wm. Chapman, master of hospital or almshouse of St Lawrence and Manor of Depontaboy
		(2) Wm. Merrifield of St Wenn, mason
	Higher part of dwellinghouse with garden at St Lawrence's village, Bodmin.
	25 Feb. 1779, copied 1816
1782	11. Copy assignment of lease; cons. £13.
		(1) Wm. Merrifield of St Wenn, mason.
		(2) Wm. Newton of Lanivet, tinner.
	Property as above.
	8 Aug. 1782, copied 1816
Also : -
1779 m. 18Oct1779 St. Wenn. Christopher Merrifield (signs) of St Wenn and Jane Retallick of St Wenn (marks) (COD)
	Witnesses: William Merrifield, William Pope 

	Thomasin MERRVIL
	1777	c. 28Dec1777 St.Teath. Thomasin MERRVIL dau of Wm and Jenefer (COD)
	?1782	i. 23Jun1782 Newlyn. Thomasine Merrifield (COD)
	?1803	c. 24Jan1803 St Enoder. Jinifer MERRIFIELD base child of Thomasin (COD)
	?1826	m. 05Feb1826 Ladock. Stephen Miners of Ladock and Jenefer Merrifield of Ladock by Banns (COD)
		Witnesses: Walter Puckey, Richard Blake

	c. 	No baptismal record found.
	?1815	m. 25Mar1815	Ladock. William Merrifield of Ladock and Ann Brown by Banns(COD)
		Witnesses: George Brown, Walter Puckey 

	c. 09Jul1785 St Enoder. Maria daur of William and Jane (COD)

	c. 17Apr1788 St Enoder. Stephen son of William and Jane (COD)
	m. 25Oct1817 Ladock. Stephen Merrifield of St Enoder and Elizabeth Stephens of Ladock (COD)
	   Witnesses: Richard Stephens, Walter Puckey
	   NOTE: Walter Puckey is witness to over 100 marriages at Ladock so is almost certainly not related in any way to bride nor groom.
	i. 02Jun1860 St Enoder. Stephen Merrifield age 73 of Sunrising. 	

		c. 29Apr1821 St Enoder. Maria dau of Stephen and Elizabeth, labourer, of Arrallas

		c. 08Apr1827 St Enoder. Jennifer dau of Stephen, labourer of Tucking Mill, and Elizabeth Merrifield (COD)
	c. 20Mar1791 St Enoder. James son of William and Jane Merrifield (COD)
	i. 04Nov1855 St Enoder. James Merrifield age 65 of Ladock
	Sp. Elizabeth ?
	? i. 02 Oct1840 St Enoder. Elizabeth Merrifield age 44 of Ladock.

		Edward Russell Merrifield
		c. 28Apr1822 St Enoder. Edward Russell Merrifield son of James and Elizabeth, labourer, of Arrallas
		i. 18Sep1825 St Enoder. Edward Russell Merrifield  age 3 of Tuckin Mill 
		James Merrifield
		c. 28Feb1824 St Enoder. James Merrifield son of James and Elizabeth, miller, of Arrallas
		Maria Merrifield
		c. 04Mar1827 St Enoder. Maria Merrifield daur of James and Elizabeth, farmer, of Quarry	
		Elizabeth Merrifield
		c. 27Oct1829 St Enoder. Elizabeth Merrifield, daur of James, husbandman of Ladock, and Elizabeth

	c. 16Jun1793 St Enoder. Jinifer daur of William and Jane (COD)
	i. 20Jun1794 St Enoder. Jinifer dau of William Merrifield (COD)

	c. 02Oct1796 St Enoder. Gilbert son of William and Jane (COD)
	Banns. Mylor. 1836. 10Apr, 17Apr, 24Apr. Gilbert Merryfield, widower and Elizabeth Friend, spinster
	m. 24May1836 Mylor. Gilbert Merifield, widow, and Elizabeth Strongman, widow (COD)
	i. 02Feb1860 St Allen. Gilbert Merrifield age 64 of Church Town (COD)

		Caroline MERRIFIELD	
		c. 19May1839 St Allen. Caroline Merrifield dau of Gilbert and Elizabeth , miller of Gwarnick Mill, St Allen (COD)
		m. 10Mar1860 St Allen. George Stanaway, bachelor, labourer of Churchtown, son of Matthew, labourer, (sigma)  (COD)
		and Caroline Merrifield, spinster of Churchtown (marks) by Banns
		Witnesses: Hubert COKER?, William PELLOW	curate: H.W.BRENTON of St Erme

		c. 17Jan1843 St Allen. Jane Merrifield about 4 years old, dau of Gilbert and Betsy , miller of Butts (COD)

Some unplaced but probably related records are shown below (there are numerous other records not listed): -

i. 03Jan1830 Elizabeth Ann Merrifield, age 1, of Mylor. 
i. 11Mar1832 Robert Merrifield aged 76 of Poor House.
i. 15May1838 Stephen John Merrifield, infant of Ladock.

The Peter after whom this Peter is named is thought to be: -
m. 27Oct1751 St Enoder. Peter Merrifield and Elizabeth Tom (COD - Phillimores)
m. 25Dec1814 St Enoder. Peter Merrifield, blacksmith, of St Enoder and Elizabeth Pearse of St Enoder
Witnesses: Thos. Pearce (sic), Willm Rickard
NOTE: Willm Rickard regularly acts as a witness and is unlikely to be related.
	Eliza Merrifield
	c. 10Jun1815 St Enoder. Eliza Merrifield dau of Peter and Elizabeth, Miller of Arrallas 
	i. 04Nov1820 St Enoder. Elizabeth Merrifield, infant of Arrallas 



Stephen is the son of John and Mary Treise.

After the burial of his daughter Thomasine at St Tudy in 1774, no further records of him nor his wife have been found so far in this area. It is surmised that his wife may have died shortly after his daughter and that Stephen left the area to start life afresh elsewhere.

The only Stephen Trayes whose records appear to match those of this Stephen that have been found so far are those of the Stephen Trayes buried in 1816 in London whose age matches that of our Stephen. There is also a Rebecca Trayes buried in the same cemetery in 1827 and this fits matches the marriage of Stephen and Rebecca Goodchild in Amersham which is about 25 miles from London. The date of this marriage is given as 1776 but there is also another transcript which gives 1771, which if correct would almost certainly rule out this marriage as that of our Stephen.

There is another London marriage of Stephen Trayes, a widower, to Elizabeth Emery in 1794 in Finsbury, which is in the vicinity of Featherstone Street where Stephen and Rebecca were living when they died. This may be connected in some way or it may relate to a different family, possibly the TRAYES family of East Anglia who also use the christian name Stephen. In her will drawn up in 1827 Rebecca does not mention any children. No further records of this second Stephen nor his wife have yet been found.

Stephen TREASE
1751	c. 01Dec1751 St Teath. Stephen Trease son of John and Mary (IGI)(ER)(COD)
1773	m. 25Jul1773 St Tudy. Stephen TRAYES, sojourner, and Sarah Cock (ER) 
1773	m. 26Jul1773 Stephen TRAYES, Sojourner (Signs) & Sarah COCK otp Spinster (Marks) (COD)
	Witnesses: John COCK, James BLIGH	
	Date also given as 20Jun1773 (IGI)
?1816	i. 27Apr1816 Bunhill. Stephen TRAYES  Age 64 Featherstone Street

Sp1 Sarah COCK

?Sp2 Rebecca GOODCHILD
?1753   approximate year of birth per her burial record.
1776	m. 30Sep1776 Amersham, Buckingham. STEPHEN TRAYES and REBECCA GOODCHILD  (IGI M130171)
	NOTE: Year also given as 1771
1827	w. 02Jan1827 Makes Will
1827	i. 12Jan1827 Bunhill. Rebecca TRAYS  age 74 Featherstone Buildings (IGI RG4-3997 date 14Jan1827)
	Per her will, she had a sister, Mary. who married a William Elliott. This may be her marriage: -
	m. 05Feb1804 St Bride, Fleet St, London. Mary GOODCHILD and William ELLIOTT (IGI M02242-1)
	One of these may be her death:-
	i, 09Dec1827 Bunhill Fields, London.  Mary ELLIOTT  (Non-conformist burials RG4-3997)
	i. 12Apr1829 City Road, London. Mary ELLIOTT  (Non-conformist burials RG4-4333, RG4-4264)
	There are 3 possibly related marriages on the St Bride, Fleet St., marriage register: -
		23Jul1810 Sarah Goodchild and John Munkhouse
		08Dec1835 William Goodchild and Lydia White
		19Feb1837 Sophia Goodchild and Henry Montague

	Thomasine TRAYES
	1774	c. 18Jun1772 St Tudy. Thomasine TRAYES daur of Stephen and Sarah (FMP)
	1774	i. 08Aug1774 St Tudy. Thomasine TRAYES (IGI 104905-9)

	?Stephen TRAYES
	The following marriage was thought to be possibly his son : -
	1794	m. 25Dec1794 St Luke Old Street, Finsbury. Stephen Trayes and Elizabeth Emery (IGI M020691)
	but further information extracted from the parish register entry makes this unlikely as the groom is a widower: -
	1794	m. 25Dec1794 St Luke Old Street, Finsbury. Stephen Trayes, widower, otp (signs) and Elizabeth Emery, spinster (marks) (LMA via Ancestry)
	Witnesses: Thomas Viner? , E. Dobson
	Also: Banns called 16th, 23rd, 30th November
	Stephen is a christian name used by the TRAYES family of East Anglia so it is possible that the marriage is one of their family.
	Sp Elizabeth EMERY



John is the son of John and Mary Trayes. His grandparents are not known for sure but are thought to be John and Florence Treas nee Blake. After his first wife Margaret Lang died, he married Ann DRAKES who is thought to be related to Mary DRAKE the wife of Thomas Trease. His will, written in 1805, tells us that he then : -

No mention is made in his will of his son John who is thought to have witnessed his sister's marriage in St Teath two years earlier. It is thought that John may have fallen out with his oldest son. A possible reason or consequence is that his son John did not continue with his father's business but left St Teath to get married the following year in Plymouth.

A tentative tree of the DRAKE families who may be connected with John's second wife Ann and Thomas Trease's wife Mary has been constructed. From this tree it seems probable that the Ann Trayes buried in Michaelstow in 1813 is John's wife. She had relatives living there including an older brother Humphrey who died over 20 years later.

1748	c. 17Jan1748 St Teath. John Trease son of John and Mary (IGI,ER,COD - 1747 old style calendar )
1770	m. 02Dec1770 St Tudy. John TREIS and Margaret LANG (IGI 104905-9)
	m. 17Dec1770 St Tudy. John TREAYS sojourner (Signs) & Margaret LANG otp, spinster (Marks) (COD)
	Wit: James BLIGH, Samuel HOOPER
1790	St.Teath Banns 18-Apr, 25-Apr, 02-May	John TRAYES, of this parish, widow and Ann DRAKES, of this parish, spinster
1790	m. 25May1790 St Teath. John TRAYES otp (signs) and Ann DRAKES otp (marks) by Banns (IGI)(ER)(COD)
	Witnesses: Moses SLOGGETT, Richard TEAGUE
1799	Owner: 		L. TRELAUNY Esq.	(COD)	
	Joint occupiers: J TRAISE & T SMITH
	Property: 	Tenement in St Teath. £0. 12s. 0d.
1805	w. 06May1805 Makes Will
1810	i. 01Jan1810 Padstow. John TRAYS (ER, COD -?RAYS)
1810	w. 13Jan1810 Probate granted.

Sp1. Margaret LANG
There is a LANG family in St Tudy. Margaret would have been born about 1750 so Wills that may indicate parents are: -
	St TUDY		1794 Jane Lang, widow (AP/L/1970) 
			1796 Admon of Nathaniel Lang yeoman (AP/L/1980)
			Nathaniel Lang apprehended Joseph Bullock for braking into his empty dwelling house at St Tudy o 29Aug1789
			1793 Jane Lang, widow of Nathaniel, St Tudy - testamentary (CRO ARD/156/1505)
	St TEATH	1782  Admon of Nathaniel Lang (AP/L/1863)
but LANG is a common name in the area. John's brother Stephen married Sarah COCK so marriage below may be connected 
m. 08Apr1751 St Tudy. Thomas COCK & Honor LANG (COD)
m. 05Jan1750 St Tudy. Absalom LANG of St. T and Jennifer GILL of St Mabyn  - Thomas's brother?
c. 24Feb1752 St Tudy. Margaret LANG d/o Absolom & Jennifer (COD)

1785	i. 03Feb1785 St Teath. Margaret TRAYES (COD)

1749	m. 03Aug1749 Michaelstow. Humphry DRAKE and Eliz AUDRIDG by Banns (BTs, Phillimores COD - AUDRIDGE - Phillimores )
	NOTE: In 1712 Philip Audridge married Elizabeth Hocken of Symonsward/St Breward in Michaelstow.
1750	c. 08May1750 St.Breward. Anne DRAKE, Dau of Humphry and Elizabeth DRAKE (COD)
?1813/4 	i. 02Sep1813 Michaelstow Ann TRAYES age 63 of Fentonadle (COD)
	NOTE: It is not certain that the burial is of our Ann but close relatives are thought to be living there and the age at death fits.  

	1772	c. 18Jun1772 St Tudy. John TRAYES son of John and Margaret (FMP)
	1774	i. 23Jul1774 St Teath. John TREAS (COD)
		MI 'Here lies the Bodies of John and Margaret the Son and Daughter of John and Margaret Trayes of this Parish.
		John was Buried the 23d day of July 1774 Aged 2 Years and 6 months 
		and Margaret was Buried the 2d day of May 1774 Aged 3 weeks'
		'Beneath this Stone Two Sweet Babes here doth lie 
		Not lost, but rest until the rising day;
		They shall with Saints and Angels joyful pass 
		Such endless joy as no Tongue can Express'('Cornwall's Churchyard Heritage' by Hilary Lees 1996)
		NOTE: Apparently beautifully done with an angel. Possibly the work of John Trayes himself who was a mason,
		and possibly a monumental mason.

	Margaret TRAYES
	1774	c. 24Apr1774 St Teath. Margaret daughter of John and Margaret Treise (ER,COD)f
	1774	i. 08May1774 St Teath. Margaret Treise (ER, COD - 03May1774)


Trees drawn up following earlier research, possibly originating from North America in the 1980s, give the impression that there was no doubt that the John Trayes who married Margaret Wilkey was the son of John and Margaret LANG. However research done in 2014 indicates that he is more likely to be John, the son of John Trayes, baptised in St Gennys 1774. Until further research has been carried out to resolve this, the marriage is currently shown on this website on both family trees and in both cases is preceded by a "?" to indicate a degree of uncertainty.

As far as can be ascertained, the original decision that the John TRAYES of this marriage was John TRAYES baptised in St Teath in 1775 appears to have been solely based on the fact that he was of the right age. Evidence that he had not died was supported by the conjecture that he may have been the John Trease who witnessed his sister's 1802 marriage. Also to explain why he had been left out of his father's will made in 1805, it was conjectured that he had created a rift with his father by running off to sea and refusing to take over his father's business.

A starting point of further research will be to obtain and compare the signatures of the John Trayes who signed the 1802 marriage register with the John Trayes who signed the 1805 will. Interestingly the John TRAYES who married Margaret WILKEY in 1806 was unable to sign his own name and merely put his mark on the marriage register.

	1775	c. 28Feb1775 St Teath. John son of John and Margaret Treise (ER,COD)
	Is possibly the John TRAYES who witnesses the following 3 marriages at St Teath :-
	?1802	m. 31Jan1802 St Teath. William BEST sojourner otp (signs) & Mary OLIVER otp (signs) by Banns (COD)
		Witnesses: John TRAYES, Moses SLOGGETT
	?1802	08Aug1802 St Teath. William COWLING, bachelor otp (marks) (COD)
		Jenefer TREISE, spinster otp by banns (signs)
		Witnesses: John TRAYES, William TRAYES
	?1803	m. 3Jul1803 St Teath Frances HILL otp bachelor (marks) & Mary TOM otp spinster (signs) by Banns (COD)
		Witnesses: John TRAYES, Edwd GEORGE
		NOTE: In 1805 one "Edwd George" witnessed the Will of John TRAYES.
		The Edward George who signs the Will could be the s/o Edward GEORGE & Ann INCH baptised 10Jan1747 in St Teath.
		He was of similar age to John TRAYES of the Will and like John he may have married in 1770 to Catherine THOMAS and again in 1790 to Ann KELLOW.
		The George family of St Teath are currently being researched by others and a very interesting web site is being developed (as at March 2014) which is well worth looking at. It gives excellent background information about St Teath including reminiscences of residents. 
	?1806	m. 03Sep1806 Plymouth St Andrew.  (FMP image)
		John TRAYES Mariner (marks) & Margaret WILKEY of this parish (marks) Married by Banns No 677	
		In the presence of Francis CORNISH (marks), James BOULTER (signs - churchman)	


	William TRAYES
	1776	c. 17Mar1776 St Teath. William son of John and Margaret Treise (ER,COD)
	1799	m. 29May1799 St Teath. Wiliam TRAYES single man otp (signs) and Elizabeth BATE otp (marks) by Banns (IGI,ER,COD)
		Witnesses: William BATE, Moses SLOGGETT

	1778	c. 10Jun1778 St Teath. Sarah daughter of John Treise and Margaret (ER, COD)
	?1796	m. 19Dec1796	Stoke Damerel. (IGI M052425, FMP image)
		Eliza TRAYES otp spinster (marks)
		James LEE a soldier in the Hampshire Militia (marks)
		Witnesses: James ROGERS, Wm ROBERTS (both sign)	1796	
		NOTE: The surnames are correct but unclear why christian name should be recorded as Eliza.
	1805	a. 06May1805 when father makes Will with bequest to daughter Sarah LEE.

	Jennifer TREISE
	1780	c. 26Dec1780 St Teath. Jennefer daughter of John Treise and Margaret his wife (ER,COD)
	1802	08Aug1802 St.Teath. William COWLING, bachelor of this parish (marks) (COD)
		Jenefer TREISE, spinster of this parish by banns (signs)
		Witnesses:	John TRAYES, William TRAYES
	1805	a. 06May1805 when father makes Will with bequest to daughter Jenefer Cowling.



See this link. The ancestry of the John of this marriage is under further investigation.



William is the son of John and Mary TRAYS and grandson of John and Margaret TRAYS nee LANG.

William TRAYES
1776	c. 17Mar1776 St Teath. William son of John and Margaret Treise (ER)(COD)
1799	m. 29May1799 St Teath. Wiliam TRAYES single man otp (signs) and Elizabeth BATE otp (marks) by Banns (IGI)(ER)(COD)
	Witnesses: William BATE, Moses SLOGGETT
	NOTE: Moses Sloggett regularly appears as witness at St Teath marriages so is unlikely to be related
1841	Church Town (HO107/152 pt6 b14 f17 p2)
	William Teayes	65	Mason			In county
	Elizabeth Trayes 60				In county
	Thomas Trayes	15	Agricultural Labourer	In county
	William Mitchell 25	Agricultural Labourer	In county
	Robert Clifford	25	Quarryman		Not in county
1851	i. 17Feb1851 St Teath. William TRAYES 74, St. Teath Village (COD)

Sp. Elizabeth BATE
NOTE: she states she was born in Cardinham. The following cannot be her as she would be about 58 when she produced her last child, but she 
may be a later Elizabeth if the one christened below died.
1771	c. 24Apr1771 Cardinham. Elizabeth Bate daur of Roger and Mary (COD)
	NOTE: Makes her 10 years older than census and death registration. If born 1781 then she'd be only 18 at time of marriage.
1851	Church Town	(HO107/1898 pt5 f263 p22)
	Elizabeth Trays	Head	W 70	Pauper	b. Cardinham
	Amma Trays	Grndaur	  11		b. St Teath
1855	i. 09Nov1855 St Teath. Elizabeth TRAYES 75, of Poundstock (COD)

	William TRAYES
	1799	c. 29Dec1799 St Teath. William son of William and Elizabeth TRAYES (COD)
	1826	m. 29Apr1826 St Teath. William TRAYES, bachelor, otp (signs) and Grace HOCKIN, Spinster, otp (signs) by Banns (COD)
		Witnesses: Rebecca CRADDOCK and John OLIVER (COD, ER) 'with consent of parents' (ER)
	1801	c. 04Oct1801 St Teath. Peggy daur of William and Elizabeth TRAYES (COD)
	1826	m. 17Jun1826 St. Teath. John BAWDEN, Bachelor, Sojourner of this Parish (signs)
		Peggy TRAYES. Spinster, of this Parish, by Banns (marks)
		Witnesses: 	William HARDIN?, John OLIVER
		(with consent of parents - (ER))
	Elizabeth TRAYES
	1804	c. 04Mar1804 St Teath. Elizabeth TRAYES daur of Wm. and Elizabeth TRAYES (IGI,COD)
		NOTE: She appears to be the wife of William Goodman of St Kew but no marriage record has been found

	Rebecca Bate TRAYES
	1806	c. 16Mar1806 St Teath. Rebecca Bate TRAYES daur of William and Elizabeth TRAYES (COD)
	1829	29Jul1819. Is witness to the marriage in St Teath of Matthew Ore, sojourner, bachelor and Kitty Amy, spinster. (ER)
	1831	m. 10Sep1831 St.Teath. Thomas CHAPMAN, Bachelor, Sojourner of this Parish (marks)
		Rebecca TRAYES, Spinster of this Parish by Banns (marks)
		Witnesses: 	Wm. TRAYES Snr., Ann PARSONS
		Register notes: 3rd witness John OLIVER Clerk

	1808 	c. 17Apr1808 St Teath. John TRAYES s. William and Elizabeth (ER not on COD)
	1834	m. 02Aug1834 St Teath. John TRAYES, bachelor, otp (marks)  and Mary SMITH, spinster, otp (marks) by Banns
		Witnesses: ? CRADDOCK, Thomas COLMAN
		Register notes: 3rd witness John OLIVER P. Clerk	(COD) 'with consent of parents' (ER)
	Stephen TRAYES
	1810	c. 22Apr1810 St Teath. Stephen TRAYES son of William and Elizabeth TRAYES (COD)
	1835	m. 24Jan1835 St Teath. Stephen TRAYES, bachelor, otp (signs) and Mary HOSKIN, Spinster, otp (signs) by Banns (COD)
		Witnesses: S.B. IVES?, John BAWDEN
		Register notes: 3rd witness John THOMAS

	1812	c. 16Aug1812 St Teath. Jane TRAYES daur of William and Elizabeth TRAYES (COD)
	1813	i. 12Jun1813 St Teath. Jane TRAYES 10m, Church Town (COD)

	1814	c. 20Jun1814 St Teath. Mary TRAYES twin, daur of William and Elizabeth TRAYES, mason, Church Town (COD)
	1834	m. 22Mar1834 St.Breward. John RUNNALLS, Bachelor of St Breward (signs) and Mary TRAYES, Spinster of St Teath (marks) by Banns (COD)
		Witnesses. William Trayes,Sen and Stephen Trayes
		Register notes: With consent of parents
	Joseph TRAYES
	1814	c. 20Jun1814 St Teath. Joseph TRAYES twin, son of William and Elizabeth TRAYES, mason, Church Town (COD)
		Transcriber Notes: Baptisms of twins Joseph & Mary recorded in a single register entry
	1839	m. 10Aug1839 Trevalga.Joseph TRAYES, Full Age, Bachelor, Quarryman of Trevalga, Father: Wm, Mason (signs) and
		Elizabeth BROWN, Full Age, Spinster, Servant of Trevalga, Father: Wm, Quarryman (signs)
		Witnesses: William BROWN, Maria RAWLE

	1817	c. 19Oct1817 St Teath. James TREISE, son of William and Elizabeth TREISE, mason, Church Town (COD)
	1818	i. 22Apr1818 St Teath. James TRAYES 9m, Church Town (COD)

	1819	c. 06Sep1819 St Teath. Jane TRAYES, daur of William and Elizabeth TRAYES, mason, Church Town (COD)
	1841 	Census. Malew, IOM. (1464/4 10 13)
		Jane TRAYES 20 
	1842	m. 09Jul1842 Malew, IOM. Jane TRAYES single and James Parish single IGI Folder 00447209 Image 00160)
	1821	c. 24Jun1821 St Teath. Grace TRAYES, daur of William and Elizabeth TRAYES, mason, Church Town (COD)
	1833	i. 16May1833 St Teath. Grace TRAYES 12y, St. Teath Village (COD)

	Thomas TRAYES
	1823	c. 13Apr1823 St Teath. Thomas TREISE, son of William and Elizabeth TREISE, mason, Church Town (COD)
	1841	Census. Living with parents.
	1853	m. 24Sep1853	Lanteglos by Camelford.	Thomas TRAYES and Mary Lobb (ER)
		both resident Trevia, he quarryman age 30, she age 22. His father William Trease, her father William Lobb. 
		Witnesses Thomas Lobb and Mary Allen. All 4 signed with a mark. (per Marriage Certificate)
	1828	c. 28Dec1828 St Teath. Sarah FRAYES, dau of William and Elizabeth FRAYES, mason, Church Town (COD)
		Register notes: Privately Baptised. 
	1829	i. 06Jan1829 St Teath. Sarah TRAYES 3w, Church Town (COD)


FAMILY OF William and Grace TRAYES nee HOCKIN

William was the son of William and Elizabeth Trayes nee Bate and grandson of John and Margaret Trayes nee Lang.

William TRAYES
1799	c. 29Dec1799 St Teath. William son of William and Elizabeth TRAYES (COD)
1826	m. 29Apr1826 St Teath. William TRAYES, bachelor, otp (signs) and Grace HOCKIN, Spinster, otp (signs) by Banns (COD)
	Witnesses: Rebecca CRADDOCK and John OLIVER (COD, ER) 'with consent of parents' (ER)
1841	Union Row (HO107/152 pt6 b14 f24 p17)
	William Trayes	40	Mason	In county
	Grace Trayes	40		In county
	Ellen Trayes	10		In county
	Fredrick Trayes	7		In county
	Emma Trayes	4		In county
1841	St Teath Tithe Map.
	A large area stretching from Treroosal Road on left hand side just out of town is named Trayes's Tenement. This is now owned by Robert 
	Billing and occupied by Richard Tremain.
	Adjacent in the rectangle bounded by Union Row, The Square st Teath, and Whitewells Road is Blake's tenement.	
	Alongside Trayes Tenemnt is an area called Willow Parks

	William Trayes	William Trayes 	Union Row Location 654
				Lady Grenville	William Trayes 	St Teath Lane Garden Location 734
1851	Church Town	(Ho107/1898 pt5 f264 p25)
	William Trays	Head	M 51	Mason	St Teath
	Grace Trays	Wife	M 50		St Teath
	Federick Trays	Son	U 16	Quarry Lab	St Teath
	Amma Trays	Dau	U 13		St Teath
	Garteruld Trays	Dau	U  6	Scholar	St Teath
1861	(RG9/1516 pt3 f106 p1)
	William Trayes	Head	W 61	Stone Mason	St Teath
	Gertrude Trayes	Daur	U 16	House Keeper	St Teath
	Emily A Cowling Grndau	U  8	Scholar		St Teath
1871	(RG10/2221 d9 f28 p12)
	William Trays		Head	W 72	Mason		St Teath
	Gertrude Trays		Dau	U 26	House-Keeper	St Teath
	Alfred Fernando Cowling	Nephew     9	Scholar		St Teath
1873	i. 02Dec1873 St Teath. William TRAYES 74, of St Teath Village (COD)

Sp. Grace HOCKIN
1829	m. 15Aug1829 St.Teath. Thomas Henwood OLIVER, Bachelor of this Parish (signs) and Mary HOCKIN, Spinster of this Parish by Banns (signs)
	Witnesses: 	Mary Ann OLIVER, Grace TRAYES
1855	d. 30Jan1855 (MI - ER)
1855	i. 05Feb1855 St Teath. Grace TRAYES 54?, St. Teath Village (COD)

	Valentine TRAYES
	1827	c. 15Apr1827 St Teath. Valentine TRAYES, son of William and Grace TRAYES, mason, Church Town (COD)
	1841	Jordan Cottages, Forrabury, Boscastle (HO107/140 b5 d10 f6 p6 l18)
		James Jennings		30	Joiner	ALL BORN CORNWALL
		Philippa Jennings	30
		Mary Jennings		13
		Hannah Jennings		11
		Eliz. Jennings		 5
		Edward Jennings		 3
		Valentine Trayes	14	Cl?
	1851	Census. Roath Glamorgan
		Valentine Trayes Head 34 b. St. Teath
	1855	m. Valentine Trayes and Amelia Williams (Apr-May-Jin 1855 Cardiff RD 11a 341)
	1830	c. 03Oct1830 St Teath. Ellen TRAYES, daur of William and Grace TRAYES, mason, Village (COD)
	1841	Census. Living with her parents.
	1851	m. William Cowling and Ellen Frayes (Camelford RD Jan-Feb-Mar 1851 9 71)

	1834	c. 20May1834 St Teath. Frederick TRAYES, son of William and Grace TRAYES, mason, St Teath Village (COD)
	1858	d. 16Apr1858 (per joint MI with his niece's husband - ER)
		Sacred to the memory of
		Frederick Trayes son of
		William and Grace Trayes of this parish
		Died 16th April 1858 Aged 23 yr.
		Also of
		Frederick Edwin Cowling
		Beloved husband of Annie
		(Treburgett) St Teath
		Died Feb. 26th 1924 Aged 65 yr.
	1858	i. 17May1858 St Teath. Frederick TRAYES 24, of Boscastle (COD)

	1837	c. 18May1837 St Teath. Emma TRAYES, daur of William and Grace TRAYES, mason, St Teath Village (COD)
		Register Notes: Privately.
	1860	m. Emma TRAYES and William PINCH (Camelford RD Jan-Feb-Mar 1860 5c 35)
	1871	Census St Teath (RG10/2221 f28 p12 e60)
		William Pinch Head M 34 Lead-Miner b. Roche
		Emma Pinch Wife M 33 b. St Teath 
		Emily A Cowling Niece U 18 b. St Teath
		Frederick E Cowling Nephew 13  b. St Teath	
	1881	Census. Darley Mine f67 p36
		William PINCH		Head	Married	44	Male	Tin Miner, Roche 
		Emma PINCH		Wife	Married 44	Female	St Teath 
		Gertrude TRAYES		Sister In Law Unmarried, 35, Female, Assistant Cook (Dom), St Teath 
		Frederick COWLING 	Nephew	Unmarried 23	Male	Tin Miner, St Teath 
		Alfred COWLING		Nephew	Unmarried 19	Male	Tin Miner, St Teath 
	1891	Lower Tynes (RG12/1800 d7 f96 p11) 
		William Parish (sic)	Head	M 52	Farmer,Employer		Roach
		Emma Parish (sic)	Wife	M 52				St Teath
		Gertrude Trayes	St-Sis	S 45	Dressmaker,Retired	St Teath
		Alfred F Cowling Nephew	S 29	Farmer's Son		St Teath 
	1902	d. Emma Pinch age 65 (Camelford RD Jan-Feb-Mar 1902 5c 11) 
	Sp. William PINCH

	Rebecca Gertrude TRAYES
	1844	c. 25Dec1844 St Teath. Rebecca Gertrude TRAYES, daur of William and Grace TRAYES, mason, St Teath Village (COD)
	1851	Census Living with parents
	1861	Census Housekeeper for her father
	1871	Census Housekeeper for her father
	1881	Living with her sister Emma Pinch in Linkinhorne and working as a Domestic Cook
	1891	Living with her sister Emma Pinch - transcribed as 'Parish'
	1899	d. 14Sep1899 (per MI - ER)
		Rebecca Gertrude Trayes of St Teath
		Died 14th September (18)99
		Age 55
	1899	i. 17Sep1899 St Teath. Rebecca Gertrude TRAYES 55y, of St. Teath (COD)



Valentine was the son of William and Grace Trayes nee Hocken and grandson of William and Elizabeth Trayes nee Bate. He became a timber merchant and died a wealthy man. His only son Frederick appears to have never married and with Valentine's death this branch of the family ended in the male line.

Valentine TRAYES
1827	c. 15Apr1827 St Teath. Valentine TRAYES, son of William and Grace TRAYES, mason, Church Town (COD)
1841	Jordan Cottages, Forrabury, Boscastle (HO107/140 b5 d10 f6 p6 l18)
	James Jennings		30	Joiner	ALL BORN CORNWALL
	Philippa Jennings	30
	Mary Jennings		13
	Hannah Jennings		11
	Eliz. Jennings		 5
	Edward Jennings		 3
	Valentine Trayes	14	Cl?
1851	Census. Roath Glamorgan
	Valentine TRayes Head 34 b. St. Teath
1855	m. Valentine Trayes and Amelia Williams (Apr-May-Jin 1855 Cardiff RD 11a 341)
1881 	Census 11 Cowbridge Rd, Hign Mead, Landaff, Glamorgan (RG11 5290/34 p10)
	Valentine TRAYES	Head	M	54	St Teath, Cornwall	Timber Merchant  	  
	Amelia TRAYES		Wife	M	49	Llandough, Glamorgan	Timber Merchant Wife  	  
	Frederick S. TRAYES	Son	U	25	Cardiff, Glamorgan	Timber Son (Mercht)  	  
	Fanny G. TRAYES		Daur	U	20	Roath, Glamorgan	Timber Merchant Daughter  	  
	Amy G. TRAYES		Daur	U	19	Roath, Glamorgan	Timber Merchant Daughter  	  
	Margaret W. ELDORD	Visitor	U	32	Seacombe, Cheshire	Copper Merchant Daughter  	  
	Ellen DALEY		Servant	U	21	Cord Cork		General Dom Serv 
1900	d. Valentine Trayes age 73 (Newport M RD Apr-May-Jun 1900 11a 157) 	
1900	w. Trayes, Valentine of Blaen-y-Pant, near Monmouth, timber-merchant Effects £91,741 (ER)
	Exor. Frederick Sydney Trayes, stock-broker 
1804	d. Amelia Trayes age 71 (Cardiff Rd Jan-Feb-Mar 1904 11a 925)
1904	w. Trayes, Amelia of Park Road, Penarth, Glamorgan, widow. (ER)
	Exor. Frederick Sydney Trayes, Esq.

	Frederick Sydney TRAYES
	1856	b. Frederick Sydney Trayes (Cardiff RD Jan-Feb-Mar 1856 11a 241)
	1876	18Jan1876 (The London Gazette)
		3rd Glamorganshire Artillery Volunteer Corps
		Frederick Sydney Trayes, Gent, to be Sub-Lieutenant. Dated: 19th January 1876
	1877	14Sep1877 (The London Gazette)
		3rd Glamorganshire Artillery Volunteer Corps
		Sub-Lieutenant Frederick Sydney Trayes to be Lieutenant
	1883	06Apr1883 (The London Gazette)
		1st Glamorganshire
		Lieutenant Frederick Sydney Trayes to be Captain. Dated: 07Apr1883
	1906	06Apr1906 (The London Gazette) 
		Disposes of his stockbroking business 
	1936	d. Frederick Sydney Trayes age 80 (Weston RD Jul-Aug-Sep 1936 5c 241)
	1937	F.S.TRAYES Bequest to St Augustine's Church, Penarth. (NAI IR 62/1712)
	1937	22Oct1937 (The London Gazette)
		Legal notice following death of one of his executors. 

	Fanny Gertude TRAYES
	1860	b. Fanny Gertrude Trayes (Cardiff RD Oct-Nov-Dec 1860 11a 219)
	1882	m. Fanny Gertrude Trayes and either William Gascoyne Dalziel
		or George Etherton (Cardiff RD Apr-May-Jun 1882 11a 368)

	Amy Grace TRAYES
	1862	b. Amy Grace Trayes (Cardiff RD Jan-Feb-Mar 1862 11a 232)
	1898	m. Amy Grace Trayes and Arthur Clement Tweedy (Newport M RD Oct-Nov-Dec 1898 11a 297)
	1898	m. 10Dec1898 Arthur Clement Tweedy of Monmouth, Captain Royal Garrison Artillery Volunteers,
		b. 31Jul1866 son of Robert Milford Tweedy of Falmouth Banker and Charlotte Ann Boase
		b. 23Jul1863 daughter of J J A Boase (TWeedy family website)
		Wife - Amy daughter of Valentine Trayes of Blaen-y-pont, Mon., J.P.
	1948	d. Amy Grace Tweedy age 86 (Falmouth RD Oct-Nov-Dec 1948 7a 36)
	Sp. Arthur Clement TWEEDY
	1937	d. Arthur Clement Tweedy age 70 (Monmouth RD Apr-May-Jun 1937 11a 12)
		Valentine Grace Naudin TWEEDY
		b. 24Feb1900 						(Tweedy family website)
		m. 1923 Monmouthshire. Captain William Power Carne  	( " " ")
		d. 1982 Falmouth, CON. 					( " " ")

		Robert Alfred Milford TWEEDY
		b. 05Nov1901					(Tweedy family website)
		m. 1930. Marjory Maureen Filme CARRICK 		( " " ")
		d. 06Apr1946					( " " ")


FAMILY of William GOODMAN and Elizabeth nee ?TRAYES

Their marriage record has not yet been found but it seems highly probable that William Goodman's wife was Elizabeth TRAYES daughter of William and Elizabeth Trayes nee Bate and granddaughter of John and Margaret Trayes nee Lang because :-
1. The middle name TRAYES was given to many of their children.
2. After he and his wife died, some of their family lived with William Cowling thought to be the widower of Ellen TRAYES.
3. Elizabeth's age matches that of their daughter Elizabeth TRAYES

If this conclusion is correct, then we cannot include her in determining the identity of the following Elizabeth TRAYES : -

	m. 17Dec1823 Bodmin.	William GOULD otp (marks) & Elizabeth TRAYES of St Teath (marks) by Banns
				Witnesses: William PARNALL & Francis BLIGH (COD)
	c. 06Dec1824 Bodmin.	John GOULD s/o William & Elizabeth miner of St Lawrence (COD)
	c. 26Dec1824 Bodmin.	John GOULD s/o William & Elizabeth, labourer (COD)
	c. 25Apr1826 Bodmin.	William GOULD s/o William & Elizabeth labourer of St. Lawrence (COD)
	i. 07Apr1841 Bodmin. 	Elizabeth GOULD age 56 of St Lawrence. Wife of William. Died 6th?.

Although her age at death is given as 56 it may have been mistranscribed from 36, given that her husband's age is 35 when he appears to remarry : -

	m. 05Sep1841 Bodmin. 	William GOULD widower age 35 labourer of St Lawrence, s/o Richard, labourer (signs) &
				Ann TREGONING spinster of Lanivet d/o Peter, Farmer (signs) by Banns
				Witnesses: John POPHAM & Elizabeth OLIVER
				Notes: 	Groom's father's abode West Gifford, Devon
					Bride's father's surname TRELEAVEN

Elizabeth TRAYES
1804	c. 04Mar1804 St Teath. Elizabeth TRAYES daur of Wm. and Elizabeth TRAYES (IGI,COD)
	NOTE: She appears to be the wife of William Goodman of St Kew but no marriage record has been found
1841	Census. Landseague, St Kew. (HO107/152/10 f40 p4)
	William GOODMAN 40 Ag Lab 
	Elizabeth GOODMAN 35
	Richard GOODMAN 12
	Harriet GOODMAN 9
	Joseph GOODMAN 4
	Rebecca GOODMAN 2	All Born CON
1851	Census. St Kew. (HO 107/1904 f566 p12 s52)
	William GOODMAN 51 Labourer on Turnpike Road	b. St Kew 
	Elizabeth GOODMAN 47				b. St Teath
	Thomas GOODMAN 24  Labourer on Turnpike Road	b. St Kew
	Rebecca GOODMAN 11				b. St Kew
	Emma GOODMAN 9					b. St Kew
	Ellen J GOODMAN 4				b. St Kew
1861	Census. St Kew (RG9/1538 f8 p9 s42)
	William GOODMAN Head 63 Farm Labourer		b. Falmouth 
	Betsey GOODMAN 	Wife 58				b. St Teath
	Rebecca GOODMAN Daur 22				b. St Kew
	Ellen GOODMAN 	Daur 14				b. St Kew
1871	Census. Trelill, St Kew. (RG10/2251 f11 p14 s86)
	William GOODMAN Head 73 Labourer on Farm	b. St Kew 
	Elizabeth GOODMAN Wife 67			b. St Kew
	Rebecca GOODMAN Daur 31				b. St Kew
	William GOODMAN Grdson 2			b. St Kew		
	William HODGE Boarder 84 Pauper 		b. Unknown
1877	i. 16Oct1877 St Kew. Elizabeth GOODMAN age 73 of Trelill (COD)

?sp. William GOODMAN
1873	i. 07Jun1873 St Kew. William GOODMAN age 74 of Trelill (COD)

	1824	c. 04Apr1824 St Kew. Amelia d/o William & Elizabeth GOODMAN labourer of Ammell (sic) (COD)
	1846	m. 09Jul1846 St Teath. James IVEY 25 bachelor of St Teath Churchtown, labourer, s/o William HENSLEY reputed father, Taylor (marks)
		Amelia GOODMAN 22 spinster of Lans[?]gue in the parish of St Kew d/o William, Labourer (marks)
		Witnesses: Harriet GOODMAN (marks), William GOODMAN (marks), John OLIVER

	1826	c. 20Aug1826 St Kew. Thomas s/o William & Elizabeth GOODMAN labourer of Trelill (COD)
	1851	m. 03May1851 St Kew. Thomas GOODMAN 25 bachelor labourer of Landseague s/o William, labourer (marks) &
		Elizabeth Ann PHILLIPS 23 spinster of Highway d/o William, shoemaker (marks)
		Witnesses: Jane PHILLIPPS, Robert GREEN (COD)
	?1877	i. 30Oct1827 St Kew. Thomas GOODMAN age 50 of Highway (COD)

	Richard GOODMAN
	1829	c. 15Feb1826 St Kew. Richard s/o William & Elizabeth GOODMAN labourer of Trelill (COD)

	Harriet GOODMAN
	1831	c. 20Nov1831 St Kew. Harriet d/o William & Elizabeth GOODMAN labourer of Trelill (COD)
	1854	m. 24Jul1854 St Kew. John Samuel HILL s/o John Samuel HILL &
		Harriet GOODMAN d/o William GOODMAN (FS)

	1834	c. 19Oct1834 St Kew. Joseph s/o William & Elizabeth GOODMAN labourer of Trelill (COD)
	1835	i. 29Jun1835 St Kew Joseph GOODMAN age 9m of Trelill (COD)

	1836	c. 10Jul1836 St Kew. Joseph s/o William & Elizabeth GOODMAN labourer of Trelill (COD)
	1862	m. 27Sep1862 Padstow. Joseph TRAISE GOODMAN bachelor age 24 miner of Windmill s/o William GOODMAN, farmer (signs) by Banns
		& Mary LIDDICOAT age 20 spinster of Windmill d/o Thomas LIDDICOAT, wheelwright	
		Witnesses: Henry Harding, Mary Randall (COD)

	Rebecca GOODMAN
	1839	c. 05May1839 St Kew. Rebecca d/o William & Elizabeth GOODMAN labourer of Trelill (COD)
	1881	Census. Trelill. St Kew (RG11/2293 f8 p11 s63)
		William Cowling	Head W M 59 Agricultural labourer b. St Kew.
		Rebecca Goodman Boarder U F 40 Domestic servant unemployed b. St Kew
		William Goodman Boarder M 14 Scholar b. St Kew
		NOTE: William COWLING is thought to be the widower of Ellen TRAYES and thus Rebecca's cousin

	1841	b. 14Nov1841 St Kew. Emma TRAYES GOODMAN (per Internet site - presumably from birth cert.)
	1842	c. 20Mar1842 St Kew. Emma TRAYES GOODMAN d/o William & Elizabeth GOODMAN labourer of Landseage (COD)
	1864	m. 26Mar1864 St Kew. Robert CAMPS age 24 bachelor labourer of Tregelles s/o George CAMPS labourer (signs)
		& Emma TRAYS GOODMAN age 21 spinster of Trelill d/o William GOODMAN labourer  (signs) (COD)
		Witnesses: William GOODMAN (marks), Catherine CAMPS
	1928	d. 02Aug1928 (per Internet site)

	1844	c. 25Dec1844 St Kew. Stephen TRAYES GOODMAN s/o William & Elizabeth GOODMAN labourer of Landseage (COD)	
	1845	i. 18May1845 St Kew. Stephen TRAYES GOODMAN age 7m of Landseage (COD)	

	1846	c. 30Aug1846 St Kew. Ellen TRAYES GOODMAN d/o William & Elizabeth GOODMAN labourer of Landseage (COD)		


FAMILY OF Joseph and Elizabeth TRAYES nee BROWN

Joseph is the son of William and Elizabeth Trayes nee Bate and grandson of John and Margaret Trayes nee Lang.

1814	c. 20Jun1814 St Teath. Joseph TRAYES twin, son of William and Elizabeth TRAYES, mason, Church Town (COD)
	Transcriber Notes: Baptisms of twins Joseph & Mary recorded in a single register entry
1839	m. 10Aug1839 Trevalga.Joseph TRAYES, Full Age, Bachelor, Quarryman of Trevalga, Father: Wm, Mason (signs) and
	Elizabeth BROWN, Full Age, Spinster, Servant of Trevalga, Father: Wm, Quarryman (signs)
	Witnesses: William BROWN, Maria RAWLE
1841	Census. Forga Pit. Forrabury (HO107/140 d10 bk5 f9 p12 ei)
	Joseph Tresise 27 Labourer b. CON
	Elizabeth Tresise 15 b. CON
	William Tresise 18m b. CON
1851	Pengelly	(Ho107/1898 pt5 f292 p43)
	Joseph Trayes	Head	M 37	Quarry Man	St Teath
	Elizabeth Trayes Wife	M 36			Trevalga
	James Trayes	Son	   9	Scholar		Forrabury
	Elizabeth Trayes Dau	   6	Scholar		Tintagel
	Albert Trayes	Son	   1			St Teath
1861	Delemear (RG9/1516 pt3 f121 p4)
	Joseph Trays	Head	M 46	Agr Lab	St Teath
	Elizabeth Trays	Wife	M 45	Trevalga
	James B Trays	Son	U 19	Slate Quarrier	Forrabury
	Albert Trays	Son	U 11	Slate Quarrier	St Teath
	Mary Trays	Daur	   8	St Teath
	William B Trays	Son	   7	St Teath
	Roseanna Trays	Daur	   5	St Teath
	Emma Trays	Daur	   2	St Teath
1871	Delemear (RG10/2221 d9 f2 p1)
	Joseph Trays	Head	M 56	Slate Quarrier	St Teath
	Elizabeth Trays	Wife	M 55			Trevalga
	Mary Trays	Dau	U 19			St Teath
	William Trays	Son	U 17	Slate Quarrier	St Teath
	Eliza Trays	Dau	   8	Scholar		St Teath
	Henry Davy	Boardr	U 18	Slate Quarrier	St Teat
1875	i. 03Apr1875 St Teath. Joseph TRAYES 61, of Tregardock (COD)

Sp. Elizabeth BROWN
Parents? : -
1785	c. 16Jan1785 Trevalga. Ann Martin dau John and Grace Martin (COD)
1802	m. 03Jun1802 Trevalga. William Brown of Trevalga (marks) and Ann Martyn spinster of Trevalga (marks)  (COD)
	Witnesses: Humphry BODDY, Thomas TREWIN
	1802 Dec. Twins Mary and Joseph
	1803 13Nov1803 John
	1805 16Feb1805 William
	1807 24Apr1807 Thomas
	1808 20Dec1808 Mary
	1811 06Dec1811 Jenny
	1812 19Oct1812 Ann
	1814 25Jan1814 Grace	Father William a labourer
	1817 Elizabeth - see details below
	1818 15May1818 William  Father William a farmer
	1819 06Dec1819 James 	Father William a labourer
	1821 13Sep1821 William  Father William a quarryman
		m. 08Apr1852 Trevalga. William Brown son of William, quarryman and Ann PAUL widow of Trevalga daur of Ambrose, husbandman witnesses: James FURZE and Mary OGER 
	1822 02Jun1822 Thomazine Father William a quarryman
	1825 07Mar1825 Eliza Father William a quarryman
	1827 24Jun1827 Rosanna Father William a labourer
1841	Census. Trevalga Church Town ( d4 b18 f3 p1)
	William Browne 70 Yeoman b. Cornwall
	Ann Browne 55 b. Cornwall
	Grace Browne 25 b. Cornwall
	Ann Browne 25 b. Cornwall
	William Browne 20 b. Cornwall
	James Browne 20 b. Cornwall
	Rosanna Browne 15 b. Cornwall
	Thomas Browne 3 b. Cornwall
1843	i. 22Feb1843 Trevalga. William Brown age 72 (makes him born 1771)
1851	Census Trevalga, Boscastle (HO107/1898 d6 f70 p4 s13)
	Ann Brown	Head 	w F 68 Pauper 		b. Trevalga
	William Brown	Son	U M 32 Slate quarryman 	b. Trevalga
	Tamson Brown	Dau	U F 27 House servant	b. Trevalga
	Thomas Brown	Grnson	U M 12 Quarry Boy	b. Trevalga
1859	i. 03May1859 Trevalga. Ann Brown age 75 (makes her born 1784)
Elizabeth herself: -	
1817	c. 03Jan1817 Trevalga. Elizabeth BROWN daur of William and Ann Brown, farmer of Trevalga (COD) 
1881	Treligga, St Teath (RG11 2273 f115 p12)
	Elizth. Trayes	Head	W 65	Pauper	b. Trevalga
1891	Treligga Hamlet (RG12/1800 d7 f97 p14)
	Elizabeth Trayes	Head W 75	b. Trevalga
1897	i. 14Apr1897 St Teath. Elizabeth Trayes age 81 of Delamere St Teath (COD)

	William TRAYES
	1839	c. 25Apr1839 Forrabury. William TREASE son of Joseph and Elizabeth of Froggy Pit, Labourer (COD)
	1839	b. William TRAYES (Camelford RD Oct-Nov-Dec 1839 9 50)
	1850	i. 27Dec1850 St Teath. William TRAYES 11, St. Teath Village (COD)
	1850	d. William TRAYES (Camelford RD Oct-Nov-Dec 1850 9 35)

	James Brown TRAYES
	1842	b. 07Mar1842 Welltown, Forrabury 
		James Brown son of Joseph Trayes and Elizabeth Trayes nee Brown, Labourer
		Joseph Trayes (marks) Registered 25th March 1842 (Rootsweb Family Tree)
	1842	b. James TRAYES (Camelford RD Jan-Feb-Mar 1842 9 53)
	1851	Census. Scholar, living with parents
	1861	Census. Slate quarrier, living with parents
	1862	10Aug1862 Banns. Teath, St. James Brown TRAYES of St. Teath, Bachelor and Ann Bonney FRENCH of St. Teath Spinster (COD)
	1862	m. James Brown TRAYES son of Joseph and Elizabeth and Ann Bonney FRENCH (Camelford RD Jul-Aug-Sep 1862 5c 23)
	1862	m. 30Aug1862 St Teath. James Brown TRAYES and Anna Bonney FRENCH (Rootsweb Family Tree)
	1866	20Aug1866. Arrived in New York. Settled in Bangor, Northampton County, PA. (per Donald Trayes - Ancestry chat)
	1872	24Jan1872. Became a US citizen. (per Donald Trayes - Ancestry chat)
	1896	d. 21Dec1896 Pen Argyl, Pennsylvania, USA. (per Donald Trayes - Ancestry chat)
	1896	i. Fair View Cemetery, Pen Argyl. (per Donald Trayes - Ancestry chat)
	Sp. Anna Bonney FRENCH
	1846	b. 09Feb1846 St Teath. (ER)
	1901	d. 11Nov1901 Pen Argyl, Pennsylvania, USA (ER)
		Elizabeth Ann TRAYES
		1864	b. 24Jan1864 (Rootsweb family tree)
		1939	d. 04Nov1939
		Susan Boney TRAYES
		1865	b. 08Aug1865
		1865	c. 04Jun1865 St Teath. Susan Boney TRAYES daur of James and Ann TRAYES, Quarryman, Delamere (COD)
		1889	d. 03Feb1889
		Mary Jane TRAYES
		1867	b. 03Mar1867 PA, USA
		1948	d. 11Nov1948
		William James TRAYES
		1868	b. 10Aug1868 Delabole, Northampton, PA
		1954	b. 06Feb1954 233, E. Main St., Pen Argyl, PA
		Rosanna B. TRAYES
		1870	b. 18Apr1870 Chapmans Quarry, PA, USA (per Wayne Fisher - Ancestry Notice Board)
		1947	d. 24May1947
		Albert TRAYES
		1872	b. 18Jan1872 
		1872	d. 04Feb1872
		Emmaline TRAYES
		1873	b. 06Feb1873
		?	d. infant date unknown
		John Henry TRAYES
		1874	b. 01Dec1874 Delabole, Northampton, PA
		????	m1. Elizabeth GORDON b.1874, d unknown
		????	m2. Barbara SHOOK b.1874, d. Unknown
		1943	d. 16Feb1943 809 South Main St., Bangor, PA.
		Thomas Albert TRAYES
		1876	b. 13Oct1876 Belfast, Northampton, PA
		????	m. Josephine b.1882 New Jersey, USA d. between 1920 and 1930
		Joseph TRAYES
		1879	b. 25Jan1879 Chapmans, Northampton, PA (ER)
		1881	census
			Living with Philip and Mary MAY
		1900	m. Rosa Mary COLE b. 1881 PA, USA  d. unknown
		1930	d. 10Jun1930
		1930	i. East Bangor, Pennsylvania, USA
		Sp. Rosa Mary COLE
		1881	b. 23mar1881 Portland, PA, USA
		1964	d. 28Jul1964
		1964	i. East Bangor, Pennsylvania, USA
		Alice Maud TRAYES
		1881	b. 30Aug1881
		????	m. Wilbert Rogers (Ancestry chatline)
		1955	d. 04Jun1955 i. East Bangor Cemetery PA, USA
		Emily Louisa TRAYES
		1883	b. 02 Jul1883 PA, USA
		1955	d. 16Mar1956
		Nellie May TRAYES
		1885	b. 06Feb1885 PA, USA
		1950	d. 08Jan1950 i. East Bangor Cemetery PA, USA
		Raymond C. TRAYES
		1887	b. 13Sep1887 PA
		1908	m. Ada Mae LAMBERT b. 1888 PA,USA d. 17Dec1970 Bamgor, Northampton Co., PA 
		1968	d. 25Nov1968 Bangor, Northampton Co., PA, USA

	Elizabeth TRAYES
	1844	b. Elizabeth TRAYES (Camelford RD Apr-May-Jun 1844 9 48)
	1851	Census. Scholar, living with parents
	?Sp. William DAVEY
	1845	b.
	1867	m. Elizabeth TRAYES and William DAVEY (Camelford RD Oct-Nov-Dec 1867 5c 27)
	1880?	Emigrated to Canada

	1846 	c. 31May1846 St Teath. Mary TRAYS, daur of Joseph and Elizabeth TRAYS, Quarryman, St. Teath Village (COD)
	1851	i. 26Jan1851 St Teath. Mary TRAYES 4, St. Teath Village (COD)
	Emma Brown TRAYES
	1848	c. 25Dec1848 St Teath. Emma Brown TRAYES, daur of Joseph and Elizabeth TRAYES, Quarryman, St. Teath Village (COD)
	1851	i. 26Jan1851 St Teath. Emma TRAYES 2, St. Teath Village (COD)
	1842	b. 24Nov1849 Churchtown, St Teath. 
		Albert Brown son of Joseph Trayes and Elizabeth Trayes nee Brown, Quarryman
		Informant Elizabeth Trayes. Registered 15th December 1849 (Rootsweb Family Tree)
	1850	c. 19May1850 St Teath. Albert TREASE, son of Joseph and Elizabeth TREASE, Quarryman, St. Teath Village (COD)
	1851	Census. Living with parents
	1861	Census. Slate quarrier, living with parents
	1873	m. 02Aug1873 Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, Easton, PA, USA Mary Pysher of Flicksvill, Pennsylvania, USA 
		b. 1852, d.1926 By Wm. Ashmead Schaeffer. (Rootseb Family Tree))
		NOTE: Is this marriage definitely from the Cornish TREAS family rather than the German DRIES/TREASE family
		Could be Albert simply happened to marry a girl of German extraction. Needs further investigation.
	1852	c. 15Apr1852 St Teath. Mary TRAYES, daur of Joseph and Elizabeth TRAYES, Quarryman, Pengelly (COD)
	1852	c. 25Dec1852 St Teath. Mary TRAYES, son (sic) of Joseph and Elizabeth TRAYES, Quarryman, Pengelly (COD)
		This may be a second "public" christening of Mary
	1861	Census. Living with parents
	1871	Census. Living with parents
	1871	Teath, St. Banns 04Jun1871	Henry DAVEY, St. Teath, Bachelor and Mary Brown FRAYES, St. Teath, Spinster
		Transcriber Notes: 	3rd Sunday left blank. Written across the entry ' Forbidden - not of age' (COD)
	1873	m. Mary Trayes and  Phillip May (Camelford RD Apr-May-Jun 1873 5c 27)
	1881	Census. Hendra Cottage 
		Philp May Head M 33 Ag Lab b. St Merryn
		Mary May Wife M 28 b. St Teath
		Polly May Dau 9 Scholar b. St Teath
		Albert May Son 5 b. St Kew
		William May Son 2 b. St Kew
		Joseph Trays Nephew b. St Teath
	Sp. Philip MAY
	1929?	d. Canada (Rootsweb Family Treee)
	Children: -
	1871	b. 09Jul1871 Polly May (sic) (Rootsweb Family Tree)
	1872	c. 24Mar1872 St Teath. Polly TRAYES daughter of Mary TRAYES, Single Woman, Tregarget (COD)
	Albert b. 1876, William John b. 1879, Cecil b08Jul1882?, Ethel b. 1885, Ernest b. 1887, Henry b. May1990, Howard Philip b. 1895 (Rootsweb Family Tree)
	1882	Emigrated to Ontario, Canada
	William Brown TRAYES
	1853	b. William Brown TRAYES (Camelford RD Oct-Nov-Dec 1853 5c 14)
	1861	Census. Living with parents
	1871	Census. Slate Quarrier,Living with parents
	1873?	d. Bangor, PA.	
	Roseanna TRAYES
	1855	b. Rosanna TRAYES (Camelford RD Jul-Aug-Sep 1855 5c 11)
	1861	Census. Living with parents
	1873	m. Rosanna TRAYES and John COLLINS (Camelford RD Jan-Feb-Mar 1873 5c 28)
	1873	m. 22Feb1873 St Teath. Roseanna Trays and John Collins 
		Witnesses: Joseph (father) and Emma Trayes (Rootsweb family tree)
	1881	Census. Trebarwith Village, Tintagel (RG11/2272 d8 f66 p18 s86)
		John Collings		Head M 27 Farm Labourer b. Tintagel
		Elizabeth Ann Collings 	Wife M 25		b. St Teath
		Elizabeth Collings	Dau  F  7 Scholar	b. St Teath
		Mary Collings		Dau  F  5 Scholar	b. St Teath
		Albert Collings		Son  M  1		b. Tintagel
		Dau Elizabeth age 7, Dau Mary age 5, son Albert age 1
		Eliza Ann Trayse Visitor S 19 General Servant b. St Teath
	1891	Census. Treligga Hamlet. St Teath (RG12/1800 d8 f97 p14 s62)
		John Collins		Head M 37 Slate quarryman	b. Tintagel
		Rosanna Collins 	Wife M 36			b. St Teath
		Albert Collins		Son  U 11 Scholar		b. Tintagel
		Minna Collins		Daur U  9 Scholar		b. Tintagel
		James Collins		Son  U  6 Scholar		b. Tintagel
		William T Collins	Son     4			b. St Teath
		Joseph Collins		Son     2			b. St Teath
		Unnamed			Son     2w			b. St Teath
		NOTE: 	Last son subsequently named Alfred	(Rootsweb family tree)
	1941	d. Delabole/St Teath  (Rootsweb family tree)
	1852	b. 24may1852 Trebarwith, Tintagel (Rootsweb family tree)
	1919	d. 08Mar1919 Delabole, St Teath (Rootsweb family tree)

		Children: -
		Mary b.1875, Elizabeth b. 1877, Albert b.1879, Minnie b.1882, James Trayes b. 1884, William Thomas b. 1887, Joseph Trayes b. 1889
		Ernest b.1893, Frank b.1896, Emily b.1898, Ella Maud b.1901  (Rootsweb family tree)
	1858	b. Emma Brown TRAYES (Camelford RD Jul-Aug-Sep 1858 5c 14)
	1861	Census. Living with parents
	1864	c. 21Apr1864 St Teath. Emma TRAYES, daur of Joseph and Elizabeth TRAYES, Quarryman, Delamere (COD)
	1871 	Census. Pencarrow Village, Advent. (RG10/2219 d4 f52 p3 s12)
		James Lobb	Head	M 40 farmer 156 ac 1 man 1 boy 	b. Padstow
		Frances Lobb	Wife	M 39				b. Tintagel
		Harry Lobb Son 3, Elizabeth Lobb Daur 2, Samuel Lobb Nephew 9 
		William Tilby	Servt	U 14 Indoor farm servant	b. Lanteglos
		Emma Trease	Servt	U 12 Deomestic Servt		b. St Teath
	1881	Census. Rectory, St Breock (RG11/2295 d11 f68 p24 s105)
		William P Matthews Head  M 43 Rector St Breock MA B. Sherburn Yorks also Magistrate
		Wife, 1 dau, 3 sons, 5 servants inc:- 
		Emma Trayes Servt S 22 Housemaid b. St Teath
	Eliza Ann TRAYES
	1862	b. Eliza Ann TRAYES (Camelford RD Apr-May-Jun 1862 5c 1_)
	1871	Census. Living with parents
	1881	Census. Trebarwith Village, Tintagel (RG11/2272 d8 f66 p18 s86)
		John Collings		Head M 27 Farm Labourer b. Tintagel
		Elizabeth Ann Collings 	Wife M 25		b. St Teath
		Elizabeth Collings	Dau  F  7 Scholar	b. St Teath
		Mary Collings		Dau  F  5 Scholar	b. St Teath
		Albert Collings		Son  M  1		b. Tintagel
		Dau Elizabeth age 7, Dau Mary age 5, son Albert age 1
		Eliza Ann Trayse Visitor S 19 General Servant b. St Teath
	1881	m. Eliza Ann TRAYES and William CURTIS (Camelford RD Jul-Aug-Sep 1881 5c 17)
		Children: -
		Thomas A Curtis b1886,	Frederick T Curtis b1888, Ethel Curtis b1891, Sidney Curtis b1893, Mary E Curtis b1897 (per Internet family tree)



Peggy is the daughter of William and Elizabeth Trayes nee Bate and granddaughter of John and Margaret Trayes nee Lang.
She married in 1826 in St Teath. In 1836/37 she and her family left St. Teath to live in the Isle of Man where many of her husband John's relatives already lived.

1801	c. 04Oct1801 St Teath. Peggy daur of William and Elizabeth TRAYES (COD)
1826	m. 17Jun1826 St. Teath. John BAWDEN, Bachelor, Sojourner of this Parish (signs)
	Peggy TRAYES. Spinster, of this Parish, by Banns (marks)
	Witnesses: 	William HARDIN?, John OLIVER
	(with consent of parents - (ER))
1841	Census. Kirk Malew, IOM.
	John Bawden	35	b. England
	Peggey Bawden	35	b. England
	John Bawden	15	b. England
	Edward Bawden	10	b. England
	Emma Bawden	8	b. England
	Mary Ann Bawden	6	b. IOM
	Joseph Bawden 	3 	b. IOM

	?Elizabeth Bawden 3	b. IOM
	?William BAWDEN	0	b. IOM
1851	Census.
	Margaret Bawden Wife 49	b. England
	Emma Bawden	Daur 19 b. England
	Edward Bowden	Son  22 b. England
	Joseph Bawden	Son  12 b. Malew, IOM
	Frederick Bowden Son 10 b. Malew, IOM

1861	Census. Patrick, IOM
	John Bawden	Head 60 b. England
	Margaret Bawden Wife 59 b. England
	Joseph Bowden	Son  23 b. Patrick, IOM
	Frederick Bowden Son 20 b. Patrick, IOM
	Ellen Bowden	Daur 17 b. Patrick, IOM	
1835	24Jan1835. Is witness to the marriage of Stephen Trayes and Mary Hoskin. 
1875	i. 23Sep1875 John Bawden age 75 Parish: Mar IOM (Par reg. transcript on line)

	1826	24Dec1826 St.Teath. John BAWDEN, son of John and Peggy of Church Town, Miner (COD)
	1846	m. 14Apr1846 Malew, IOM. John Bawden single and Mary Susanna Udell 
		(folder 004497209 image 00217)
	?1848	m. 09Dec1848 Patrick, IOM. John Bawden widowed son of John and Elinor Loyd widow daur of Willim 
	 	(Folder 004494342 Image 00132)

		1849	c. 15Apr1849	Malew, IOM	Mary Taylor Bawden daur of John and Mary
		1852	c. 14Nov1852	Patrick IOM	John Bawden son of John and Mary 
		1854	c. 15Oct1854	Patrick, IOM	Edward Bawden son of John and Mary (C03824-1)
		1856	c. 15Oct1856	Patrick IOM	Louisa Bawden daur of John and Mary 
		1859	c. 19Jun1859	Patrick IOM	Joseph Bawden son of John and Mary 

	Edward BAWDEN
	1829	07Jun1829 St.Teath. John BAWDEN, son of John and Peggy of Tregurgett, Miner (COD)
	1851	Census. At home with parents.
	1851	Census. At home with parents.
	1831	19Nov1831 St.Teath. Emma BAWDEN, twin daur of John and Peggy of Village, Miner (COD)
	Transcriber Notes: Private baptisms of twins Ellen & Emma recorded in a single register entry. Publickly April 1st 1832.
	1841	Census. At home with parents.
	1851	Census. At home with parents.
	?1853	m. 22Jan1853 Patrick, IOM. Emma Bawden daur of John and James Rowe son of Nicholas 
		(Folder 004494342)		

	1831	19Nov1831 St.Teath. Ellen BAWDEN, twin daur of John and Peggy of Village, Miner (COD)
	Transcriber Notes: Private baptisms of twins Ellen & Emma recorded in a single register entry. Publickly April 1st 1832.
	NOTE: Presumably died young as another Ellen is born in 1843

	Joseph BAWDEN
	1836	c. 15Jul1836 St.Teath. Joseph BAWDEN, son of John and Peggy of St. Teath Village, Miner (COD)
		Register notes: Privately. Publickly October 2nd 1836 
	1837	i. 27Mar1837 St.Teath. Joseph BAWDEN, 8m, of St. Teath Village

	Joseph BAWDEN
	1839	c. 01jan1839 Marown, IOM. Joseph Bawden Trees son of John Bawden and Margt Trees (Folder 004501376 image 00238)
	1841	Census. At home with parents.
	1851	Census. At home with parents.
	1861	Census. At home with parents.
	1881	Census. Ballamore, Patrick, IOM (RG11/5596/51 p10)
		Joseph Bawden	Head M 42	Lead Miner	b. Patrick, IOM
		Jane Bawden	Wife M 39	Miners Wife	b. Patrick, IOM
	1887	i. 09Aug1887 Patrick, IOM Joseph Bawden age 47 (B02464-2)

	Frederick BAWDEN
	1840	c. 25Dec1840 Marown, IOM. Frederick Bowden Trayes son Of John Bowden and Margaret TRAYES (Folder 004501376 image = 00243)
	1861	Census. At home with parents.
	1864	m. 30Jun1864 German, IOM Frederick BAWDEN single son of John and Elizabeth Quirk single daur of Robert 
		(Folder 004504484 Image 00178)
	1843	c. 23Jul1843 Marown, IOM. Ellen Bowden Trays daur of John Bowden Margaret Trays  (Folder 004501376 image = 00249)
	1864	m. 14Jul1864 Patrick, IOM. Ellen Bowden 21 and Thomas Caine 26 (M03824-1)
		Another transcript states Ellen is single and daur of Wm Bowden so maybe the wrong Ellen



Rebecca was the daughter of William and Elizabeth Trayes nee Bate and granddaughter of John and Margaret Trayes nee Lang.
In 1831 she married Thomas Chapman of St Teath. After he died in 1837, she married John Cowling in 1840. The John Cowling she married was the son of John and Susanna Cowling NOT her cousin, the son of William and Jennifer Cowling nee Treise, and the other No children have been traced from either marriage.

Rebecca Bate TRAYES
1806	c. 16Mar1806 St Teath. Rebecca Bate TRAYES daur of William and Elizabeth TRAYES (COD)
1829	29Jul1819. Is witness to the marriage in St Teath of Matthew Ore, sojourner, bachelor and Kitty Amy, spinster. (ER)
1831	m. 10Sep1831 St.Teath. Thomas CHAPMAN, Bachelor, Sojourner of this Parish (marks)
	Rebecca TRAYES, Spinster of this Parish by Banns (marks)
	Witnesses: 	Wm. TRAYES Snr., Ann PARSONS
	Register notes: 3rd witness John OLIVER Clerk
1840	m. Rebecca CHAPMAN and John COWLING (Camelford RD Apr-May-Jun 1840 9 61)
	m. 09May1840 St Teath. John COWLING, ofa, St Teath Village, Labourer s/o John (Signs) (COD)
	Rebecca CHAPMAN ofa, St Teath Village, Widow d/o William TRAYES, mason
	Witnesses: Jane TRAYES (marks), Joseph Jordan SPETTIGUE (signs) 
1841	Census. Church Town, St Teath (HO107/152/14 d11 f23 p14)
	John Cowling	35 	Ag. Lab. 	b. Cornwall
	Rebecca Cowling 35			b. Cornwall
1851	Census. So far cannot find them on the 1851 census.
1861	Census. Trigole, Poundstock (RG9/1514 f7 p5 s22)
	John Cowling	Head 56 Farmer of 16 acres	b. St Teath
	Rebecca Cowling Wife 55 Farmer's wife		b. St Teath
1871	Census. Tregole, Poundstock (RG10/2217 f16 p6 s32)
	John Cowling	Head 65 Retired Farmer	b. St Teath
	Rebecca Cowling Wife 65 		b. St Teath
1881	Census. Tregoles, Poundstock (RG10/2271 f16 p5 s25)
	John Cowling	Head 75 Retired Farmer	b. St Teath
	Rebecca Cowling Wife 74 		b. St Teath
1881	i. 09May1881 Poundstock. Rebecca Cowling of Tregole aged 75

Sp1 Thomas CHAPMAN
1837	i. 26Oct1837 St. Teath. Thomas CHAPMAN, 32y old, of St. Teath Village (COD)

1805	c. 02Feb1805 St Teath. John Cowling son of John and Susanna (COD)
1882	d. John Cowling age 78 (Stratton RD Jul-Aug-Sep 1882 5c 5)
1882	i. 14Sep1882 Poundstock. John Cowling age 78 of Longlands (COD)	
NOTE: The following details are thought to relate to another John Cowling :-
	1805	c. 30Jul1805 St Teath. John Cowling son of William and Jennifer (COD)
	1833	m. 25Dec1833 St Teath. John Cowling otp bachelor (marks) and Jane Petrie sojourner spinster (signs) by Banns (COD)
		Witnesses: Nicholas Cowling x, Mary Cowling x 
		NOTE: This marriage cannot refer to the son of John and Susanna because in his 1840 marriage to Rebecca he is described as a bachelor and 
		John & Jane CHAPMAN appear in census returns after 1840. 
		Both families have a son Nicholas (possibly one witness), but only John & Susanna have a daughter Mary (possibly the other).		
	1841	Census. St Teath Churchtown (HO107/152 b14 f21 p11)
		John Cowling 30 Ag Lab 	Born in County
		Jane Cowling 30		Born in County
	1851	Census. St Teath Churchtown (HO107/1898 f261 p29)
		John Cowling 45 Ag Lab 	b. St Teath
		Jane Cowling 		b. Scotland
	1871	i. 29May1871 St Teath. John Cowling age 65 of St Teath Village (COD)
	Sp. Jane PETRIE
	1882	i. 11Nov1882 St Teath. Jane Cowling age 79 of St Trevilley Lane (COD)



John was the son of William and Elizabeth Trayes nee Bate and grandson of John and Margaret Trayes nee Lang.
He married Mary Smith in St Teath in 1834 and appears to have had only one daughter, Ellen. At the time of the 1851 census he was an out of work miner. Shortly after he emigrated to the USA and the family set up home in Wisonsin where John became a farmer. His daughter Ellen married Benjamin Wilcox who appears to be from a local Wisconsin family and they had several children before he died. After his death Ellen returned with her family to live with her parents. It is not known when or where John and Mary died.

1808 	c. 17Apr1808 St Teath. John TRAYES s. William and Elizabeth (ER not on COD)
1834	m. 02Aug1834 St Teath. John TRAYES, bachelor, otp (marks)  and Mary SMITH, spinster, otp (marks) by Banns
	Witnesses: ? CRADDOCK, Thomas COLMAN
	Register notes: 3rd witness John OLIVER P. Clerk	(COD) 'with consent of parents' (ER)
1841	Church Town (HO107/152 pt6 b14 f19 p6)
	John Smith	75	Agricultural Labourer	In county
	Mary Smith	75				In county
	John Trayes	30	Miner Copper		In county
	Mary Trayes	25				In county
	Ellen Trayes	 4				In county
1851	Church Town	(Ho107/1898 pt5 f264 p24)
	John Trays	Head	M 42	Miner Out Of Lab	St Teath
	Mary Trays	Wife	M 40				St Breock
	Ellen Trays	Dau	U 13				St Teath
	John Smith	Ftrlaw	W 89	Ag Lab			Tintagel
	John Guy	Lodger	M 21	Ag Lab			St Minver
	Susan Guy	Ldgwif	M 19				St Endellion
	Belinda Guy	Ldgdau	  11m				St Teath
1851	June 1851. Arrived in Buffalow USA from Cadstow (sic - - should be Padstow) en route to Lafayette County, Wisconsin, USA 
1860 	Grant, Wisconsin Ward Hazel Green (IGI p31 family 245 film 805409 dgs 4298904 image 00253 narra M653)
	John Trayse	age 54 b. England 
	Mary Trayse	age 47 b. England
1880 	Hazel Green, Grant, Wisconsin, 1255427, p146B
	John TRAYES	M	Male	79  	 ENG	Farmer 
	Mary TRAYES	M	Female	74  	 ENG	Keeping House 
	Ellen WILCOX	W	Female	42  	 ENG	At Home 
	John WILCOX	S	Male	21  	 WI	Works On Farm 
	Albert WILCOX	S	Male	16  	 WI	At Home 
	Charles WILCOX	S	Male	14  	 WI	At Home 
	Mary A. WILCOX	S	Female	18  	 WI	At Home 
	Anna WILCOX	S	Female   8  	 WI	At Home 
	James QUINLIN	S	Male	42  	 IRELAND Laborer 
	Mary WILCOX	M	Female	23  	 ENG	At Home 
1881	MI  Mt Ida (Fennimore) Prairie Cemetery, Grant County
	John TRAYES died Dec 20 1881 aged 81 Ys 8Ms 3Ds
	Mary his wife died Jan 25 1891 aged 84 YEARS	
Sp. Mary SMITH
1891	d. 25Jan1891 aged 84 years (see husband's MI of 1881)

	William TRAYES
	1835	c. 30Jan1835 St Teath. William TRAYES, son of John and Mary TRAYES, miner, St Teath Village (COD)
		Register Notes: Privately. Publickly March 1st 1835.
	1839	d. 15Jan1839  (ER)
		(Death cert - ER) Camelford Registration District, Cornwall.
		William Trease, Male, Age 4 Years, Son of John Trease Miner
		When and where died:- 15th January 1839, Churchtown in the Parish of St. Teath
		Cause of Death:- Consumption
		Informant:- Mark + of Mary Trease Present at the Death, Churchtown, St. Teath
		Registered:- Nineteenth of January 1839, William Burt Registrar 
	1839	i. 17Jan1839 St Teath. William TRAYES 4y, St. Teath (COD)
	1837	c. 13May1837 St Teath. Ellen TRAYES daur John and Mary TRAYES, miner, St Teath Village (COD)
		Register notes: Privately. Publickly May 28th 1837 
	1841	Census. Living with parents
	1851	Census. Living with parents
	Emigrates to USA and marries Benjamin WILCOX
	1880	Census. Living with parents and her children.
	1910 	MI  Mt Ida (Fennimore) Prairie Cemetery, Grant County
		"Ellen Wilcox WENZEL 1837 - 1910"
	Sp. Benjamin Wilcox
	1801	b. NY State. Benjamin WILCOX 
	1803	b. RI. Mary Maria ? 
	b.1829 Abigail, b.1832 Mary Eliza, b.1835 Thomas - wife Elma Jacobs
	1833	b. NY State. Benjamin WILCOX - wife Ellen Trayes 
	1848	Finally arrived in WI and lived in Hazel Green then Wyalusing (Bingley)
	(all above information on WILCOX family from Internet chatline)
		Mary Ellen Wilcox
		1925	d. 14Jan1925 Escanaba, Delta, Michigan b 1864 Wisconsin Retired Cook Widowed. Father: Benjamin Wilcox  Mother: Ellen Trays (IGI B51843-4)



Stephen was the son of William and Elizabeth Trayes nee Bate and grandson of John and Margaret Trayes nee Lang.
He married Mary HOSKIN in 1835. Their oldest son John had suffered a brain injury in his childhood and was cared for by his brother William when Stephen and Mary were no longer able to do so. Their son James emigrated to New Zealand. In 1883 son William and family planned to join James in New Zealand but unfortunately there was a problem with taking John with them so they did not go. Stephen died in 1888.

Stephen TRAYES
1810	c. 22Apr1810 St Teath. Stephen TRAYES son of William and Elizabeth TRAYES (COD)
1835	m. 24Jan1835 St Teath. Stephen TRAYES, bachelor, otp (signs) and Mary HOSKIN, Spinster, otp (signs) by Banns (COD)
	Witnesses: S.B. IVES?, John BAWDEN
	Register notes: 3rd witness John THOMAS
1841	Census. Church Town (HO107/152 pt6 b14 f20 p9)
	Stephen Trayes	30	Mason	In county
	Mary Trayes	25		In county
	John Trayes	5		In county
	James Trayes	3		In county
	Emma Trayes	1		In county
1841	St Teath Tithe Map
	Owner Stephen Trayes 	Occupier Stephen Trayes 	Union Row  
1851	Census. Church Town	(Ho107/1898 pt5 f263 p23)
	Stephen Trays	Head	M 41	Stone Mason	St Teath
	Mary Trays	Wife	M 39			St Teath
	John Trays	Son	U 16			St Teath
	James Trays	Son	U 13			St Teath
	Jane Trays	Dau	   9	Scholar		St Teath
	William Trays	Son	   5	Scholar		St Teath
	Mary Hxxx Trays	Dau	   3			St Teath
1861	Census. Vicarage Farm (RG9/1516 pt3 f114 p17)
	Stephen Trayes	Head	M 51	Farmer Of 30 Acres	St Teath
	Mary Trayes	Wife	M 49	St Teath
	John Trayes	Son	U 24	St Teath
	Jane Trayes	Daur	U 19	St Teath
	William H Trayes Son	U 15	St Teath
	Thomas Welsh	Servnt	U 17	Carter	Lanteglos Cornwall
1871	Census. Tynes (RG10/2221 d9 f18 p16)
	Stephen Trays	Head	M 61	Farming 63 Acres	St Teath
	Mary Trays	Wife	M 59	Farmers Wife		St Teath
	John Trays	Son	U 34	Farmers Son		St Teath
	William H Trays	Son	U 25	Farmers Son		St Teath
	Mary H Trays	Dau	U 23	Farmers Daughter	St Teath
	Richard Teague	Servnt	U 16	Farm Serv Indoor	St Teath
1881	Census. Living with son William and family.
1888	d. 15Sep1888 Egloshayle per Bodmin RD (ER)
1888	i. 17Sep1888 St Teath. Stephen TRAYSE 78y, of Egloshayle (COD)
	Register notes: New Cem: Par. Ch.
1888	MI New Parish church cemetery - joint grave with wife 
	Stephen TRAYES died 15Sep1888 aged 78

1878	d. 27Apr1848 St Teath. (ER)
1878	i. 30Apr1878 St Teath. Mary TRAYES 66, of Tines (COD)
1888	MI New Parish church cemetery - joint grave with husband 
	Mary TRAYES wife of Stephen died 26Apr1878 aged 66

	1836	c. 05Jun1836 St Teath. John TRAYES, son of Stephen and Mary, Mason, St. Teath Village (COD)
	1841 	Census. Living with parents.
	1851	Census. Living with parents.
	1861	Census. Living with parents.
	1871	census. Living with parents.
	1881	census. Living with brother William 
	1891	census. Living with brother William
	1900 	i. 21Apr1900 St Teath (ER)

	1837	b. 13Dec1837 St Teath. (ER)
	1841 	Census. Living with parents.
	1851	Census. Living with parents.
	1861	m. 11May1861 New Zealand by the Bishop of NZ. Ketura Jane NAISH (ER)

	1839	b. Emma Trayes (Camelford RD Oct-Nov-Dec 1839 9 54)
	1841 	Census. Living with parents.
	1851	Census. Living with grandmother.
	1863	Banns. St Teath. Month 3 10 May. 	
		Martin Strongman Burton sojourner of parish of St Germans bachelor
		Emma Trayes of St Teath, spinster
	1863	m. 20May1863 St. Teath.  
		Martin Strongman Burton age 28 Bachelor Policeman of St Germans son of Arthur Burton (signs)
		and Emma Trayes 23 spinster servant of St Teath daur of Stephen Trayes farmer (signs) By Banns
		Witnesses: Mary Hoskin Trayes, William Hoskin Trayes (COD - marriage cert)

	1842	b. 20Mar1842 (ER)
	1851	Census. Living with parents.
	1861	Census. Living with parents.
	1865	m. Jane TRAYES and Henry YOUNGS (Stoke Damerel RD Apr-May-Jun 1865 5b 609)
	1881	Census. 105 Fortress Road, St Pancras, Middx (RG11/224 f23 p39)
		Henry YOUNG	Head	M 44 	Coachman			b. Kenninghall, Norfolk
		Jane YOUNG	Wife	M 39 	Managing China Business etc.	b. St Faith (sic), Cornwall
		Jane CANNING	Visitor	U 52	Cook				b. St. Columb, Cornwall
		Harry BURTON	Nephew	U 16	Groom				b. Wadebridge

	William Hoskin TRAYES
	1845	b. 19Apr1845 (ER)
	1851	Census. Living with parents.
	1861	Census. Living with parents.
	1871	Census. Living with parents.
	1872	m. William Hoskin Trayes and Catharine Tremain (Camelford RD Apr-May-Jun 1872 5c 23)

	Mary Hoskin TRAYES
	1847	c. 25Dec1847 St Teath (ER)
	1871	m. Mary Trayes and Moses KELLOW (Camelford RD Apr-May-Jun 1871 5c 35)
	1880	Census Plainfield Northampton Pennsylvania (IGI film no 1255163)
			Moses L KELLOW M 29 b. England
			Mary KELLOW  F 32 b. England
			Robard S KELLOW M 1	
	1883	After Moses died Mary and her son Robert returned to Cornwall (per Genforum post)
	1892	m. Mary Hoskin KELLOW and either Samuel PARSONS or William Henry Wilson (Bodmin RD Jan-Feb-Mar 1892 5c 114)
	?1899	d. Mary PARSONS aged 52 (Bodmin RD Apr-May-Jun 1899 5c 56) 

	Sp1 Moses KELLOW
	1883	Moses was killed in an accident at a slate quarry in Pennsylvania (per Genforum post)
		If this is correct, who is father of Maud Kellow born in 1886?
		Cannot find death record for Moses Kellow in UK.

	Sp2 Samuel PARSONS?
	There are marriages between the Parsons and Kellow families so it is thought most likely that Mary remarried to Samuel Parsons.
	In 1891 a widow, Samuel Parsons, aged 43 is living at Trelights in St Endellion with a son and two daughters.
	1935	d. Samuel PARSONS aged 88 (Bodmin RD Jul-Aug-Sep 1935 5c 73)

		Robert Stephen KELLOW
		1880	US Census. Robard S KELLOW M 1 living with his parents in Pennsylvania
		1891	Scholar Living with his Uncle William Hoskin Trays at Trecreage St Endellion
		1898	m. Robert KELLOW and EMMELINE THORNE (Bodmin RD Jan-Feb-Mar 1898 5c 127)

		1886	b. October 9th
			c. 29Nov1886 Port Isaac Chapels on UM Free Church circuit by Joseph Bentley (Minister)
			Maud KELLOW dau of Moses KELLOW and MARY HOSKIN of Amble St Kew 
		1886	b. Maud KELLOW (Bodmin 5c 79)
		1924	m. Harry GREGORY (Bodmin RD Jul-Aug-Sep 1924 5c 158)
		1933	m. William TRAYES (Launceston RD Apr-May-Jun 1933 5c 158)
		1956	d. 10Jul1956 (ER)
		Sp1 Harry GREGORY
		1926	d. Harry Gregory age 38 (Launceston RD Apr-May-Jun 1926 5c 23)

		Sp2 William TRAYES
		William was Maud's nephew
		1975	d. 14Dec1975



James was the son of Stephen and Mary Trayes nee HOSKIN and grandson of William and Elizabeth Trayes nee BATE.

1837	b. 13Dec1837 St Teath. (ER)
1841 	Census. Living with parents.
1851	Census. Living with parents.
1861	m. 11May1861 New Zealand by the Bishop of NZ. Ketura Jane NAISH (ER)
1865	Electoral Roll - Ayckland West 
	James Trayes Franklin St 
1903	d. 05Jun1903 (per Rootsweb tree)

Sp. Keturah Jane NAISH
	1827	m. 14Nov1827 St Philip and St Jacob Bristol. William NAISH and Jand BUCK both otp, by Banns
		(B&A FHS Marriage Index Vol 8 Diocese of Bristol 1813 - 1837 - per Internet 
1837	c. 25Jun1837 St Philip and St Jacob Bristol. Kitulia (sic) Jane NAISH., age 2y 3m, daughter of William and Jane
	mason of Bread Street, Bristol 
	(B&A FHS Baptism Index Vol 1-7 Diocese of Bristol 1813 - 1837 - per Internet 
1917	d. 30Sep1917. (per Rootsweb tree)

	William Stephen TRAYES
	1862	b. (per Rootsweb tree)
		thought to be Methodist Lay Preacher at Kuaotunu
	1884	m. Sarah Jane DUNSTAN (per Internet)
		who died in childbirth

	Richard James TRAYES
	1863	b. (per Rootsweb tree)
	1864	d. 21Oct1864 aged 16 months.
		"in memory of Richard James Hoskin TRAYES son of James and Keturah Jane TRAYES who died Oct ... 1864 
		suffer little children to come unto me for ... heaven" (MI per Internet)

	Walter John TRAYES
	1864	b. (per Rootsweb tree)

	Ida Mary TRAYES
	1866	b. 17Oct1866 (per Rootsweb tree)
	1892	m. Robert HENDERSON (per Internet)

	James Hoskin TRAYES
	1868	b. (per Rootsweb tree)
	1897	m. Laura AVENELL (per Internet)

	Joseph TRAYES
	1871	b. (per Rootsweb tree)

	1871	b. (per Rootsweb tree)
	Emily Keturah TRAYES
	1872	b. Shortland. (per Rootsweb tree)
	1902	m. 29May1902 Mangere, Auckland, NZ
		Emily Keturah TRAYES daur of James TRAYES, fruitgrower, and Samuel Ward HOUSE, merchant
		Witnesses: George Low CAWKELL and Olive May TRAYES  
	1961	d. 14Jan1961 (per Rootsweb tree)
	1961	i. 17Jun1961 Purewa. 
	Alfred Ernest TRAYES
	1875	b. (per Rootsweb tree)
	1905	m. Mary Emma TAYLOR (per Internet)
	1906	Alfred E TRAYES Assistant Teacher Ponsonby School Auckland Level; D1 (NZ Teachers 1906)
	1918	21May1918 Called to service (Auckland Star)
		Alfred E TRAYES schoolmaster. Mangere
	1948	d. (per Rootsweb tree)

NOTE: The following entry appears on the Internet :-
	Raleigh Vere Naishe TRAYES discharged 14Feb1946 24 Bn Scott Group 4. Khalives. Repatriated I.R.C.




Emma was the daughter of Stephen and Mary Trayes nee HOSKIN and granddaughter of William and Elizabeth Trayes nee BATE.

1839	b. Emma Trayes (Camelford RD Oct-Nov-Dec 1839 9 54)
1841 	Census. Living with parents.
1851	Census. Living with grandmother.
1863	Banns. St Teath. Month 3 10 May. 	
	Martin Strongman Burton sojourner of parish of St Germans bachelor
	Emma Trayes of St Teath, spinster
1863	m. 20May1863 St. Teath.  
	Martin Strongman Burton age 28 Bachelor Policeman of St Germans son of Arthur Burton (signs)
	and Emma Trayes 23 spinster servant of St Teath daur of Stephen Trayes farmer (signs) By Banns
	Witnesses: Mary Hoskin Trayes, William Hoskin Trayes (COD - marriage cert)
1871	Moor Street Police Station, St Martins, Camborne
	Martin Burton	Head 	35 Police Constable 	b. Wadebridge
	Emma Burton	Wife	31			b. St Earth
	Harry Burton	Son	7			b. St Germans
	Arthur Burton	Son	5			b. St Germans
	George NEALS	U	21 Police Constable 	b. Hartland, Devon
	William Tucker  U	24 Police Constable  	b. Carvannick, CON
	William DAVISE	U	24 Police Constable 	b. St Mellion, CON
	Francis RICHARDSON U	23 Police Constable 	b. Ladock, CON
	Thomas HODGE	M	28 Miner in custody	b. Constantine, CON
1911	d. 04Oct1911 (ER)
Sp. Martin Strongman BURTON
1856	07Feb1856 Egloshayle. Witnesses marriage of his brother
	William Burdon bachelor quarryman of St Breock son of Arthur Burdon labourer (signs)
	and Ann Sloggett spinster of Egloshayle daur of Thomas Sloggett labourer of Egloshayle (signs) By Banns
	Witnesses: Martin Burdon, Susan Sloggett
1907	d. 04Oct1911 (ER)
	Henry Martin BURTON
	1864	c. 01May1864 St Germans. Henry Martin BURTON  son of Martin Stoneman and Emma BURTON policeman (COD)
	1871	Census. With parents in Camborne
	118	Census. Staying with Aunt Jane in St Pancras in London

		Martin Cleave BURTON
		1897	c. 04Mar1897 b. 08Feb1897 Port Isaac UM Free Martin Cleave Burdon son of Henry Martin and Jane Burdon of Wadebridge by H Fry (COD)

	Arthur BURTON
	c. 24Dec1865 St Germans. Arthur Treese BURTON  son of Martin Stoneman and Emma BURTON policeman (COD)
	m. Elizabeth James Menhenitt (ER)
	d. 24Aug1935 Arthur Trayes Burton (ER)
	William BURTON(ER)

	Audrey BURTON(ER)



William was the son of Stephen and Mary Trayes nee HOSKIN and grandson of William and Elizabeth Trayes nee BATE.

William Hoskin TRAYES
1845	b. 19Apr1845 (ER)
1851	Census. Living with parents.
1861	Census. Living with parents.
1871	Census. Living with parents.
1872	m. William Hoskin Trayes and Catharine Tremain (Camelford RD Apr-May-Jun 1872 5c 23)
1881	Census. Lower Tines St Teath (RG11/2273 f111 p4 s10)
	William TRAYES	Head	37 Farmer of 63 acres emp 2	b. St Teath
	Catherine "	Wife	39				b. St Teath
	Jane	"	Daur	 6 Scholar			b. St Teath
	Wilfred W "	Son	 4				b. St Teath
	James Hoskin "	Son	 2				b. St Teath
	Mary Tremain "	Daur	 1				b. St Teath
	Stephen  "	Father	74 Retired Farmer		b. St Teath
	John	"	Brother 45 Farmer's son			b. St Teath
	William DINGLE  Servant U 18 Farm Servant Indoor	b. Minster, CON
	Elizabeth PEARCE Servant U 19 Domestic servant		b. Minster, CON
1883	31Aug1883 Letter to NZ Agent-General in London
1891	Census. Trecreage, St. Endellion, Bodmin (RG12/1817 f56 p8 s52)
	William Hoskin TRAYS	Head	45 Farmer (Em'er)	b. St Teath
	Catherine "		Wife	49			b. St Teath
	Jane	"		Daur	16			b. St Teath
	Wilfred W West "	Son	14 Scholar		b. St Teath
	Jas Hoskin "		Son	12 Scholar		b. St Teath
	Mary Tremain "		Daur	11 Scholar		b. St Teath
	John "			Brother 54 Farmer's Asst (Em'ee) b. St Teath
	Robert Stephen KELLOW	Nephew	12 Scholar		b. Pensilvania USA
	Harry TABB 		Servant 19 Gen Servt (Em'ee)	b. St Teath
1921	m. Edith A Longford (Launceston RD Jan-Feb-Mar 1921 5c 51)	
1928	d. 25Apr1928 St Teath, Cornwall age 83, late of Trewarne) (MI - ER)
1928	i. Trelill Methodist Cemetery, St Teath  (MI - ER)

Sp1 Catherine TREMAIN
1916	d. Catherine TRAYES age 75 (Camelford RD Oct-Nov-Dec 1916 5c 17)
1916	d. 01Nov1916 per MI (ER)
1916	i. 12Nov1916 Churchouse, St Teath (MI - ER)
1916	i. Trelill Methodist Cemetery, St Teath  (MI - ER)

1936	m. Edith A TRAYES and William R FRIEND (Launceston RD Jul-Aug-Sep 1936 5c 43)
1955	d. Edith A FRIEND age 81 (Launceston RD Apr-May-Jun 1955 7a 56)

	1874	b. Jane Trayes (Camelford RD Jul-Aug-Sep 1874 5c 15)
	1881	Census. Living with parents.
	1891	Census. Living with parents.
	1912	m. Jane Trays and David COWLING (Bodmin RD Jul-Aug-Sep 1912 5c 120)

	Wilfred William W TRAYES
	1876	b. Wilfred William W Trayes (Camelford RD Oct-Nov-Dec 1876 5c 14a)
	1903	m. Wilfred William W Trayes and Sarah OATEN (Bodmin RD Oct-Nov-Dec 1903 5c 144)

	James Hoskin TRAYES
	1878	b. James Hoskin Trayes (Camelford RD Apr-May-Jun 1878 5c 13)
	1912	m. James H Trayes and Jessie CLEAVE (Bodmin RD Oct-Nov-Dec 1912 5c 155)
	1945	01Sep1945 Launceston Post (ER)
		"James Hoskin Trayes 67 of Trewane, Pendogget has died in hospital following an accident in the harvest field"
	Sp. Jessie CLEAVE

	Mary Tremain TRAYES
	1880 	b. Mary Tremain Trayes (Camelford RD Jan-Feb-Mar 1880 5c 14a)
	1908	m.  Mary Tremain Trayes and Richard H KINGDON (Bodmin RD Jul-Aug-Sep 1908 5c 15[38])
		The Free BMD records show spouse for Mary Tremain Trayes's marriage as 
		either Arthur Francis PEARCE or Maurice Lawrence HOLDEN (Bodmin RD Jul-Aug-Sep 1908 5c 153)
		but neither of these appear to be correct. If you search for Richard H Kingdon's marriage, error message 
		"spouse not found" occurs when you try on his name
	1918	d. 25Apr1918 aged 38 late of Trewarne per MI (ER)
	1918	i. Trelill methodist cemetery (ER)
	Sp. Richard H KINGDON



William was the son of William and Catharine Trayes nee TREMAIN and grandson of Stephen and Mary Trayes nee HOSKIN.

Wilfred William W TRAYES
1876	b. Wilfred William W Trayes (Camelford RD Oct-Nov-Dec 1876 5c 14a)
1903	m. Wilfred William W Trayes and Sarah OATEN (Bodmin RD Oct-Nov-Dec 1903 5c 144)
1927	12May1927 - Lease Poltreworgey, St Kew, Cornwall (CRO F/3/4/130)
	1) John Brevill Fortescue, Esq., of Boconnoc
	2) Wilfrid William Trayes; and Owen Trayes of Treceege, St Endellion, Cornwall
	A lease by 1) to 2) of the farm, lands and premises called Poltraworgye (Poltreworgey) situated in St Kew Cornwall. The Lease is annotated 
	' tenancy terminated Michaelmas 1931' Term from year to year. Rent £85 to be paid by equal quarterly instalments. 
1954	d. 29Nov1954 (ER)
1954	d. Wilfred W W TRAYES age 78 (Bodmin RD Oct-Nov-Dec 1954 7a 5)

Sp. Sarah OATEN
1964	d. 28Jul1964 (Er)
	George Owen TRAYES
	1904	b. George Owen TRAYES (Bodmin RD Apr-May-Jun 1904 5c 64)
	1926	m. George _ TRAYES and Lilian COLLINGS (Bodmin RD Oct-Nov-Dec 1926 5c 135)

	William TRAYES
	1906	b. William TRAYES (Bodmin RD Jul-Aug-Sep 1906 5c 70)
	1933	m. Maud Gregory (Launceston RD Apr-May-Jun 5c 38)
	1959	m. Amelia M RALPH (Bodmin RD Jan-Feb-Mar 1959 7a 3)

	1911	b. John TRAYES mother:OATEN (Bodmin RD Oct-Nov-Dec 1911 5c 120)
	1933	m. John TRAYES and Tryphosa M STEPHENS (Bodmin RD Oct-Nov-Dec 1933 5c 163)
	1915	b. Bessie TRAYES mother:OATEN (Bodmin RD Oct-Nov-Dec 1915 5c 103) 
	1935	m. Betty TRAYES and William G BLEWETT (Bodmin RD Oct-Nov-Dec 1935 5c 187)
	Sp. William G BLEWETT "Gordon"	

		Gordon W J BLEWETT
		1936	b. Gordon W J BLEWETT mother: TRAYES (Bodmin Jul-Aug-Sep 1936 5c 59)
		1957	m. Gordon W J BLEWETT and Marjorie P BURT (Bodmin RD Oct-Nov-Dec 1957 7a 15)

		William D BLEWETT
		1942	b. William D BLEWETT mother: TRAYES (Bodmin Apr-May-Jun 1942 5c 139))



George was the son of William and Sarah Trayes nee OATEN and grandson of William and Catharine Trayes nee TREMAIN.

George Owen TRAYES
1904	b. George Owen TRAYES (Bodmin RD Apr-May-Jun 1904 5c 64)
1926	m. George _ TRAYES and Lilian COLLINGS (Bodmin RD Oct-Nov-Dec 1926 5c 135)Sp. Lillian COLLINGS
1966	1966 Electors List - Owen Trayes and Lilian Trayes of 'Siesta', St Minver (ER)

Sp. Lillian COLLINGS
	Wilfred G B TRAYES ("Bailey"?)
	1929	b. Wilfred G B TRAYES mother:COLLINGS (Bodmin RD Apr-May-Jun 1929 5c 88)
	1951	m. Wilfred G B TRAYS and Betty HARRISON (Bodmin RD Apr-May-Jun 1951 7a 5)
	1982?	d.


		Wilfred G B TRAYES
		1951	b. Wilfred G B TRAYES mother:HARRISON (Bodmin RD Apr-May-Jun 1951 7a 25)		

		Carole A TRAYES
		1952	b. Carole A TRAYES Mother: HARRISON (Bodmin RD Jan-Feb-Mar 1952 7a 3)



William was the son of William and Sarah Trayes nee OATEN and grandson of William and Catharine Trayes nee TREMAIN.

William TRAYES
1906	b. William TRAYES (Bodmin RD Jul-Aug-Sep 1906 5c 70)
1933	m. Maud Gregory (Launceston RD Apr-May-Jun 5c 38)
1959	m. Amelia M RALPH (Bodmin RD Jan-Feb-Mar 1959 7a 3)
1975?	d. 14Dec1975

Sp1. Maude GREGORY
Maude was the daughter of William's great Aunt, Mary Hoskin KELLOW nee TRAYES
1887?	b.
1956?	d. 10Jul1956

Sp2. Amelia M RALPH "Mabel"
Nothing more known



John was the son of William and Sarah Trayes nee OATEN and grandson of William and Catharine Trayes nee TREMAIN.

1911	b. John TRAYES mother:OATEN (Bodmin RD Oct-Nov-Dec 1911 5c 120)
1933	m. John TRAYES and Tryphosa M STEPHENS (Bodmin RD Oct-Nov-Dec 1933 5c 163)
Sp. Tryphosia Mary STEPHENS

	Terence J M TRAYES
	1934	b. Terance J M TRAYES mother:STEPHENS (Bodmin RD Oct-Nov-Dec 1934 5c 80)
	(emigrated to USA married twice - ER)
	1945	b. David A TRAYES Mother: STEPHENS (Bodmin RD Apr-May-Jun 1945 5c 82)

	Elizabeth M TRAYES
	1953	b. Elizabeth M TRAYES Mother: STEPHENS (Bodmin RD Apr-May-Jun 1953 7a 4)



Mary was the daughter of William and Elizabeth Trayes nee Bate and granddaughter of John and Margaret Trayes nee Lang.

1814	c. 20Jun1814 St Teath. Mary TRAYES twin, daur of William and Elizabeth TRAYES, mason, Church Town (COD)
1834	m. 22Mar1834 St.Breward. John RUNNALLS, Bachelor of St Breward (signs) and Mary TRAYES, Spinster of St Teath (marks) by Banns (COD)
	Witnesses. William Trayes,Sen and Stephen Trayes
	Register notes: With consent of parents
1841	Census. Limehead, Blisland (HO107/152 d5 b6 f7 p7)
	John Runnalls	30 Shoemaker (All born in County)
	Mary Runnalls	25
	Elizabeth Runnalls 5
	Jane Runnalls 3
	John Runnalls 1
	Richard Hoar 15 Shoemaker Apprentice
1851	Census. Canada West (Ontario). d 24 Northumberland sd 230 Hamilton p77 l 35 C_11740
	John RONALDS		42		b. England
	Mary RONALDS		34		b. England
	Elizabeth RONALDS	17		b. England
	Jane RONALDS		14		b. England
	John RONALDS		11		b. England
	William RONALDS		 7		b. Canada
	Helen RONALDS		 6		b. Canada
	Frederick RONALDS	 1		b. Canada	
1861	Census. Hamilton, Northumberland, Ontario, Canada (FS d01 sheet41 C-1055-1056) 
	John RUNNALLS		51	Mar	b. England	CofE
	Mary RUNNALLS		47	Mar	b. England	CofE
	Jane RUNNALLS		23	Sgl	b. England	CofE
	John RUNNALLS		21	Sgl	b. England	CofE
	William RUNNALLS	17	Sgl	b. Upper Canada CofE
	Colleen (sic) RUNNALLS 	15	Sgl	b. Upper Canada CofE
	Anne RUNNALLS		13	Sgl	b. Upper Canada CofE
	Frederick RUNNALLS	 9	Sgl	b. Upper Canada CofE
	Matilda RUNNALLS	 6	Sgl	b. Upper Canada CofE
	Lucinda RUNNALLS	 4	Sgl	b. Upper Canada CofE
1871	Census. 1 Haldimand C., West Northumberland, 54, Ontario (FS p37 h148 C-9983)
	John RUNNALLS		64	Mar	b. England	CofE
	Mary RUNNALLS		60	Mar	b. England	CofE
	John RUNNALLS		28	Mar	b. England	CofE
	William RUNNALS 	25		b. England	CofE
	Anna RUNNALLS		20		b. Ontario	CofE
	Frederick RUNNALLS	18		b. Ontario	CofE
	Matilda RUNNALS		15		b. Ontario	CofE
	Lucinda RUNNALS		13		b. Ontario	CofE
1887	i. 01Jul1887	St George's Anglican Cemetery, Grafton, Northumberland, Ontario. Mary RUNNALLS
	Grafton is along Lake Ontario, just east of Cobourg, west of Colborne and Brighton, south of Vernonville.
	The Gravestone is for John RUNNALLS and wife Mary and is one of the oldest there. Beside it is another 
	for Mary's sons John and William and beside that another for Thomas COFFEY and Matilda. (per descendant of daughter Ellen)

INCOMPLETE BUT SUFFICIENT INFORMATION IS SHOWN to support research into John's ancestry in St Breward, Cornwall. 
1873	d. 10Jan1873 Haldimand, Northumberland & Durham, Ontario. John RUNNALS, age 67, Yeoman. b. England
	Cause: 		Paralytic stroke
	Informer: 	John Runnalls, his X mark, Yeoman, Haldimand on 11th Jan 1873
	Religion:	Episcopalian	
	Elizabeth RUNNALLS
	She was born about 1835.
	Baptism falls within missing years of St Breward register and birth before birth registration system implemented in 1837.

	1838	b. Jane RUNNALLS (Camelford RD Apr-May-Jun 1838 9 52)

	1840	b. John RUNNALLS (Camelford RD Jan-Feb-Mar 1840 9 64)
	1861	Census. With parents aged 21, single.
	1881	Census. Haldimand, Northumberland West, Ontario. (FS trans. d 124 subd B div 4 p 9 fam 36 C-13240)
	1891	Census. Haldimand, Northumberland West, Ontario. (FS trans. d 99 30953_148159)
		John RUNNALS		Head  Mar	42 	Farm Labourer		b. England
		Therza E RUNNALS 	Wife  Mar	38				b. England
		Mary E RUNNALS			         8				b. Ontario
		Fredrick RUNNALS 			 2				b. Ontario
		George E BOLTON		      		17	Farm Labourer		b. Ontario
	?1899	d. 19Feb1899 Cobourg, Northumberland, Ont. (FS img)
		John RUNNALLS age 59 CofE b. England died of consumption 4yrs
		Notified by George LUMLEY 20Feb1899

	The following appear on Birth Registrations (FREEBMD) for Cornwall : -
		1842	b. William Joshua RUNNALLS (Camelford RD Jul-Aug-Sep 1842 9 56)
		1846	d. William Joshua RUNNALLS (Camelford RD Jan-Feb-Mar 1846 9 23)
		1842	b. William RUNNALLS (Stratton RD Oct-Nov-Dec 1842 9 283)
	The Stratton birth registration could be our William but it implies his parents moved before they emigrated.
	1916	d. 18Dec1916 Kingston, Frontenac, Ontario (FS img)
		William RUNNALLS age 84yrs 1m 21? b. England, Farmer, Married, s/o John RUNNALLS
		Informant: John RUNNALLS of Harold

	Helen/Ellen RUNNALS
	1846	b. Cobourg, Canada West (per descendant)
	1870	m. 18Oct1870 Grafton. 	(per descendant)
		Ellen d/o John & Mary REYNOLDS & Joseph McMURRAY
		Witnesses: 	Mary Jane McMURRAY (Joseph's sister or sister in law)
				Thomas BELL (Joseph's brothers marry BELL sisters Elizabeth & Mary Jane)
	1906	d. 24Dec1906 Haldimand.	(per descendant)

	Mary Ann/Annie  RUNNALLS
	1850	b. 21Nov1850	(per death certificate)
	1872	m 11Jul1872 Haldimand, Northumberland, Ontario (FS img)
		Erastus BARRETT 22 Bachelor Yeoman s/o Dexter & Esther BARRETT, Christian
		Annie RUNNELS 22 Spinster d/o John & Mary RUNNELS, CofE
		Witnesses: Frederick RUNNELS & Esther EDDY
	1937	d. 23Mar1937	Colbourn. (FS img)
		Mary Ann BARRETT, widow, b. 21Nov1850 Ontario d/o John RUNNALLS & Mary TRAYS both b. England
		Informant: Mrs D CHURCH, Daughter

	Frederick RUNNALLS
	1851	b. West Canada 	(per descendant)
	1893	c. 05Nov1893 Colbourne, Northumberland, Ont. Maud Lucinda RUNNALS d/o Frederick RUNNALLS & Mellissa PALEN

	1889	m. 10Jul1889 Grafton, Northumberland, Ontario (FS 8540, 1870304, 004529213, 00171)
		Thomas COFFEY 35 Bachelor Farmer, Vernonville, b. Haldemand s/o Samuel & Mary COFFEY
		Mary RUNNALLS 34 Spinster b. Cobourg d/o John & Mary RUNNALLS
		Witnesses: Richard COFFEY, Castleton, Matilda LUMLEY, Grafton

		Marries Gordon McDONALD, brother of Ellen's son Frederick's wife (per descendant of Ellen)

	1858	b. 20May1858. Ontario (per death cert.)
	1899	m. Dec1899 Brighton, Hamilton.	
		Lucinda RUNNALLS & Peter LOUKS, Vernonville,
	1933	d. 23Jan1933	Haliburton, Dorset, Ontario. (FS img)
		Lucinda LOUCKES, widow, b. 20May1858 Ontario d/o John RUNNALLS & Mary TRAYS both b. England
		Informant: Mrs D W CHURCH, Niece
		i. Paint Lake Cemetery

Research into John RUNNALLS' parents and family

At the time of researching, the Cornwall OPC database had the following gaps in the transcriptions of the original St Breward registers.

Bishops Transcripts of the St Breward Registers may fill these gaps but have not been investigated.

The circumstantial evidence for Thomas & Philippa RUNNALLS of Haldimand, Ontario being the children of John & Jane RUNNALLS of St Breward is: - The circumstantial evidence for John is : -

His father and mother

The best fit for John's age is the person recorded in the following baptism : -

1809	c. 13Feb1809 St Breward John RUNNALLS s/o John & Jane
	Baptisms of John & Jane's other children in St Breward : -
		1807 William	
		1809 John	
		1811 Archelaus	
		1813 Mary	
		1816 Ann	
		1818 Elizabeth
		1821 Thomas	
		1823 Susanna	
		1827 Philippa
	From 1813 onward John's occupation is shown as Carpenter and from 1816 his residence as  "Irish". 
	There is also a later baptism of a s/o John & Jane RUNNALLS (possible not the same couple) : -
		? 1832	William		Labourer	Residence: Rowe
1841 	Census. John and Jane RUNNALLS are record at Irish 1, St Breward
	John 	 60 Carpenter	b. CON
	Jane 	 50 b. CON
	Hercules 26 b. CON (Archelaus)
	Susan	 18 b. CON
	Philippa 14 b. CON
?1849	d. John RUNNALLS (Camelford RD Apr-May-Jun 1849 9 40)
	NOTE: Other death register records 1841-1851 for John RUNNALLS are in Penzance, Redruth, St Austell) 
?1842	d. Jane RUNNALLS (Bodmin RD Oct-Nov-Dec 1842 9 44)
	NOTE: Only other Jane RUNNALLS death registered is in St Austell  in 1844)
1851	Census.	No trace of John or Jane RUNNALLS and no 1841-1851 marriage of widow Jane RUNNELLS of appropriate age

His mother: ?Jane HOSKEN

The St Breward marriage registers are deficient so we have had to deduce this.
One of John and Jane's sons is named Archelaus/Hercules Hosken RUNNALLS. The names Hercules and Archelaus are switchable like Peggy/Margaret.
Jane's father is thought to be Archelaus HOSKEN as shown below.

1741	c. 15May1741 St Breward. Hercules HOSKYN s/o John & Jane
1783	c. 17Aug1783 St Breward. Jane HOSKEN d/o Hercules and Philippa
1801	i. 03Jun1801	Archelaus HOSKEN 
1802 	Administration of Archelaus HOSKEN,  yeoman of St Breward (Cornwall Record Office AP/H/7109)
1814	i. 13Apr1814	John HOSKEN, 79, of St Breward

1772	c. 29Nov1772	John HOSKIN s/o Herculass & Philippa
1775	c. 10Feb1775	William HOSKIN s/o Herculass & Philippa		? i. 03Mar1775
1776	c. 26May1776	Richard HOSKEN s/o Herculass & Philippa 
1788	c. 25May1788	Elizabeth HOSKEN d/o Herculass & Philippa
1790	c. 19Sep1790	John HOSKIN s/o Herculass & Philippa
1793	c. 11Aug1793	Archelaus HOSKEN s/o Archelaus & Philippa	
1797	c. 08Jan1797	William HOSKEN s/o Archelaus & Philippa
1800	c. 05Jan1800	Stephen HOSKEN s/o Archelaus & Philippa

Brother Archelaus RUNNALLS

1811 c. 04Aug1811 St Breward. Archelaus RUNNALLS s/o John & Jane (COD) 1841 Census. Living with his parents in St Breward. 1849 m. 22Sep1849 Bolventor. Archelaus Hoskin RUNNELLS, Carpenter full age, signs, and Jenefer BRAY of Codda, marks 1851 Census. (FREECEN Sollatherick St Breward HO107/1898 f329 p9 sch33) Archelaus RUNALS Head M M 39 Farmer 70 acres b. St Breward, CON Jenefer RUNALS Wife M F 28 b. Altarnon, CON Wm. GREENAWAY Svnt M 12 b. St Breward, CON 1861 Census. (FREECEN Bollatherick St Breward RG9/1516 f73 p16 sch96) Archelaus RUNNALLS Head M M 48 Farmer 106 acres b. St Breward, CON Genefer RUNNALLS Wife M F 38 b. Altarnon, CON Archelaus RUNNALLS Son M M 4 Farmer's son b. St Breward, CON Thomas RUNNALLS Son M M 2 Farmer's son b. St Breward, CON Thomas TREGEMBO Svnt M 16 Carter b. CON 1871 Census. (FREECEN Bolatherick St Breward RG10/2220 f14 p1 sch2) Archelaus RUNNALLS Head M M 58 Farmer 120 acres b. St Breward, CON Genefer RUNNALLS Wife M F 48 b. Altarnon, CON Archelaus RUNNALLS Son M 14 b. St Breward, CON Thomas RUNNALLS Son M 12 Scholar b. St Breward, CON John RUNNALLS Son M 8 Scholar b. St Breward, CON 1881 Census. (FREECEN Treswigga Blisland RG11/2290 f52 p2 sch9) Archelas RUNNELS Head M M 68 Farmer 247 acres b. St Breward, CON Genefer RUNNELS Wife M F 50 b. Alternun, CON Thomas RUNNELS Son M 22 Farmer's son b. St Breward, CON John RUNNELS Son M 18 Farmer's son b. St Breward, CON 1887 Copy Will of Archelaus RUNNALLS of Blisland (Cornwall Records Office PT/14/2/56) 1891 Census. (FREECEN Treswigga Blisland RG12/1815 f5 p3 sch15) John RUNNALLS Head M M 28 Farmer (Em'er) b. St Breward, CON Mary J RUNNALLS Wife M F 28 b. Alternun, CON Archalaus RUNNALLS Son M 11m b. St Breward, CON Thomas RUNNELS Bro M 22 Farmer (Em'er) b. St Breward, CON 1894 i. 29Oct1894 St Breward. Archelaus Hoskin RUNNALLS age 84 of Treworgie, Blisland.

Brother Thomas RUNNALLS

1821 c. 30Sep1821 St Breward. Thomas RUNNALLS s/o John & Jane, Abode: Irish, Carpenter 1841 Emigrated to Canada per 1901 census. NOTE: There is a Thomas RUNNELS aged 20 recorded in the UK 1841 census working for Samuel BASTARD in Hamatethy, St Breward but the 1851 Census shows he was b. St Juliot. 1851 Census. Canada West - Ontario, Northumberland, Haldimand (FS tr. 226 p67 l17 C-11739) Mary Ann RUNNELS F 24 1853 26Dec1844. Lot 16 Conc 4. Thomas PRECIOUS to John RUNNELS, 3 acres 3 roods 32 perches, part of said lot, 30Sep1853. Same piece of land. John RUNNELLS to Thomas RUNNELLS (Land records in Hamilton Township, Northumberland per : - Bill Smith, Rootsweb Sponsor, Saugeen Shores, Ontario. BROWN, THACKERAY, PRECIOUS, HOWSON in Yorkshire & Canada) 1861 Census. ? 1871 Census. 2, Hamilton a, West Northumberland 54, Ontario (FS tr. p11 h37 C-9983) Thomas Runnals M 48 b. England Bible Christian Mary A RUNNELS F 43 b. England Bible Christian Sarah Runnals F 20 O Bible Christian Jane Runnals F 18 O Bible Christian 1881 Hamilton, Northumberland West Ontario (FS tr. D124 C 4 22 fam104 C-13240) Thomas RUNNELS 59 Mary A RUNNELS 53 Bible Christian 1884 d. 05Dec1884 Hamilton Tp., Northumberland. (FS img) Mary Ann RUNNALLS 57 Farmer's wife, b. England, Methodist Informant: William HAWKEN, Farmer 1891 Census. (FS tr.) Thomas RUNNELS 69 Methodist b.England 1901 Census 31Mar1901 (FS tr.) Bertha DAVES Daughter F 11 Ontario Thomas RUNNELLS Fireman (sic) M 79 England Widowed Immigration 1841 Luther DAVES Son M 10 Ontario Lenna DAVES Daughter F 6 Ontario Mildred DAVES Daughter F 3 Ontario 1908 d. 08Nov1908 Hamilton Tp., Northumberland. (FS img) Thomas RUNNELLS aged 87yrs 1m Farmer Widower methodist Informant: Dr. J. IVEY (his doctor) Sp. Mary Ann TENNEY 1822 c. 12Jul1822 St Columb Major. Mary Ann TENNEY d/o Ralp & Eliza (COD) JANE RUNNELLS 1873 m 15Oct1873 Grafton, Haldimand. (FS img #009699-73 Northumberland & Durham Co. Div. Haldimand) John DAVY, 24, farmer, Hope Township, Canada, s/o Peter & Harriett DAVY, Bible Christian Jane RUNNELLS, 21, spinster, Hamilton d/o Mary An and Thomas RUNNELLS, Bible Christian Witnesses: Charles WILTON & Emma WILTON, both of Haldimand. (these witnesses appear to be the son of sister Philippa RUNNALLS and his wife Emma Jane WINTER) 1881 Census. Hamilton, Northumberland West, Ontario (FS tr. p21 f97 C-13240) Johane DAVEY M Farmer 32y b. Ontario Jane DAVEY F 28y b. Ontario English Methodist Archeleus DAVEY M 6y b. Ontario Herbert DAVEY M 5y b. Ontario Sidney DAVEY M 3y b. Ontario Sarah J. DAVEY F 1y b. Ontario 1935 d. 13Feb1935 Coldspring, Ontario. (FS img) Jane DAVEY b. 02May1852 Hamilton Township d. aged 82 yrs 10m Retired Housekeeper All her life in Canada. Father: Thomas RUNNALLS b. Cornwall Mother: Sarah (sic) Ann TENNEY b. Cornwall Informant: E. DAVEY, Son 13 Feb 1935

Sister Philippa RUNNALLS

NOTE: This family can also be found on GENI & various My Heritage family trees. 1827 c. 19Aug1827 St Breward. Philippa RUNNALLS d/o John & Jane, abode: Irish, Carpenter 1841 Census. living with her parents in St Breward, aged 14. 1859? Emigrated to Canada per FS transcript of 1901 Canada census But Husband shown as coming in 1850 and son Charles was born in 1846 1881 Census. Haldimand. (FS tr) Charles WELTON 65 Philippa WELTON 54 b. England Thomas A WELTON 26 Mina WELTON 20 1891 Census. Haldimand, Northumberland. (FS tr 30953_148159) Philippa WALTON Mar 63 Methodist 1901 Census. Northumberland West, Ontario Charlers (sic) WILTON Mar 84 Head b. England Methodist Immigration: 1850 ? Philipa WILTON Mar 74 Wife b. England Methodist Immigration: 1859 ? 1901 Schedule C. Northumberland & Durham (FS img) d. 07Jul1901 Philippa WILTON age 73 House/Lot 18 3 Haldimand married b. England Methodist Informant: C. E. WILTON 08Jul1901 Sp. Charles WILTON 1816 c. 10Mar1816 Duloe. Charles WILTON s/o William & Elizabeth WILTON, blacksmith (COD - Furze) Charles Edwin WILTON 1881 Census. Haldimand, Northumberland. (FS tr) Charles E WILTON mar 34 Head Farmer Episcopalian Methodist b. Ontario English Emma J WILTON mar 29 Episcopalian Methodist b. Ontario Irish William K WILTON 5 Episcopalian Methodist b. Ontario Alma Rachel WILTON 3 Episcopalian Methodist b. Ontario 1927 d. 27May1927 Haldimand. (FS tr) Charles Edwin Wilton 80 b. 27Sep1846 s/o Charles WILTON & Philippa RUNNELLS Wilbur RUFUS WILTON 1875 d. Haldimand. Wilbur Rufus WILTON b 30Apr1875 s/o Charles Edwin WILTON & Emma Jane WINTER (FS tr)



Jane was the daughter of William and Elizabeth Trayes nee Bate and granddaughter of John and Margaret Trayes nee Lang.

1819	c. 06Sep1819 St Teath. Jane TRAYES, daur of William and Elizabeth TRAYES, mason, Church Town (COD)
1841 	Census. Malew, IOM. (1464/4 10 13)
	Jane TRAYES 20 
1842	m. 09Jul1842 Malew, IOM. Jane TRAYES single and James Parish single IGI Folder 00447209 Image 00160)

Sp. James PARISH

	Frederick PARISH
	c. 01Jan1845 Patrick IOM Frederick Parish Trayes son of James Parish and Jane Trayes (Folder 004494187 image = 00090)



Thomas is the son of William and Elizabeth Trayes nee Bate and grandson of John and Margaret Trayes nee Lang.

1823	c. 13Apr1823 St Teath. Thomas TREISE, son of William and Elizabeth TREISE, mason, Church Town (COD)
1841	Census. Living with parents.
1853	m. 24Sep1853	Lanteglos by Camelford.	Thomas TRAYES and Mary Lobb (ER)
	both resident Trevia, he quarryman age 30, she age 22. His father William Trease, her father William Lobb. 
	Witnesses Thomas Lobb and Mary Allen. All 4 signed with a mark. (per Marriage Certificate)
1861	Census Patrick IOM
	Thomas Trays 39
	Mary Trays  29
	Mary Emma Trays 6
	William T Trays 5
	Marscua Trays 3
	Seperah Trays 2
1871	Census Patrick IOM
	Thomas Trays 49
	Mary Trays  40
	Thomas Trays 14
	Marsena Trays 13
	Zipporah Trays 11
	Ellen J Trayes 7
	John F Trayes 5
	Joanna Trayes 2
	Elizth G Trayes 11mos
1881	Census. Castletown Rd., Patrick, IOM (RG11 5596/66/9)
	Thomas Trayes 	Head	56 	High Road Labourer
	Mary Trayes 	Wife	49
	Ellen Trayes 	Daur	17	General Servant
	Gertrude Trayes Daur	10	Scholar
	Marwood Trayes  Daur(sic)9	Scholar
1891 	Census. St Georges, Conchan, IOM.
	Thomas Trays 	Head	69
	Mary Trays	Wife	58	
1894	i. 03Feb1894 Bradden, IOM. Thomas TRAYES age 71 (IGI B02033-2)
Sp. Mary Lobb
?1831	c. 22may1831 St. Columb Major. Mary Jane Lobb dau of William and Catherine labourer of Lanhinsworth (COD)

	Mary Emma TRAYES
	1854	c. 25Dec1854 Patrick. Mary Emma TRAYS d. of Thomas and Mary (IGI C03824-1)
	1861	census. Age 6 living with parents
	1871	Census. Marown
		Mary C Trayes 16
	?1881	Census. St Anne, IOM (RG11 5607/6/6)
		May Trayes  23 Cook/Domestic Servant in household of James Bligh 
	William Thomas TRAYES aka "Thomas"
	1856	c. 08Jun1856 Patrick. William Thomas TRAYS s. of Thomas and Mary (IGI C03824-1)
	1861	Census. Age 5 living with parents
	1871	Census. Thomas age 14 living with parents
	1879	m. 13Dec1879 German,IOM. William Thomas Trayes, single, son of Thomas and  Margaret BAILEY, single, daur of John
		IGI Folder 004504535 Image 00116)

	Marcenah Joseph TRAYES 
	1857	c. 25Dec1857 Patrick. Marcenah Joseph TRAYES s. of Thomas TRAYES and Mary (IGI C03824-1)
	1861	Census. Age 3 living with parents
	1871	Census. Age 13 living with parents
	1881	Census. 32 Broughton Road, Dalton in Furness, Lancs. (RG11 4281/59 p71)
		Marsena Trayes 26 Single Iron Miner boarder in household of :-
		Thomas Crellin 29, wife Hannah 23, John Henry Crellin 5, Grace Crellin 2and John Crellin 20 Brother and Iron Miner
	1910 	Census. Precinct 5, Chaffee, Colorado, USA
		Marsena J Trayes Married (immigrated 1883) age 51 living in household of Bessie E Holt Divorcee (father born in UK) 
	Zipporah TRAYES
	1859	c. 01May1859 Patrick. Zipporah TRAYS d. of Thomas and Mary (IGI C03824-1)
	1861	Census. Age 2 living with parents
	1871	Census. Age 11 living with parents
	1882	m. 07Jan1882 Patrick IOM. Richard Callin single son of Richard and Zipporah Trays single daur of Thomas 
		IGI Folder 004494366 Image 00168)
	Sp. Richard CALLIN

	Marwood TRAYES
	1861	c. 26Apr1861 Patrick. Marwood TRAYES s. of Thomas TRAYES and Mary (IGI C03824-1)
		NOTE: d. infant. See later baptism.
	1863	c. 04Oct1863 German. Eleanor Jane TRAYES daur of Thomas and Mary TRAYES IGI Folder 004504881 Image 00025)
	1871	Census. Age 7 living with parents
	1881	Census. Age 17 living with parents
	1883	m. 30Sep1883 St Peters, German, IOM Ellen J Trayes  and Robert Evan Bridson (per Rootsweb)
	Sp. Robert Evan BRIDSON
		Edward BRIDSON
		b. 01Jan1884 German, IOM Edward Bridson
		m. 03Sep1909 Douglas, IOM Edward Bridson and Sarah Ann Cowley 
			b. 02Nov1910 Margaret Bridson
			b. 24Apr1914 James Edward Bridson at Drinkwater St., Douglas
			b. 02Nov1910 Margaret Trayes Bridson at Tynwald Terrace Douglas sent to America died when she was 21 had one son (per her Sister)
		d. October 1918  Sarah Ann Bridson 		

	1866?	b.
	1871	Census. Age 5 living with parents
	1881	Census. Vessel "Statesman" in port at Patrick IOM
		John F Trayes aged 14 Fisherman 
	1895	Trayes v. Johns. Court case. Joint defendant with brother Thomas.
		That on or about the first day of February 1895 the plaintiff and the defendants John F Trayes and Thomas Trayes entered into
		an agreement whereby they were to obtain leases upon some of the blocks to be leased by The Durant  Mining Company and the
		Compromise Mining Company on Aspen Mountain in the Roaring Fork Mining District and by the terms of the said agreement the said
		defendants John F Trayes and Thomas Trayes and this plaintiff were to be equal owners in and to whatever leases they or either of 
		them should obtain or any interest that either of them should acquire.
		Plaintiff further alleged that about the 15th day of February following each of the said defendants did obtain an undivided 
		one-tenth interest in and to five blocks of ground ...
		The other defendants Trayes brothers ... defendant Thomas Trayes, brother of John F. ...
		Judgment originally held against the defendants but then subsequently reversed.
	1921	John F Trayes (Pitkin County Colorado Probate Index)
	1921	i. Globe Cemetery Gila County Arizona USA. MI "John F Trayes 1869 - 1921" (per image on Internet) 

	Sp Alice ?
	1900	US Census Colorado (Internet)
		Alice TRAYES
		Marsena TRAYES
	1915	i. Alice Trayes Mount Olivet Cemetery, Buena Vista, Chafee County, Colorado (Internet)

	Joanna TRAYES
	1868	c. 16Aug1868 Joanna Trayes daur of Thomas (per Donald Trayes)
	1871	Census. Age 2 living with parents
	1895	m. 11Sep or 09Nov 1895 Joanna Trayes dau of Thomas Trayes Deceased to George James Comer Johnson (per marriage cert Rootsweb) 
       		NOTE: possibly in USA
	Elizabeth Gertrude TRAYES
	1870	c. 29May1870 St John the Bap, Kirk German. Elizabeth Gertrude TRAYES s. of Thomas TRAYES and Mary (C03813-1)
	1871	Census. Age 11m living with parents
	1881	census. Age 10 living with parents
	1890	d. 11Oct1890 3 Peveril Terrace, Douglas. Elizabeth Gertrude TRAYES d. of Thomas TRAYES (IGI B01612-3)
	1890	i. 14Oct1890 Bradden, IOM. Elizabeth Gertrude TROYES age 20 (per Rootsweb)
	Marwood TRAYES
	1872	c. 23Jun1872 St John the Bap, Kirk German. Marwood TRAYES s. of Thomas TRAYES and Mary LOBB (IGI C03813-1)
	1881	Census. Age 9 living with parents.
	1891 	Census. St Barnabas, Conchan, IOM 
		Harwood (sic) TRAYES Male 18 Servant
	1895	m. 10Sep1895 St Georges IOM. John Marwood Trayes, single, 23, son of Thomas and Mary Effa LOONEY, single, 21 daur of 
		Robert LOONEY (M00944-8)



William is the son of Thomas and Mary TRAYES nee LOBB and grandson of William and Elizabeth TRAYES nee BATE. Although he was baptised William Thomas, he seems to have been nearly always called Thomas.

He and Margaret appear to have emigrated to Colorado, USA, where he worked with his brother John F Trayes and they had several children. By 1901 Margaret has returned to IOM with a daughter Edith and a son Frank probably following the early death of her husband. It is thought that they had a son John Thomas Trayes who stayed in Colorado with his uncle John and who died in 1924 a few years after his uncle who died in 1921. Both John and his uncle were buried in Globe Cemetery, Gila County, Colorado.

William Thomas TRAYES
1856	c. 08Jun1856 Patrick. William Thomas TRAYS s. of Thomas and Mary (IGI C03824-1)
1861	Census. Age 5 living with parents
1871	Census. Thomas age 14 living with parents
1879	m. 13Dec1879 German,IOM. William Thomas Trayes, single, son of Thomas and  Margaret BAILEY, single, daur of John
	IGI Folder 004504535 Image 00116)
1895	Co-defendant with brother John F Trayes re mining lots in Aspen Colorado.
Sp. Margaret BAILEY
1901 	Census Peel City, IOM
	Margaret TRAYES Boarder	40  	b. Peel
	Edith TRAYES	Daur	17 	b. Peel
	Frank TRAYES	 	5 	b. Peel
1911	Census, Peel, IOM
	Margaret TRAYES 	45 b. Peel, IOM
	Frank Trayes		14 b. Colorado, County Tyrone USA

	?John Thomas Trayes
	?1881	c. 26Jun1881 Dalton-in-Furness John Thomas TRAYES son of Thomas and Margaret (C00516-4)
	?1922	d. County Hospital. Globe Cemetery, Gila County  
		11:20am 22Mar1924 John T Trayes 	White Male 	Birthplace: US
		dob: Blank		Father: unkn
		Miner and Shift Boss	Age 40
		Cause: Gangrene of Lung 	Contrib: Influenza
		County Hospital
		Signed: B G Jay 
		Burial: 27Mar1924 Globe Cemetery Gila County Arizona

	Edith Eliza TRAYS
	1884	b. 01May1884 Peel. Edith Eliza TRAYS d. of Thomas and Margaret Bailey Trayes (C00843-1)



Marwood is the son of Thomas and Mary TRAYES nee LOBB and grandson of William and Elizabeth TRAYES nee BATE.

Marwood TRAYES
1872	c. 23Jun1872 St John the Bap, Kirk German. Marwood TRAYES s. of Thomas TRAYES and Mary LOBB (IGI C03813-1)
1881	Census. Age 9 living with parents.
1891 	Census. St Barnabas, Conchan, IOM 
	Harwood (sic) TRAYES Male 18 Servant
1895	m. 10Sep1895 St Georges IOM. John Marwood Trayes, single, 23, son of Thomas and Mary Effa LOONEY, single, 21 daur of 
	Robert LOONEY (M00944-8)
1901	Census. Chorlton, Hulme, Moss Side, Lancs 
	Maud Trayes	Daur 3 
	May V Trayes 	Daur 2
Sp. May Ella LOONEY

	Marcena Frank TRAYS
	1896	b. 24Jun1896) IOM. Marcena Frank TRAYES s/o Marwood TRAYES and May TRAYES of Iman IOM (C00900-8)
	1897	c. 23Feb1897)
	1897	d. 24Feb1897 4 Peveril St, Douglas, IOM. Marcena Frank Trayes son of Marwood Trayes age 0 (B01612-4) 
	1897	i. 25Feb1897 Bradden. Marsena Frank Troyes 8 mos (Rootsweb, B02033-2 - age 0)

	Maud Mary TRAYS
	1897	b. 12Aug1897 Douglas) Maud Mary Trayes d/o Marwood Trayes and May Ella Looney (C02116-0)
	1897	c. 12Aug1897 Douglas)

	Violet May TRAYES
	1899	b. 27May1899 Douglas. Violet May TRAYES d/o John Marwood TRAYES and May Ella Christian Looney TRAYES (C01050-4)
	1899	c. 14Sep1899 Violet May TRAYES (C04176-8)



Ellen is the daughter of William and Grace Trayes nee Hocken and granddaughter of William and Elizabeth Trayes nee Bate. Ellen married William Cowling in 1851. William was a blacksmith but some time between 1858 and 1865 he had to give up that trade and become an agricultural labourer. In 1865 Ellen died a few days after giving birth to twins John and Margaret, both of whom subsequently died. By the time of the 1871 census, William was without work and living in Trelill with his sister both of whom are classed as "paupers". It is conjectured that William may have suffered failing health. Two of his children, Emily and Frederick, had gone to live with their Aunt Emma Pinch in St Teath and one of them stayed with his grandfather but the whereabouts of his oldest son, William Henry Cowling, is unknown. William Henry may have left St Teath to find better chances of employment elsewhere.

William, the father, did recommence working as an agricultural labourer before he died in Trelill in 1881 aged 63.

1830	c. 03Oct1830 St Teath. Ellen TRAYES, daur of William and Grace TRAYES, mason, Village (COD)
1841	Census. Living with her parents.
1851	m. William Cowling and Ellen Frayes (Camelford RD Jan-Feb-Mar 1851 9 71)
1851	census. Church Town (HO107/1898 Pt5 f266 p28 e107)
	William Cowling Head  M 26 Blacksmith b. St Kew
	Ellen Cowling Wife M 20 b. St Teath
1861	China Downs Cottage  (RG9/1516 P3 f113 p16 e85)
	William Cowling Head  M 38 Blacksmith b. St Tudy
	Ellen Cowling Wife M 30 b. St Teath
	William H Cowling Son U 5  b. St Teath
	Frederick E Cowling Son U 3 b. St Teath
1865	d. 03Mar1865 St Teath. (ER)
1865	i. 06Mar1865 St Teath. Ellen Cowling age 37 y of Lower Hendra (COD)
			Sacred to the memory of
				Ellen Cowling
			wife of William Cowling of this parish
				daughter of
			Grace & William Trayes
			Died March 3rd 1865 Aged 35
				their daughter
			Died November 17th 1871
				Aged 18 yrs.

Sp. William COWLING
1816	c. 21Apr1816 St Teath Joan Cowling dau of Nicholas and Jane husbandman of Trekee (COD)
1818	c. 12Apr1818 St Teath William Cowling son of Nicholas and Jane Labourer of Trekee (COD)
1871	Census. Trelill. St Kew (RG10/2251 f12 p15 s93)
	William Cowling Head U M 52 Former Ag Lab now a pauper b. St Teath
	Joanna Cowling Sister U F 53 Pauper b. St Teath
1881	Census. Trelill. St Kew (RG11/2293 f8 p11 s63)
	William Cowling	Head W M 59 Agricultural labourer b. St Kew.
	Rebecca Goodman Boarder U F 40 Domestic servant unemployed b. St Kew
	William Goodman Boarder M 14 Scholar b. St Kew
	NOTE. See also family of William GOODMAN & Elizabeth TRAYES
1881	i. 22Apr1881 St Kew. William Cowling age 63 of Trelill (COD)
	Notes: N.T.Every
	Emily Ann COWLING
	1853	c. 18Jul1853 St Teath. Emily Ann Cowling daur of William and Ellen blacksmith St Teath Village (COD)
	1861	Census St Teath i>(RG9/1516 P3 f106 p1)
		William Trayes Head W 61 Stone Mason b.St Teath
		Gertrude Trayes Daur U 16 Housekeeper b.St Teath
		Emily A Cowling Grndau U 8 Scholar b.St Teath
	1871	Census. Living with aunt Emma Pinch.
	1871	d. 17Nov1871 aged 18 (ER -per joint MI for her and her mother)
	1871	i. 19Nov1871 St Teath. Emily Ann Cowling age 18 of St Teath Village (COD)
	William Henry COWLING
	1856	c. 13Jan1856 St Teath. William Henry Cowling son of William and Ellen blacksmith St Teath Village (COD)
	1861	Census. Living with parents.

	Frederick Edwin COWLING
	1858	c. 17Oct1858 St Teath. Frederick Edwin Cowling son of William and Ellen of Chena Down Blacksmith (COD)
	1861	Census. Living with parents.
	1871	Census. Living with aunt Emma Pinch.
	1885	m. Frederick Cowling and Annie Easterbrook (Plympton RD Apr-May-Jun 1885 5b 375)
	1924	d. 26Feb1924 (per joint MI with his maternal uncle - ER)

	Alfred Fernando COWLING
	1861	b. Alfred Fornandow Cowling	(Camelford RD Apr-May-Jun 1861 5c 16)
	1871	Census. Living with his grandfather (RG10/2221 d9 f28 p12)
		William Trays		Head	W 72	Mason		St Teath
		Gertrude Trays		Dau	U 26	House-Keeper	St Teath
		Alfred Fernando Cowling	Nephew     9	Scholar		St Teath
	1881	Census. Living with his Aunt at Darley Mine f67 p36
			William PINCH		Head	Married	44	Male	Tin Miner, Roche 
			Emma PINCH		Wife	Married 44	Female	St Teath 
			Gertrude TRAYES		Sister In Law Unmarried, 35, Female, Assistant Cook (Dom), St Teath 
			Frederick COWLING 	Nephew	Unmarried 23	Male	Tin Miner, St Teath 
			Alfred COWLING		Nephew	Unmarried 19	Male	Tin Miner, St Teath 
	1891	Census. Living with his Aunt at Lower Tynes (RG12/1800 d7 f96 p11) 
			William Parish (sic)	Head	M 52	Farmer,Employer		Roach
			Emma Parish (sic)	Wife	M 52				St Teath
			Gertrude Trayes	St-Sis	S 45	Dressmaker,Retired	St Teath
			Alfred F Cowling Nephew	S 29	Farmer's Son		St Teath
	1894	m. Alfred Fornandow COWLING and  either Sarah Jane Magor or Elizabeth Ann Mules (Camelford RD Jan-Feb-Mar 1894 5c 23)  
	1865	c. 28Feb1865 St Teath. John Cowling son of William and Ellen of Lower Hendra Farmer (COD)
	1865	i. 19Mar1865 St Teath. John Cowling age 3 w of Lower Hendra (COD)

	Margaret Mary COWLING
	1865	c. 28Feb1865 St Teath. Margaret Mary Cowling daur of William and Ellen of Lower Hendra Farmer (COD)
	1865	i. 20Oct1865 St Teath. Margaret Cowling age 9m of Hendra St Teath (COD)




Per information from descendants, John served a 7 year apprenticeship as a hatter. He went to Scotland with his family prior to 1840 and was a member of St Cuthberts Church in Edinburgh. in 1852 he went from Scotland to Canada. After he died and probably about 1856, his widow and children moved to the USA.

John and Jane give most of their sons with the middle name "Brooke" but they name one of their sons "William Henry Trays". This son is baptised in the church of St Cuthberts in Edinburgh in 1840. In the same church 5 years later, another William Henry Trays, who was born ,like John in Plymouth,in 1825 and who was the son of Andrew, a baker, baptises his first son "William Henry Trays". It may be a coincidence but it seems probable that the two fathers both from Plymouth, both with the same surname, and both moving to Edinburgh within a few years of one another and both using the same church and both giving their sons identical names were at least friends with each other, if not in some way related.

John TRAYES							
1808	b. 28Dec1808) Stoke Damerel. John son of John and Margaret Tr**S (ER)
1809	c. 15Oct1809)
1832	m. 27Mar1832 Plymouth St Andrew. John Trayes and Jane Brooke (ER)
1841	1 St John Street, Parish of Canongate, Edinburgh. (FMP
	John TRAYES			Head	M	30    	M	Hatter	b. England
	Jane TRAYES 			Wife	M	30    	F		b. England   
	William Henry TRAYES		Son	-	7m  	M       	b. Midlothian
1851	Middleton's Entry, St Cuthberts, Barony of Easter, Portsburgh, Midlothian (FMP
	Jane TRAYES 	M F 41 Hatter's Wife	b. England
	Ellen M TRAYES	U F 15			b. Midlothian, Edinburgh
	William TRAYES	U M 10			b. Midlothian, Edinburgh
	John TRAYES	U M 8			b. Midlothian, Edinburgh
	George TRAYES	U M 4			b. Midlothian, Edinburgh
	Charles TRAYES	U M 2			b. Midlothian, Edinburgh
	Jane TRAYES	U F 6m			b. Midlothian, Edinburgh
1854	d. 19Dec1854 Montreal, Quebec, Canada. (ER)
1854	i. 21Dec1854 Mount Royal Cemetery, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. (ER - some sources state 19Dec1854)
1809	b. 23Jul1809 Barnstaple, Devon, England. Jane Brooke daughter of George Brooke and Francis Macey of Ilfracombe (ER)
1871	Living with her son John Brooke Trayes and his family in Ontario, Canada.
	Census	02, Port Hope b, East Durham 51, Ontario (p51 h175 f177 - 4396303)
	Jane Trayes		F	Widow	63	b. Scotland	CofE	
	John B Trayes		M	Marr	27	b. Scotland	CofE	Scotch printer	
1881	Living with her son John Brooke Trayes and his family in Ontario, Canada.
	John Brook TRAYES	M	39	Scotland	CofE	English printer and publisher 	Married
	Mary Ann (nee GAUDRIE)	F	34	US		RC	French
	Agnes E R		F	14	Ont		CofE	English
	William F		M	4	Ont		Cofe	English
	Jane			F	57?	Eng		CofE	English widow
1891	Living with her son John Brooke Trayes and his family in Ontario, Canada.
	Census Ontario, Durham East Dist 58, Port Hope, 30953_148134
	John B Trayes	M 	47 		b. England 	Married 	CofE
	Mary		F	42	Wife	US		Married		Quebec	RC
	Agnes		F	23	Daur
	William F	M	19	Son	Reporter
	Jane		F	82	Widow	
1906	d. 18Jan1906 Winthrop, Massachusetts, USA. i. Woodlawn Cemetery, Everett, Massachusetts, USA. (ER)

	Emma Brooke TRAYES
	1834	b. 13May1834 Barnstaple. Emma Brooke (Mary) Trayes d/o John & Jane, Heamans Court, High St., Barnstaple (ER - per Trays Bible, plus REILLY Family Tree - Ancestry
		Baptised by Rev Henry Luxmoor 
	1834	c. 18Jul1834 Barnstaple St Peter. Emma Brooke TRAYS d/o John & Jane, hatter, Hearsons Court (FMP)
	1840	d. 23Aug1840 Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland. Emma Mary TRAYES (Family Book "Whole Duty of Man" - REILLY family tree - Ancestry)	
	1871	Recorded on Ontario census (ER)
		NOTE: Information clash above to be investigated. She has not been found on the UK 1841 or 1851 census so her death in 1840 fits.

	Ellen Mary TRAYES
	1836	b. 16Mar1836. (ER)
	1836	c. 10Apr1836 Christ Church, Southwark. Ellen Mary TRAYES d/o John & Jane, Wellington Street, Hatter (FMP image, IGI C020704)
	1841	Census. Alms Houses, Litchson St., Barnstaple (HO107/203 b8 d7 f14 p23 l7)
		Ellen Trays	5			N (not born in County)
		John Brook	76	Ropemaker 	Y
		Frances Brook	72	Living on own means	Y
		Mary Brook	40	Dressmaker	Y
	1856	m. 09Jan1856 Bowmanville, Ontario, Canada. Ellen Mary TRAYES & George MURRAY (REILLY Family Tree - Ancestry)
	1915	(Cambridge Chronicle, 16Jan1915) 60th Wedding anniversary reported in local newspaper.
	1915	(Cambridge Chronicle, 16Oct1915)
		"MURRAY - In this city, October 13, Ellen M. Murray (nee Trayes) wife of George Murray, at her late residence, 202 Franklin Street."

	b. 13Jul1838	Fanny Trayes d/o John & Jane (ER) Friday Morning Quarter before ten o'clock (Family Book - "Whole Duty of Man" - REILLY Family Tree - 	Ancestry)
			also b. 13Jul1838 (ER, Lambeth RD Jul-Aug-Sep 1838 4 278)
	c. 05Aug1838 St John The Evangelist, Surrey Fanny d/o John & Jane TRAYES, Roupell Street, Hatter (FMP image)
	d. 19Aug1840 Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland. Fanny TRAYES aged 2yrs 1m (Family Book "Whole Duty of Man" - REILLY family tree - Ancestry)	

	William Henry TRAYES
	1840	b. 29Oct1840	Saint Cuthberts, Edinburgh. WILLIAM HENRY TRAYES son of John TRAYES and Jane BROOKE (IGI submission C11990-5)
		'William Henry Trayes was born at "5 Heriot Mount, at the foot of Carnegie Street, in the Parish of St Cuthbert's, County of Edinburgh 
		October 29th 1840.'(ER)	
	1840	c. 20Dec1840 St Peter's Chapel Edinburgh by Rev J.W.Ferguson (Rootsweb tree)
	John Brooke TRAYES
	1842	b. 31Jul1842 son of John TRAYES and Jane BROOKE (ER)
	1842	c. 09Oct1842 St Peter's Chapel Edinburgh by Rev J.W.Ferguson (Rootsweb tree)
	George B TRAYES
	1846	b. 18Jul1846 Edinburgh, Scotland. b. George B Trayes son of John TRAYES and Jane BROOKE (ER)
	1846	c. 13Sep1846 St Peter's Chapel Edinburgh by Rev J.W.Ferguson (Rootsweb tree)
	1866	m. 29Aug1866 Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts. Wife Sarah Packer.(ER)

	Charles A TRAYES
	1848	b. 26Aug1848 Edinburgh, Scotland. Charles A Trayes son of John TRAYES and Jane BROOKE (ER)
		c. St Peter's Chapel Edinburgh (Rootsweb tree)
	1870	m. 12Jan1870 Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massechusetts, USA. (ER)
	1850	b. 19Sep1850	Jane Trayes daur of John TRAYES and Jane BROOKE (ER)
	1850	c. 10Nov1850 St Peter's Chapel Edinburgh by Rev J.W.Ferguson (Rootsweb tree)
	1928	d. 08Nov1928 New York (Rootsweb tree)


FAMILY OF William and Alice TRAYS

William is the son of John and Jane Trayes nee Brooke and the grandson of John and Margaret Trays.

A precis of an obituary in the Boston Globe (Rootsweb tree) states: -
He was a proofreader on the Boston Globe. He came to Montreal in 1852, was educated in a private school, and learned printing in Canada. In 1860 he went to Boston to work for the University Press, became a council man in Foxboro and then in Winthrop. He left a wife, 3 sons, 2 daughters, 2 brothers and a sister.

(Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens of Houghton, Baraga and Marquette COUNTIES - Michigan
Biographical Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois, 1903)
William F. Trayes, vice-president of the Hancock Evening Journal Company, and managing editor of the newspaper, received his early training in the office of his father, the late J. B. Trayes, who was editor and proprietor of the Daily and Weekly Times of Port Hope, Province of Ontario, and editor and publisher of the Canadian Craftsman, the leading Masonic paper of the Province.

On the death of his father, William F. Trayes became editor and manager of the Port Hope Times. He published the Times successfully for four years, and then sold the newspaper and went to Montreal, where he accepted the position of city editor of the Montreal Witness, a journal which ranks first among the newspapers of Canada. He succeeded in making his mark in this position, and, after two years on the Montreal Witness, resigned to become a free lance in the newspaper field. As a special correspondent he represented at various times the Montreal Star, the Toronto Mail, the Toronto Globe and the Associated Press, and became one of the best known newspaper men in the Dominion.

After coming to the United States Mr. Trayes was engaged as editor of Campbell's Illustrated Journal, a monthly magazine published in Chicago, which position he resigned to enter the newspaper field in Hancock, Michigan.

William Henry TRAYES
1840	b. 29Oct1840	Saint Cuthberts, Edinburgh. WILLIAM HENRY TRAYES son of John TRAYES and Jane BROOKE (IGI submission C11990-5)
	'William Henry Trayes was born at "5 Heriot Mount, at the foot of Carnegie Street, in the Parish of St Cuthbert's, County of Edinburgh 
	October 29th 1840.'(ER)	
1840	c. 20Dec1840 St Peter's Chapel Edinburgh by Rev J.W.Ferguson (Rootsweb tree)
1918	d. 17Jul1918 Winthrop, Massachusetts, USA. (ER)
1918	i. Woodlawn Cemetery, Everett, Massachusetts, USA. (ER)
Sp1 Alice B. ?(ER)

Sp2 Della Dodge SMITH
1845	b. 01Mar1845 Maine, USA (ER)
1869	m2 29Oct1869 Malden, Massachusetts, USA. (ER)
1892	d. 9Aug1892. (ER)
1892	i. Woodlawn Cemetery, Everett, Massachusetts, USA. (ER)

	Asa Smith TRAYES
	1870	b. 26Aug1870 (ER)
	1930	d. 14Mar1930 (ER)
	Sp1 Sadie-Bell WEEDEN (ER)
	1874	b. 12Dec1874 (ER)
	1959	d. 12Mar1959 (ER)
	Sp2 Lizzie A HOWIE (ER)

		Asa Weeden TRAYES
		1895	b. 23Jun1895 (ER)
		1955	d. 12mar1959 (ER)
		Sp. Margaret Catherine BRADLEY
		1895	b. 04Mar1895 (ER)
		1932	d. 17Mar1932 (ER)

	Phillip TRAYES
	1870	b. 26Aug1870 (ER)

	William Henry TRAYES Jnr.
	1882	b. 28Jan1882 Malden Massachusetts, USA (ER)
	?1969	d. 09Apr1969 (ER)

	NOTE: Above are the three surviving sons. There were also two surviving daughters. 


Family of Sarah Trayes and James Lee

Sarah must have married before the 6th May 1805 when her father names her Sarah Lee but the only marriage that can be found is that of Eliza Trayes and James Lee in Stoke Damerel in 1796. Both Sarah and James mark rather than sign the Register. This implies neither of them could read nor write nor able to check the record in the Register. So the error may be an innocent mistake but there could be another reason. assert that "Stoke Damerel hosted at least 10-12 weddings every day and the workload was so high for the local vicar there was little time to check if the two parties were of legal age. Marriages were particularly high during the Napoleonic Wars period 1797-1815 when local girls would be romanced by army, navy and marine troops passing through the port on their way to war. Those wishing to marry without too close an investigation were therefore drawn to Stoke Damerel for their ceremony, giving rise to its nickname as the Gretna Green of the West Country."

Sarah was most probably 18 when she married and almost certainly under age. The marriage makes no reference to the consent of parents and neither of the witnesses appear to be close relatives who could possibly get into trouble by concealing her true age. Furthermore both witnesses write their own names and would have able to spot that Sarah's christian name was incorrect if indeed they knew her real name. The use of a different christian name would have helped Sarah blur the issue as to whether it was her who had married and would have enabled her to both claim she was married or not married as appropriate. We should therefore not rule out duplicity as a possible reason. Whatever the reason at the time, her father had certainly accepted the situation by 1805 when he made his Will and Sarah certainly continued to use the christian name Sarah in later years.

Subsequent references to Sarah indicate that the family was living at St Teath in 1819. An 1819 removal order from St Teath for James and Sarah Lee and their family, to St John's parish, Winchester, is firm evidence that Sarah Lee of St Teath had married James Lee from Hampshire. The order identifies four surviving children whose baptisms are yet to be found.

In the 1851 census, Sarah describes herself as "visitor, born Cornwall, British subject". The reference to her describing herself as a British subject may possibly have been prompted by her having recently returned from living abroad.


1778	c. 10Jun1778 St Teath. Sarah daughter of John Treise and Margaret (ER, COD)
1796	m. 19Dec1796	Stoke Damerel. (IGI M052425, FMP image)
	Eliza TRAYES otp spinster (marks)
	James LEE a soldier in the Hampshire Militia (marks)
	Witnesses: James ROGERS, Wm ROBERTS (both sign)
1805	a. 06May1805 when father makes Will with bequest to daughter Sarah Lee.
1819	Removal order. Jan 1819. Overseers of the Poor records. Winchester, St Johns. (Hants RO 88M81W/P04/340)
	James Lee, wife Sarah, and children James, William, Sarah & John, St John, Winchester from St Teath, Cornwall
	Includes details of suspension of removal due to illness.
1851	Census. Winchester.
	In household of George SINWICK & family
	Sarah LEE	Visitor	72	Widow	b. Cornwall, B. subject
	Charles GRACE	Visitor	19		b. Winchester, Hants

NOTE: Charles GRACE appears to be: -
	c. 17Jul1831	St Maurice, Winchester. Charles s/o William & Sarah (FS I03892-6)
	His parents appear to be m 26Dec1825 Winchester. William GRACE & Sarah BUNDY. Sarah BUNDY may be a widow nee LEE. 
	In the 1871 census he is a boarder in the household of James LEE & Sarah LEE in St Peter Colebrook
	Also in the household is James's sister in law Jane Root age 31 b. Winchester.
	James LEE himself was age 38 b. Ringwood. His father could be s/o one of James and Sarah LEE's sons. Unfortunately two possible baptisms
	are recorded at Ringwood.
	c. 23Jan1833	Ringwood. James John LEE s/o James & Elizabeth (C15056-1)
	c. 21Jul1833	Ringwood. James Walter LEE  s/o James Walter Lee & Sarah (C15056-1)
	No marriages to Elizabeth have been found, possible marriages to Sarah are: -
	m. 02Feb1819 Portsea. James LEE & Sarah Ann SHEPHERD (M06261-3)
	m. 01Mar1823 West Meon. James LEE & Sarah JERMAN (I04149-3)
	m. 15Dec1831 St John, Winchester. James LEE & Sarah COHEON (I04100)
	Of these the last marriage fits best for parish location but no further details are known.
Sp. James LEE
Nothing more discovered about him beyond what is given above.

	James LEE
	1804/5	b? Aged 14 in 1819 (per Removal Order)

	?William LEE
	1807/8	b? Aged 11 in 1819 (per Removal Order)

	Sarah LEE
	1812/3	b? Aged 6 in 1819 (per Removal Order)

	John LEE
	1814/5	b? Aged 4 in 1819 (per Removal Order)	


Family of Jennefer Trayes and William Cowling

Jennifer TREISE
1780	c. 26Dec1780 St Teath. Jennefer daughter of John Treise and Margaret his wife (ER,COD)
1802	m. 08Aug1802 St.Teath. William COWLING, bachelor of this parish (marks) (COD)
	Jenefer TREISE, spinster of this parish by banns (signs)
	Witnesses:	John TRAYES, William TRAYES
1805	a. 06May1805 when father makes Will with bequest to daughter Jenefer Cowling.
1841	Census. St Teath Churchtown (HO107/152 f23 p13-14)
	William Cowling 55 Ag Lab 	Born in County
	Ann Cowling 	55		- " -
	Abraham Kellow	25 Miner	- " -
1848	i. 10Aug1848 St Teath. Jenny Cowling aged 67 of St Teath Village (COD)	

sp. William COWLING
William Cowling states he is born in St Teath but no appropriate baptism around 1780 can be found.
A Nicholas Cowling is buried in St Teath 03Apr1811 and leaves a Will (AP/C/4573). He may be related to William.
1841	Census. With wife Jenny (misnamed Ann on census)
1851	Census. St Teath Churchtown (HO107/1898 f264 p25)
	William Cowling Head 	70 Ag Lab. 	b.St Teath
	Mary Beer	Servant	32		b.St Teath
	Elizabeth Beer	Serv Daur 7 Scholar	b.St Teath
1858	i. 05Apr1858 St Teath. William Cowling age 78 of Knights Mill (COD)
	William COWLING
	1803	c. 10Apr1803 St Teath. William Cowling son of William and Jennifer (COD)
	1831	i. 06Nov1831 St Teath. William Cowling age 28 of St Teath Village (COD)
	1805	c. 30Jul1805 St Teath. John Cowling son of William and Jennifer (COD)
	1840	m. Rebecca CHAPMAN and John COWLING (Camelford RD Apr-May-Jun 1840 9 61)

	Nicholas COWLING
	1808	c. 10Apr1808 St Teath. Nicholas Cowling son of William and Jennifer (COD)
	1832	m. 13Feb1832 Altarnun. Nicholas Cowling of St Teath (marks) and Mary Ham of Altarnun (marks) by Banns (COD)
		Witneses: Matthew Dennis, c. Pellow
	1841	Census. St Teath Churchtown (HO107/152 b14 f18 p5)
		Nicholas Cowling 30 Ag Lab 	Born in County
		Mary Cowling 	 30		Born in County
		Jane Cowling	  8		Born in County
		Nicholas Cowling  6		Born in County
		Mary Cowling	  2		Born in County
	1851	Census. St Teath Churchtown (HO107/1898 f264 p24)
		Nicholas Cowling Head 42 Ag Lab 	b. St Teath
		Mary Cowling 	 Wife 40		b. St Teath
		Jane Cowling	 Daur 18 Scholar	b. St Teath
		Mary Cowling	 Daur 12 Scholar	b. St Teath
	1887	i. 04Feb1887 St Teath. Nicholas Cowling age 78 of Knights Mill (COD)
	Sp. Mary HAM
	1888	i. 02Dec1888 St Teath. Mary Cowling age 78 of Knights Mill (COD)

	1812	c. 26Apr1812 St Teath. Samuel Cowling son of William and Jennifer (COD)
	1841	Census. St Teath whitewater (HO107/152 b14 f25 p19)
		Samuel Cowling	30 Ag Lab 	Born in County
		Charity Cowling	30		Born in County
		William Cowling	 9		Born in County
		Matilda Cowling  7		Born in County
		Sarah Cowling	 5		Born in County	
		Catherine Cowling 3		Born in County	
		Jane Cowling	 3mos		Born in County	
	1851	Census. St Teath whitewater (HO107/1898 f256 p9)
		Samuel Cowling	41 Fisherman 	b. St Teath
		Charity Cowling	41		b. St Breward		
		Sarah Cowling	15		b. St Teath	
		Catherine Cowling 11		b. St Teath	
		Jane Cowling	 9		b. St Teath
		Peggy Cowling	 7		b. St Teath
		Ann Cowling	 4		b. St Teath
		Samuel		 1		b. St Teath
	NOTE: Older children are out in service in 1851 census in St Teath area,
		Matilda Cowling 16 House servant b. Tintagel
		William Cowling	19 Ag Lab 	b. St Teath
	1871	Census. Lanteglos by Camelford. Helston Village (RG10/2219 f6 p4)
		Samuel Cowling Head 59 Ag lab b. St Teath
		Charity Cowling Wife 60  b. St Breward
		John Cowling Son 17 Ag Lab b. St Teath
	?1881	i. 03Feb1881 Bodmin. Samuel Cowling age 70 of Workhouse Bodmin (COD)		
	Sp. Charity ?ROGERS
	If she really was born in St. Breward:-
	c. 02Sep1810 St. Breward. Charity Rogers dau of William and Hannah (COD)
	c. 11Jun1820 St. Breward. Charity Masters dau of Henry and Mary (COD)
	i. 04Jan1877 St Breward. Charity Cowling age 65 of Camelford
	In one census she names herself as charity R Cowling (perhaps R for Rogers?)
	Certainly the Rogers baptism is the best fit of these two options.

		1836	c. 10Jul1836 St Teath. Sarah Cowling daur of Samuel and Cherry (COD)

	Margaret COWLING
	1816	c. 25Aug1816 St Teath. Margaret Cowling daur of William, husbandman of Churchtown and Jennifer (COD)
	1836	i. 14Oct1836 St Teath. Margaret Cowling age 20 of St Teath Village (COD)

	1820	c. 19Mar1920 St Teath. James Cowling son of William, labourer of Churchtown and Jane (COD)
	1841	Census. St Teath Churchtown (HO107/152 b14 f21 p10)
		Susan Cowling 	66 Pauper (struck through) 	Born in County
		James Cowling 	21 Quarryman			Born in County
		William Cowling 25 Ag Lab			Born in County
	1845	m. Camelford RD. James Fry Cowling and Harriett Mannell (Apr-May-Jun 1845 9 63)
	1851	Census. St Teath Churchtown (HO107/1898 f264 p25)
		James Cowling 	Head 31	Ag Lab	b. St Teath
		Arriott Cowling Wife 33		b. Lanivett
		James Cowling	Son   5		b. St Endellion
		John Cowling	Son   3		b. St Endellion
		Thomas M Cowling Son  3mos	b. St Teath
	In 1871 census he calls himself James Fry Cowling and is then a miller.
	1903	i. 28Nov1903 St Teath. James Fry Cowling age 80 of Churchtown (COD)
	Sp. Harriet MANNEL
	1817	c. 20Jul1817 Lanivet. Harriett Mannel dau of James and Elizabeth mason of Hoopers Bridge (COD)
	1889 	i. 19Apr1889 St Teath. Harriet Cowling age 71 of St Teath Village (COD)


Bastardy Bond Thomas Tries (CRO AD/128/2/3A)

This is a handwritten document. Stamped in the top right hand corner is "Eight Pence Quire" in a circle surmounted by a crown.
In the document a long gap appears between the words "the above bounden Thomas Tries" and the next words "their Heirs". It may be that there was an intention to later add other names in the gap which were not known at the time of writing. That would certainly explain why the next words are "their Heirs" rather than "his heirs".


Know all men by these presents that we Thomas Tries of the Borough of Camelford and parish of Lanteglos in the County of Cornwall are joyntly and severally held and firmly bound to George Carew and John Wallis Overseers of the Poor of the Borough and parish of Camelford and Lanteglos as also to William Coleman and John Seccombe Churchwardens for and in the said (?) borough together in the penal sum of fourscore pounds lawful money of Great Britain to be paid to the said Gerge Carew and John Wallis or to the said William Coleman or John Seccombe or to either of them their Heirs Executors or Administrators to the which payment well and truly to be made we bind ourselves our Heirs Executors or Administrators formally by these presents Sealed with our Seals dated the second day of March in the eighth year of the reign of our sovereign ... ... Great Britain etc Anno Dom 1721.

The Condition of this obligation is such that whereas Elizabeth Hill daughter of Charles Hill of the borough of Camelford and parish of Lanteglos in the County of Cornwall was lately delivered and brought to God of A base or bastard child and whereas the said base Child is likely to become chargeable and burdensome to the said borough of Camelford and parish of Lanteglos. If therefore the above bounden Thomas Tries - - - their heirs executors and administrators do and shall from time to time and at all times hereafter during the space of seven years now next ensuing fully and clearly pay free and discharge the above named George Carew and John Wallis as also the said William Coleman and John Seccombe their heirs executors and administrators overseers for the poor and churchwardens of and in the said borough and parish their and every of their successor or successors in the said office or offices for the time being which shall happen to be occasioned or brought for or by reason of the said Bastard Child then this obligation to be void and of none effect or else to remain in full force and virtue

The sign of Thomas T Tries

Sealed and delivered in presence of us

Nicho. Horndon
Michael Giles

Apprenticeship indenture - William Hills to Thomas Treayes (CRO AD128/3/8)

This is a printed document. In the transcript below, the handwritten entries are shown in italics.
The surname is spelt in two different ways on the outside/cover, and a third way in the document itself.

In the following section, the final "his" appears to lack a noun but the gap in printing is too small to fit another word :
"demean and behave himself towards his said Master and all his during the said term."


1729 Wm. Hills indre. to Thos Traise
William Hills Indenture to Thomas Treayes

Indenture itself - printed document with Two Pence stamped on it

THIS INDENTURE made the Fourteenth Day of January in the third (Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King Defender of the Faith etc. Ann Dom 1729 Witnesseth that Jonathan Pomroy & Phillip Inch Churchwardens of the Parish of Lanteglos in the County of Cornwall And William Coleman and Richard Nicols Overseers of the Poor of the said Parish, by and with the Consent of his Majesty`s Justices of the Peace for the said County whose Names are hereunto subscribed, have put and placed and by these Presents do put and place William Hill a base and poor Child of the said Parish, Apprentice to Thomas Trays of the said parish with him to dwell and serve from the Day of the Date of these Presents, until the said Apprentice shall accomplish his full Age his of twenty four years according to the Statute in that Case made and provided: During all which term, the said Apprentice his said Master faithfully shall serve in all lawful Business, according to his Power, Wit, Ability; and honestly, orderly, and obediently in all Things demean and behave himself towards his said Master and all his during the said term. And the said Thomas Trays for himself his Executors and Administrators, doth Covenant and Grant to and with the said Churchwardens and Overseers, and every of them, their and every of their Executors and Administrators, and their and every of their Successors for the time being, by these Presents, That the said William Hill the said Apprentice in the Art of a mason shall teach & instruct And shall and will, during all the term aforesaid, find, provide and allow unto the said Apprentice, meet, competent, and sufficient Meat, Drink, and Apparel, Lodging, Washing, and all other Things necessary and fit for an Apprentice. And also shall and will so provide for the said Apprentice, that he be not in any way a Charge to the said Parish, or Parishioners of the same: but of and from all Charge shall and will save the said Parish and Parishioners harmless and indemnify during the said term. And at the end of the said term, shall and will make, provide, allow, and deliver unto the said Apprentice double Apparel of all sorts, good and new, (that is to say) a good new Suit for the Holy-days, and another for the Working-days. In Witness whereof, the Parties abovesaid to these present Indentures interchangeably have put their Hands and seals the Day and Year above-written.

Sealed and Delivered
the sine of Thomas Trays

in the Presence of
William Phillipps
William Burton

We whose Names are subscribed, Justices of the Peace of the County aforesaid do (Quorum unus) consent to the putting forth of the above said William Hill Apprentice, according to the Intent and Meaning of the Indenture abovesaid.

Edward Bennet
Sam; Gilberty

Court judgment Mary Treise


3rd Nov. 1746

Libel against Thomas Pope of Camelford
- Treise ag. Pope

Sheet with 'Seven Pence Quire' Stamp
In the name of God Amen before you the worshipful John Sleech Clerk Master of Arts Archdeacon of the Archdeaconry of Cornwall lawfully constituted your official or lawful surrogate or some other competent judge in this behalf the Proctor of Mary Treise the wife of Thomas Treise of the borough of Camelford within the said Archdeaconry against Thomas Pope of the same borough driller and ag. any and every other person or persons whereon appearing in judgment for him by way of complaint and hereby complaining unto you in this behalf in a cause of defamation doth say allege and by these presents in Law doth articulately propound as follows (to wit)

1. First that all and every person and persons who do unlawfully and contrary to manner utter speak report or affirm of any one reproachful scandalous or defamatory words lending to the hurting or diminution of the good fame and reputation of any person were and are according to Law lawfully and canonically to be admonished and compelled to a reclamation of such defamatory words and from the same for the future to desist and this was and is true and so forth.

2nd. Also that notwithstanding the premisses but the same being true the aforesaid Thomas Pope being unmindful of his souls health and not having the fear of God before his eyes in the year 1745 last past or in one of the months of the said year or in the month or months of March April May June July August September or October of this present year 1746 all some or one of them within the aforesaid borough of Camelford or other places thereto adjacent in an angry reproachful and invidious manner several times (or at least once) before sundry credible witnesses did defame the said Mary the wife of the said Thomas Treise who was before a person of good reputation and character and speaking to or of and naming meaning or intending the said Mary Treise the party agent in this cause said affirmed and published several times (or at least once) the words following (to wit) you are, thou art, or she is (naming meaning or signifying the said Mary Treise) a whore, and this was and is true and so forth and the party proponent doth propound and allege everything in this also complaining jointly and severally.

3rd. Also that by reason of the speaking the said defamatory words the good name fame and reputation of the said Mary Treise the wife of the said Thomas Treise is very much hurt and injured amongst her neighbours acquaintances and others and this was and is true and so forth.

4th. That the said Thomas Pope was and is an inhabitant and resident within the aforesaid borough of Camelford and therefore subject to the jurisdiction of this court and the party proponent doth propound and allege as before.

5th. Also that the said Mary (the wife of the said Thomas Treise) the party agent in this cause hath rightly and duly complained of the premisses to you the Archdeacon official or surrogate aforesaid and to this Court and the party proponent doth allege as before.

6th. Also that all and singular the premisses were and are true public and notorious and thereof there was and is a public voice ... and report and of which legal proof being made the party proponent humbly prays right and justice to be effectively administered to him and his party in the premisses and that the said Thomas Pope for his ... in the premisses be duly forced and compelled to retract and reclaim the defamatory words aforesaid and that for the future he refrain from uttering such defamatory words aforesaid and that for the future he refrain from uttering such defamatory words as aforesaid and that he be condemned in the costs made or to be made in this cause on the part and behalf of the said Mary Treise (the wife of Thomas Treise) and compelled to the due payment thereof by you and your definitive sentence and final decree to be given in this cause and further to do and decree in the premisses what shall be lawful in this behalf not obliging himself to several and singular the premisses or to the burden of a superfluous proof ... the party proponent protests and prays that so far as she shall prove in the premisses she may obtain the benefit of the law being always preserved humbly imploring the aid of your office in this behalf.


Settlement Order - 1819

This is a printed document into which the italicised words have been inserted.

CORNWALL. To the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of the parish of Saint Teath in the County of Cornwall and to the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of the parish of Saint Johns in the County of Hants and to each and every of them.

Upon the Complaint of the Church-wardens and Overseers of the Poor of the parish of Saint Teath aforesaid, in the said County of Cornwall unto us whose Names are hereunto set, and Seals fixed, being two of his Majesty's Justices of the peace, in and for the said County of Cornwall and one of us of the Quorum, that James Lee, Sarah Lee his wife and James aged fourteen years William aged eleven years Sarah aged six years and John aged four years their children are come to inhabit in the said parish of Saint Teath not having gained a legal settlement there; nor produced any Certificate owning them to be settled elsewhere; and that the said James Lee, Sarah his wife and James William Sarah and John their children are actually chargeable to the said parish of Saint Teath we the said Justices upon due Proof thereof as well upon the Examination of the said James Lee upon Oath, as otherwise, and likewise upon due Consideration had of the Premises, do adjudge the same to be true; and we do likewise adjudge that the lawful Settlement of the said James Lee, Sarah his wife and James, William, Sarah and John their children is in the parish of Saint Johns in the said County of Hants we do therefore require you the said Church-wardens and Overseers of the poor of the said parish of Saint Teath or some one of you, to convey the said James Lee, Sarah his wife and James, William, Sarah and John their Children from and out of your said parish of Saint Teath to the said parish of Saint Johns and them to deliver to the said Church-wardens and Overseers of the Poor there, or to some or one of them, together with this our Order, or a true Copy thereof, at the same Time shewing to them the Original; and we do hereby require you and the said Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of the said parish of Saint Johns to receive and provide for them as Inhabitants of your Parish.

Given under our hands and Seals the twenty eighth Day of January in the fifty ninth Year of the Reign of his Majesty, GEORGE the third and in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and nineteen

Joseph Pomery

Following is a handwritten receipt attached to the document

Received this 9 day of June 1819 of Mr Pickering the sum of Four Pounds 16/- as per annexed order.

Robt Bake overseer of the Parish of Saint Teath.

On back of Receipt appear the words: -
"The Treasurers of New Waltham Road
Jo. I. Lamp.


31Aug1883 Letter from W H TRAYES to NZ Agent General

Tynes St, Teath
Augt 31st 1883

Dear Sir

I find it necessary to offer some explanation respecting my brother John Trayes who is nominated with myself and family and desires a passage to New Zealand - the Dr cannot certify for him on account of a slight mental defect (which is not hereditary) but caused by inflammation of the brain in childhood. He is not worse now than at my earliest recollection. The Dr can certify for him respecting his health also to improbability of mental distraction - my brother having capital would not become chargeable to the Colony. I and my brother have always lived together and have been farming together for the last twelve years. My brother deriving no profit neither subject to loss retains his money undiminished. Owing to adverse circumstances I have sustained considerable loss. As he has no other friends I have undertaken to provide him a home if needs be. I can verify this statement if required to do so. No doubt you are aware of his full passage money being paid in the Colony. As we desire not to be separated and ask your approval when I will forward the schedule for your consideration.

Yours most respectfully
(signed) William H Trayes,
Tyne St, Teath
Camelford, Cornwall

For more information, please look at this link. The information set out there is very well articulated and many thanks are due to Lisa DUGGAN, the person who researched this and made the information available to others. In brief, the papers described there include information that: -
- William's family were nominated by James TRAYES, a stonemason living in Auckland and the amount of £32.15.0 was paid on March 19th 1883.
- However because William's brother John, who was to come with them, had learning difficulties passage to NZ could not be approved.
- His sister, not named in the file (but thought here to be Jane YOUNG), had called into the Agent-General's office in London and confirmed his learning difficulties.
- William sent the letter above.


George and Ellen MURRAY nee TRAYES 60th wedding anniversary

(Cambridge Chronicle, 16Jan1915)


Mr. and Mrs. George Murray Celebrate Anniversary with Family Gathering at Their Home, 202 Franklin Street -Sixteen Grandchildren and One Great-grandchild Present

Mr. and Mrs. George Murray, of 202 Franklin street, celebrated the 60th anniversary of their wedding last Saturday evening. Five sons and four daughters, with their families, were present to greet the venerable couple.

Mr. and Mrs. Murray married in 1856, at Bowmanville, Canada, where Mr. Murray, at the time, was employed as an engineer at the Grand Trunk railroad quarry. Mrs. Murray was Miss Ellen M. Trayes. She was born in London but spent her youth in Canada. For several years Mr. and Mrs. Murray lived in Cleveland, Ohio, where two of their children were born. In 1864 they came east. Mr. Murray, who is 81 years old, was foreman for the late Lyman D. Kingsley before establishing the firm of Murray, Moore & Co., in Kendall square, which awe dissolved in 1882. He is a master mechanic and has invented several appliances, among them a spherical engine which is in use in vessels in the British navy.

Mrs. Murray has been prominent in the United Order of Odd Ladies, Wm. H. Smart, W. R. C., No. 27, the Knights and Ladies of Honor, and other organizations. In the gathering Saturday night were Mr. and Mrs. John M. Murray; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Murray, of Newton; Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Murray, Mr. and Mrs. George L. Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Murray, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lewis, (Della Murray); Mrs. Frank M. Heazle (Nellie Murray), Mrs. Cora Murray McCurdy, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Ruggles (Edith Murray).


The London Gazette, 22 Oct 1937 p6550

Re Frederick Sydney Trayes Deceased
Pursuant to the Trustee Act 1925

Notice is hereby given that all creditors and others having any claims against the estate of Frederick Sydney Trayes deceased late of "Penallt" Weston-super-Mare in the County of Somerset Gentleman who died on the 12th day of Septemeber 1936 and whose will was proved at the Landuff District Probate Registry on the 12th day of November by Arthur Clement Tweedy (who has since died on teh 29th day of May 1937) and Clement Henry Reynolds the executors therein named are hereby required to send particulars thereof in writing to teh undersigned Solicitors on or before the 31st day of December 1937 after which date the said Clement Henry Reynolds as surviving executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice and will not be liable for the assets of the deceased or any part thereof so distributed to any person or persons of whose claims or demands he shall not then have had notice - Daed this 19th day of October 1937

W.R.POWELL and Sons
Lloyds Bank Chambers, High St., Weston-super-Mare, Solicitors for the surviving executor



May2012ALLDate first posted.
Aug2012Stephen TRAYESDetails of marriage of Stephen to Elizabeth EMERY
Jan2013John & Margaret WILKEY Daughter Margaret added plus details of daughter Ann's marriage.
Mar2013Thomas & Catherine TREISPossibility Thomas is son of John and Philippa Treis of Stoke Climsland
Mar2013John & Florence TREISEPossiblity John is son of John and Philippa Treis of Stoke Climsland, plus possible parents of Florence RODGERS
May2013John & Sarah LEE?witnesses m. 1816 Stoke Damerel Elizabeth TREAYS - removed - Elizabeth LEE found to be regular church witness
Aug2013Wm. & Eliz. GOODMANAddition of possible marriage of Eliza TRAYES plus family
Jan2014 Thomas & Mary HENWOODDetails of parents and siblings
Feb2014Rebecca Bate TRAYESIdentification of 2nd husband
Feb2014Sarah & James LEE1819 Removal order from St Teath to Winchester including names of children
Feb2014John & MargaretLinks between their daughters & Thomas TRAYS s/o William TREAYS of Wiveliscombe
Mar2014John & MargaretPossible further references to John as witness to St Teath parish marriages
Mar2014Wm. & CatherineLetter re possible emigration to New Zealand. Sarah Lee - settlement order 1819.
Apr2014John & MargaretDoubts as to whether John of St Teath is the John of this marriage.
Oct2014John & Mary TRAYESMIs at Prairie Cemetery, Grant County, Wisconsin for John, Mary and Daughter Ellen Wilcox Wenzel
Feb2016John & Mary RUNNALLSSome details of their Canadian family and John's siblings, some of whom also emigrated.
Feb2016John & Mary RUNNALLSCorrection to death records relating to John's mother.
Mar2016John & Mary RUNNALLSExtra data given by descendant added
Nov2017Thomas & Catherine TREISEvidence wife is nee PAUL. Burial of dau. Katherine Ritley. Baptism of Catherine Paul SIMMONDS.